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Newsfeed > Edwin's Profile
Edwin's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($295 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My main objective is to elevate my avocado-selling business to new heights by raising additional capital. I am convinced that with increased financial resources, I can implement strategies to enhance the quality of my products, expand my market reach, and ultimately reap substantial profits. By diligently reinvesting these earnings and adopting sound financial practices, my aim is not just short-term success but long-term financial security. I envision a future where the fruits of my labor not only yield delicious avocados but also a stable and prosperous foundation for myself and those dependent on the success of my enterprise.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has truly excelled in empowerment, and I am a living testament to its impact. The unconditional money they provided became the catalyst for transforming my business. With a strategic investment of the funds, I was able to boost my business significantly. The support from GiveDirectly empowered me to make decisions that not only sustained my livelihood but also allowed my business to thrive. This financial injection enabled me to expand my offerings, reach a broader customer base, and enhance the overall efficiency of my operations.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Determined to improve my farming conditions, I allocated $250 of my recent unconditional cash transfer to buy barbed wire and poles for fencing my farm. Persistent invasions by goats and other wild animals had been causing significant losses to my crops each season. This initiative aimed at practicing irrigation would now become a reality without the constant threat of destruction. As a farmer, the prospect of protecting my harvests brought immense happiness and renewed hope. Having finished that, I allocated $95 for food. The challenge of a consistent drought in our region had made regular meals a luxury. Being able to eat two times a day now brings a sense of relief and improved well-being. Additionally, I invested $80 in purchasing new clothes for myself. It might seem like a small thing, but wearing decent clothes has significantly boosted my confidence. Previously, ragged attire not only affected how I felt about myself but also influenced how others perceived me. Lastly, with the remaining $25, I decided to bolster my avocado-selling business in the village. As a single individual, this venture has been my primary source of income. I'm elated to see that my profit has tripled, from $1 to $3, providing a more stable financial foundation. This not only secures my present but also instills hope for a more prosperous future, especially as I plan for a family.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($307 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My vision for the future is filled with opportunities for growth and prosperity. With the goal of expanding my farm and improving its irrigation system, I aim to make the most of the dam we have in our vicinity. By using the hosepipe, I can efficiently channel water into my farm, ensuring that my crops thrive, and our lives would take a positive turn. Additionally, I aspire to expand my fruit business into something bigger, perhaps a well-stocked grocery shop. This would provide a convenient shopping destination for the community and offer me a stable source of income. Furthermore, I plan to establish a tree nursery where I can grow and sell seedlings. This venture has the potential to boost our income and even create job opportunities for others in the community. These aspirations reflect my determination to secure a better future for my family and contribute positively to our community. With the support and opportunities provided by GiveDirectly, I am confident that I can achieve these goals and bring about meaningful change in our lives.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has made a significant impact on our community. Those who previously lacked homes made of iron sheets have been able to build them, transforming the overall appearance of our village. The absence of mud houses has elevated the status of our community, and it's heartening to see the positive changes that have taken place. The support from GiveDirectly has not only improved individual lives but also enhanced the overall living conditions in our village, making it a better place for all of us.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Firstly, I bought chainlink fencing for $160. This was crucial to protect my farm from intruders like goats and to facilitate irrigation, ensuring that my crops would thrive. To further improve my farm's irrigation system, I purchased a hosepipe for $95. This would help me efficiently water my crops, ensuring their healthy growth. I also allocated $40 to buy clothes. Looking presentable, especially during official meetings or community gatherings, is important to me. Another essential investment was $50 on tree posts. These would be used to support the growth of trees on my farm, adding to the overall sustainability and beauty of the land. Finally, I spent $70 on food. Before receiving the transfers, I was selling fruits to individuals and supplying kiosks in the area as a means of generating income. This investment in food would help ensure that my family had enough to eat and that I could focus more on other aspects of improving our livelihoods.These investments have not only enhanced my farm but also improved our overall quality of life. I am grateful for the opportunities that GiveDirectly transfers have provided me and my family.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($141 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
Receiving a text message on my screen, notifying me of a funds from GiveDirectly, filled me with an indescribable joy. The moment remains vivid in my memory; I was at the borehole, fetching water when my phone buzzed with the message. To my surprise, Segovia Technologies had deposited a substantial amount of money into my Mpesa account. The assistance we received has made a profound impact on our lives, and for that, I am truly grateful.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The support I received has truly transformed my daily life. With the funds, I swiftly fulfill my dream of renovating my kitchen, which has made a tremendous difference in my day-to-day activities. Additionally, I wisely invested in setting up an irrigation system that holds the potential to boost my financial stability. The impact of this support on me is immeasurable, and I cannot express enough gratitude for how it has elevated our living standards.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Some times back, my wife and I decided to separate as things didn't work out between us. It was a challenging time, and she chose to move out with our child. Despite the difficulties, I had to move forward and find a way to support myself. My livelihood depended on selling fruits, vegetables, and taking up casual jobs. When I received my first transfer from GiveDirectly, it brought a glimmer of hope. I knew I had to make the most of it. Prioritizing my needs, I decided to invest $65 in purchasing water pipes to set up an irrigation system for easier farming. Additionally, $47 went into renovating my almost dilapidated kitchen, making it functional and safe. I then spent $20 for essential food supplies and used the remaining funds to buy other household necessities. The support from GiveDirectly has been a lifeline for me, enabling me to achieve my goals in a remarkably short period. Before, I was held back by financial constraints, but now, I feel a sense of gratitude and empowerment as I take significant steps towards a better future. Thank you, GiveDirectly, for making this positive change in my life possible.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Having a chance to receive the transfers from GiveDirectly means a lot to me. I have had a difficult time getting casual work because of the prolonged drought and with the transfers, I will have a chance to transform my life positively. For the first portion of the transfers, I plan to buy pipes and pay a plumber to let them down for me at about $100. Through this, I will get enough supply of water from the school near my home. This will give me a chance to do irrigation on my farm which will ensure that I have a constant supply of food. For the remaining amount and the second transfer, I plan to build a kitchen. I plan to use about $200 of the transfers for this. This will ensure that I have a good cooking area since I'm forced to cook inside my current house and the smoke becomes too much for me sometimes. For the remaining transfers, I plan to fence my small farm with about $400 of the transfers this will give me a chance to do farming since goats and other livestock will not eat my crops. I will also purchase food with the remaining amount which will last me for the rest of the year. With the transfers, my life will surely change positively and I'm grateful that I have been selected to be one of the beneficiaries.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My happiness in the past 6 months comes from two months ago. I was very delighted because of a visit from one of my cousins, Alfayo who came from Baringo Central. He managed to bring me fruits and other food stuff which made me very happy. I still feel happy to this day whenever I remember his visit.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Challenges I'm facing at the moment are many such as a lack of food and money. However, the greatest challenge I'm facing is the lack of money which has been caused by insufficient work. Since we depend on farming to get casual labor, it has been a challenge to get work due to the prolonged drought which has led to a lack of farming and therefore, a lack of work. This has affected me greatly since I don't have money to buy food and I'm forced to go far looking for menial work. This has made my life very difficult. Additionally, the prolonged drought has led to a lack of water both for domestic use and also for farming. This has made our lives very difficult.