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Newsfeed > Paulina's Profile
Paulina's family
Raising livestock
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($339 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming years and beyond, my focus is on enhancing the productivity of my farm. Last year, I faced setbacks with my two-acre plantation due to a poor harvest caused by prolonged dry weather, which reduced the water supply from the river we rely on for irrigation. To mitigate this, I plan to invest in a generator for pumping water and hire workers to help me properly align the water system. With this improvement, I am confident that my maize crops will receive adequate water, leading to increased yields and income from their sale. This will alleviate the financial burden on my children, who also have their families to support.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
What stands out to me about GD is the courteousness of their staff. The individuals involved in the recruitment process were exceptionally kind, taking the time to explain the project in simple terms and ensuring that we fully understood everything. They even provided guidance on conducting Mpesa transactions, which was immensely helpful. I am truly grateful for their assistance. In terms of improvement, I honestly have no suggestions as everything was executed perfectly, and we received all the transfers as promised. Thank you, GD.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have always desired to purchase a water tank for harvesting and storing water. Water scarcity is a significant challenge in our area, often requiring us to travel long distances and wait in lengthy queues at the borehole, which serves a large community. Sometimes, I have to buy water, which is costly at $0.4 for a 20-liter jerrycan. Being dependent on my children for financial support due to my old age, this expense adds strain to our finances. However, I added $170 from the second transfer to my savings from the women's table banking group that I am in. This enabled me to buy a 3000-litre water tank. Having it on my compound brings immense relief as it eases the burden of fetching water, and I can now access water from a cheaper source; water bowser truck, reducing our expenses significantly. Additionally, I have fenced my half-acre land where I have planted mango fruits. Livestock encroachment has been a persistent threat, causing damage and reducing production. Using $150, I bought posts and two barbed wires, with plans to complete the fencing soon. This will safeguard my fruits and create an opportunity to cultivate vegetables for our domestic use. Furthermore, I used $80 in acquiring one Dorper sheep to add to the two I previously purchased. These sheep are low-maintenance and reproduce faster, providing a potential source of income through the sale of their offspring.I spent the remaining $50 to purchase food to ensure that my family of four does not go hungry.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($287 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year and beyond, I have a new goal to finalize the construction of a fence around my piece of land. This serves the vital purpose of safeguarding my property from potential damage caused by stray livestock and other wild animals. Considering the prevalent drought in our region, my plan also involves acquiring a water tank to efficiently collect rainwater, reducing the need to purchase water from vendors and cutting costs. Reflecting on the past, I had raised goats, but I had to sell them to settle school fee arrears. Looking forward, I aim to purchase at least four sheep in the future. Recognizing their fast growth and reproductive capabilities, I anticipate that they will provide a sustainable source of income through breeding and multiplication.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Since the start of this program, my family has experienced a significant improvement in our quality of life, enjoying an ample supply of food, new clothes, and the ability to cover school fees for my children. These positive outcomes have witnessed appreciation from many in the community, and I am optimistic that similar transformations are taking place in neighboring villages. Despite the strong trust in the approach and process, there are lingering concerns in villages not yet enrolled, as uncertainty prevails about whether they will ever receive such support. Our collective hope and prayer are that every community will have the opportunity to benefit from this program, fostering positive transformations for families across the region.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving the first transfer from GiveDirectly, I had enlisted a lot that I wanted to accomplish, prioritizing the well-being of my family of four. I spent $68 on essential food items, securing a sack of maize, beans, and other household consumables. Recognizing the need for enhanced security and livestock management, I invested $43 in acquiring a barbed wire to fence around my piece of land, facilitating easier grazing and preventing stray goats from the neighborhood. Addressing a significant cultural milestone, I dedicated funds to cover my son's circumcision expenses, including a fee of $8, a sack of maize worth $43, and the purchase of a goat for $85—a customary and essential rite of passage for every teenage boy. To ensure my children's well-being and address household needs, I wisely utilized the remaining $96 on clothing and essential household goods. The support from GiveDirectly has been instrumental, and I look forward to making further meaningful investments with the subsequent transfers, expressing my gratitude for the positive impact on my family's life.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($133 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
Receiving the transfer while at my son's home brought an unexpected surge of joy. I had gone visiting, celebrating the arrival of a new member in the family as my son's wife had just given birth. However, amidst this joyous occasion, unexpected news arrived like an unwelcome guest. My spouse conveyed the disheartening news that both our main house and the one designated for our children had been ravaged by the unrelenting forces of the wind. This unforeseen calamity disrupted all our plans, casting a shadow over what was supposed to be a moment of familial celebration. Suddenly, the immediate concern became fixing this pressing issue of our damaged homes.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Our lives have undergone a remarkable transformation, and the speed at which we secured a new house is nothing short of a blessing. This swift change has brought about a substantial shift in our financial dynamics. We used to heavily depend on borrowing, frequently turning to our dedicated children who work in casual jobs to assist us, especially when we faced shortages in essential supplies like food. The fact that we now find ourselves less reliant on borrowing, especially for daily necessities, fills us with a deep sense of gratitude towards GiveDirectly for the invaluable support that has truly made a significant impact on our lives.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The task of rebuilding our home took a front seat in my priorities, and I invested $130 into the construction. The decision to reconstruct was born out of necessity; our previous dwelling, made of old iron sheets, had succumbed to the relentless force of the wind. To fortify against future calamities, we opted for new iron sheets, ensuring a more robust structure that could withstand the elements. In the realm of immediate concerns, I allocated $70 toward securing sustenance for my household. With the responsibility of caring for two grandchildren, the everyday stress of ensuring there's enough on the table prompted a strategic move. I chose to purchase cereals in bulk, a practical measure to stock up and alleviate the constant financial strain associated with buying food daily. This decision not only provided a temporary respite but also positioned us with a buffer against the recurrent challenge of securing meals.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Since we are not able to engage in continuous farming because of our advanced age, we have always wanted to start mango farming but lacked the required capital. Mango farming does well in our area and it is a perennial crop that does not require routine management practices, the proceeds from their sale are also high, and therefore, by venturing into farming we anticipate earning income from their sales that can sustain us. We are halfway glad that GiveDirectly's transfers has come at the right time to enable us to realize the dream that has eluded us for a long. We intend to use $600 to establish the project and use the rest of the money for medication.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Sometimes in April, we received a substantial amount of rainfall and it was a great blessing for us. It rained at a time when we had experienced a prolonged drought that had greatly affected our livestock, also the seasonal river Wesekes had dried up and we had lack water that we normally use for irrigation. We were able to plant food crops from the onset of rainfall and we are now harvesting maize crops, we are currently food secure and we are extremely happy.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
We are old now and our health is failing us, I have had a persistent chest problem while my husband is battling high blood pressure and he is on daily drugs, as a result, we are not able to fend for ourselves adequately. This has weighed us down a great deal and made our lives unbearable since we are not able to engage in meaningful economic activity that can generate disposable income for use. Sometimes we struggle to get money for medication since we frequent hospitals because of our conditions and feeble health that needs medical attention from time to time. This has further worsened and made our health conditions deteriorate even more.