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Newsfeed > Jacob's Profile
Jacob's family
Raising livestock
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($307 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I'm truly excited about the prospect of fencing my farm. It represents a significant step towards securing a brighter future for my family. Right now, we have an open field where anyone or anything can access our crops. This has been a constant worry for me, especially now that I'm trying to cultivate various fruits like pawpaws and mangoes. These crops are a source of sustenance and a potential income generator. I envision a thriving orchard that feeds my family and produces surplus fruit for sale, providing a steady income. Additionally, I've used part of the funds to purchase horsepipe, essential for efficient irrigation. I believe this investment will increase the yield from my farm and contribute to our financial well-being. Furthermore, I'm looking to create a tree nursery, this endeavor can serve two purposes. Firstly, it will provide additional income as I sell seedlings to fellow community members looking to start or expand their farms. Secondly, it contributes to the environmental well-being of our area, as more trees mean better soil and water conservation.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly's cash transfers have been an incredible blessing for our community, leading to swift and meaningful changes in our lives. The lump sum cash we received has brought about a remarkable transformation that has improved our living conditions and bolstered our self-reliance. With the funds, we've managed to invest in essential areas like housing, farming, and education. Many of us have constructed better homes, protected our farms from intruders, and ensured our children's access to quality education. These changes have not only enhanced our daily lives but have also instilled a sense of hope and optimism. In addition to the tangible improvements, GiveDirectly's approach has provided us with vital financial skills. We've learned how to manage money wisely, save for the future, and make informed financial decisions. This knowledge has shielded us from scams and has also empowered us to seize opportunities that come our way. Beyond individual impact, our entire community has been inspired to strive for a brighter future. More people are engaging in productive activities, launching small businesses, and investing in their homes and farms. This collective effort has elevated our community's well-being and fostered a spirit of unity and shared goals.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The struggles in our community have been numerous, especially when it comes to access to essential resources like water and education. However, thanks to the support from GiveDirectly, positive changes have started to take shape. With $120, I decided to invest in a water tank. Water scarcity has been a significant issue in our community, and we were often forced to buy water from the nearby school. Unfortunately, this source was becoming unreliable as water became scarcer. So, having our water tank was a crucial step towards securing a steady water supply for my family. I also used the funds to invest in livestock. I bought three goats for $150 and three chickens for $10. Livestock can provide a source of income and nutrition for our family, making us less reliant on external resources. i also spent $170 towards paying my son's school fees. He's currently in form four, and education is a priority. Before receiving assistance from GiveDirectly, I had to rely on casual work, like selling tree posts, to make ends meet. This often meant that paying school fees was a constant struggle. These investments and payments have made a considerable impact on our lives. We're slowly becoming more self-reliant, and our children have better access to education. It's a step-by-step journey towards a secure future, and we're thankful to GiveDirectly for making it all possible.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($349 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Prior to leaving my previous residence in 2011, I was farming on a 5-acre plot of land with 240 goats and 30 cows, all of which were raided and stolen by livestock rustlers from the neighboring community. I moved to a new home, fearing for my life, and am now living on my uncle's land. Since security in the area has been increased, I hope to begin preparing the five-acre plot of land for the plantation once the rain begins. I would also like to build a structure where I can live during land preparation, crop management, and harvesting when the crops are ready.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Life was difficult prior to receiving the first transfer, but I am grateful that a lot has happened in the last three months, which I attribute to GiveDirectly's generous support. My son would have dropped out of school and my livestock would have died if I had not been able to spend the money however I saw fit. I am glad the process went smoothly and fairly for everyone, and we got the same amount of money we spent without any strings attached. The officers have always been concerned and conduct a monthly visit, clarifying all questions we ask with great humility.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Despite the fact that I have lost my wife and my elder son in recent months, I am grateful for GiveDirectly's support and the assistance I have received from my three sons, who have been doing casual labor in a nearby shopping center. I moved from the first land I owned when my herd was raided. I was fortunate not to be hurt. I built two houses on my uncle's land and currently have 16 goats, which I hope to multiply and sell in the future to help fund other projects. Finding fresh water for my livestock has been difficult, and I have had to purchase a 25000-liter plastic tank for $180, which I refill once after three weeks for $20. So far, this has sustained my goats as well as some of the water used in household routines. I also paid $150 for my son's tuition, and I hope to clear the remaining arrears of $60 with a portion of the subsequent transfer. I am relieved that he will soon complete his studies, relieving me of the difficult task of facilitating his studies. I used some of the remaining funds to build a shed after purchasing four iron sheets for $36, two metallic poles for $18, and two bags of cement for $16. I incurred a $60 transportation cost as well as a $20 labor charge. I now have a plastic tank and am looking forward to installing gutters around the roof to collect rainwater in the future.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
Words can't express the happiness that I had when I saw a text message on my screen displayed showing I had received money from GiveDirectly. It was at 3 pm, seated outside my house reading. There was too much heat inside the house. I asked my son to come and confirm whether what I had read in the text was true. He confirmed, and at that moment it was when I believed. I'm grateful for the support of this cash transfer that's nondiscriminatory to anyone. Since we were all equally served respectfully.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I see hope for a better tomorrow since the onset of the goat-rearing business. This is because goats breed and multiply especially when the weather conditions are favourable to them. I'm happy that finances have been increased and thus I don't necessarily need to be reliant on my children for survival.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My story is sad. Life hasn't been easy, and I've been through several tough times of late. I have been holding on and choosing to endure for my grandchildren's sake. They give me hope in life. I moved away from my original homeland as a result of a war that broke out in Arabal due to banditry. in 2010, I had to relocate to Bartungel village to safeguard our lives. I had a son who worked with Kenya's army and he was our breadwinner until his demise in a road accident in August, last year. Two weeks later, my wife passed on due to the shock of losing our son. I was heartbroken. I am yet to recover from this terrible dream. I am dependent on my children who work in Marigat town for the upkeep as I also live with my grandkids. Upon receipt of the cash, I spent $120 to purchase three goats and $50 to buy a bag of maize. I spent an additional $12 to buy four hens. I am so happy that the support has brought me joy and hope to us.
access_time almost 2 years ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Giving my children quality and good education is my desire. I have two school going children in secondary school but since I do not have a stable income paying for their school fees in full amount has been a uphill task. When my wife fell sick until her demise I have never worked and all the income I earned from selling livestock went into catering for her medication. I currently have KES 25,000 in arrears which I plan to clear using the transfers and pay for next year's tuition fees. I am happy because the transfers will lift a heavy burden from me and I can concentrate on other things. Also my children will have ample time to study minimizing the time they waste at home when they are sent to collect school fees. I believe that their performance will improve thus a bright future for them and me.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My son lost his life ten months ago through a tragic road accident. We were all in shock and this resulted to my wife illness immediately after we buried him a month later. Since then, she was in and out of hospital until a month ago when she succumbed to it. I am still in grief because of losing them and my life has never been thesame again. As a result, nothing has brought me happiness for the last six months.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
This year has been of bad lack since I lost my son ten months ago and my wife passed on a month ago. I have never had the peace of mind and I sometimes have sleepless nights. My wife was my biggest supporter because she helped me raise the children and also contributed to the household income. I still find it difficult to adjust to the fact that they are not with us which has greatly affected my health and mental being. My relatives support my financially until when I will be able to work again and fend for the family.