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Newsfeed > Karisa's Profile
Karisa's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES
access_time 7 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the upcoming year and beyond, my aspiration is to establish either a retail store or a small shop to generate income. To initiate this endeavor, I intend to utilize the proceeds from selling maize. This strategic plan aligns with my long-term goals and represents a proactive step towards financial independence.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I found great joy in how the unconditional cash assistance facilitated the achievement of my goals effortlessly. The enlightening sensitization meetings, particularly on MPesa security, were instrumental in broadening my understanding. The emphasis on using the money responsibly, in accordance with the laws of the land, was commendable. Furthermore, the organizers were highly respectable individuals. I encountered no issues that required correction during my interactions with them.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The financial assistance from GiveDirectly arrived at a crucial moment of need, as I have been grappling with a serious illness that requires urgent medical attention. However, due to financial constraints, I couldn't gather the required funds all at once. My income primarily stems from seasonal farming, yielding around $90 per harvest, while my wife earns $150 monthly at a production company. Despite our combined efforts, these earnings barely suffice for our family's needs, especially considering the hefty school fees for our eight children, four of whom are in high school, three in primary school, and one awaiting college admission after completing high school. With medical expenses looming, I spent $350 for the impending treatment, utilizing the remainder to upgrade our home's roof from grass to iron sheets, amounting to $200. The prospect of finally addressing my long-standing illness brings immense relief, and I am profoundly grateful to GiveDirectly for extending a lifeline of hope during this challenging time.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($348 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
While attending to my farm around 3pm, I received a notification on my phone indicating that I had received funds from GiveDirectly. Grateful for this unexpected blessing, I expressed my thanks to God, feeling relieved knowing that my troubles were about to be alleviated. I have not been this happy for quite some time, and on this day, I felt like a light had been illuminated upon me. Being retired and unable to secure steady employment due to health constraints, I often engage in light, occasional work to sustain myself. Despite living alone, I support my wife and three children, who reside in another town where she is employed. With two children in secondary school and one in primary, the pressure to meet their educational expenses weighs heavily on me. Upon receiving the funds, my immediate priority was to settle the $130 in school fees that had accumulated for one of my children, who was at risk of being barred from attending school if the arrears were not cleared
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
GiveDirectly has truly been a godsend. With its assistance, I've been able to access the treatment I desperately needed, and I'm now free from pain, making steady progress in my recovery. I remain optimistic about undergoing surgery and achieving full healing in due time. Clearing the school fees debt has brought immense relief; my child is now able to attend school without the looming threat of being sent home. The heavy burdens that once weighed heavily on our shoulders have been lifted, leaving us with a profound sense of peace and contentment. We're grateful to be free from the constant worry about fees and health issues that previously plagued our lives, allowing us to finally find solace and happiness in our newfound stability.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
GiveDirectly's assistance has truly been a saving grace for us, offering a glimmer of hope during our most challenging times. The support arrived just in the nick of time to address the urgent matter of my child's overdue school fees. The weight of a $130 debt threatened to disrupt her education, with the looming possibility of her being sent home. Therefore, I used $130 of the transfer to settle this debt, ensuring that my child could remain in school undisturbed, focusing on her studies. The relief of this burden is immeasurable, and we're grateful for the stability it brings to our family life. I also forwarded $100 to my wife, supplementing her earnings to ensure our household's immediate necessities are met. Alongside providing for my family, I've been grappling with hernia since May 2023, and I've been unable to afford the necessary treatment. Previously, I used to work in the mines, but the closure of the mines by government mandate left me unemployed, exacerbating our financial strain. Thus, I allocated $150 from the transfer to cover clinic expenses for my condition. While the treatments have provided some relief, surgery remains the ultimate solution to fully address my health concerns. I have set aside the remainder of the funds for the impending surgery, a prospect that offers hope for a pain-free future and the opportunity to resume earning a livelihood to support my loved ones.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I am na aged person who lives alone in the village. I used to live at Kilifi with my family but I decided to shift to my father's land here at Bale. I have been having a desire to start a business but due to lack of space at Kilifi I had to leave for this place since Jan 2023. I currently do casual jobs earning approximately $30 per month which caters for food only. I have been sick since last year suffering from harnia but due to lack of funds I have never gone to hospital. The sickness has made me unable to engage in hard activities. I will use $400 to go for operation at Kilifi hospital so that I can be well once again. I will also use $600 to start a shop business here at home. The village has only one kiosk which does not meet fully the needs of the people. I intend to make a profit of approximately $10 per day. This will make me happy and stop engaging on casual jobs which are tedious.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I used to live in a rental house in the village for almost five months. It was a challenge for me to raise $10 per month due to the nature of the job I do. In June 2023 , I managed to construct my house though it is of low standard but I feel very happy to be relieved the burden of paying rent every month.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Lack of reliable source of income is the challenge I am currently facing in life. I do casual jobs earning very little income and sometimes I do not get any job for the whole month. Last year I developed harnia problem and due to financial constraints I have not got any medication.