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Newsfeed > Joseph's Profile
Joseph's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($277 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My primary goal is to concentrate on farming. Focus on maize and cassava. Maize, being a staple food in our community, holds significant importance. Additionally, I have observed a growing interest in cassava. As people move away from wheat-based products like bread, cassavas have become marketable. This shift in consumer preference presents a promising opportunity for me. I intend to tap into the existing market demand. The sale of maize and cassava will generate a steady income and provide a sustainable means to support my eight children as I'm a single parent. This approach is not just about meeting our daily needs; it's a step towards ensuring long-term food security and financial stability for my family. The journey in agriculture is challenging yet rewarding. With my dedication to farming and the market's favorable response to cassava, I am optimistic about the future.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The most commendable aspect of GiveDirectly's support is the unconditional nature of their cash assistance. This freedom to utilize the funds as per our pressing needs is empowering. It's a unique approach that respects the individual's understanding of their priorities and challenges. This flexibility allowed me to allocate resources efficiently, addressing critical areas in my family's life. The impact of such support is visibly positive and extends beyond individual beneficiaries to the entire community. You can witness noticeable transformations around us, be it in improved living conditions, enhanced agricultural practices, or even in the general sense of hope and resilience among the people. The interactions with GiveDirectly officers have been respectful and engaging. Their approach is about providing financial assistance and building a relationship based on dignity and mutual respect. I sincerely hope GiveDirectly continues this remarkable work, reaching out and touching more lives. Their method of providing aid, centered on trust and respect for the recipient's decision-making, is a powerful tool in driving meaningful and sustainable changes in communities like ours.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Thank you, GiveDirectly, for your invaluable support. With the funds, I addressed several pressing needs, bringing a sense of stability to my family and myself. First and foremost, I allocated $150 to resolve our food challenges. In our region, securing food is a daunting task, and my job of buying and selling goats twice a week has proven to be an unpredictable source of income. Since I lost my wife a few years ago, the sole responsibility of caring for our eight children has been mine. I am partly engaged in farming on my 2-acre land. I used to grow bananas, but unfortunately, they withered due to a prolonged drought. Now, I focus on cultivating maize and millet, depending entirely on the rain to nurture my crops. To protect and safeguard my farm, I invested $12.5 in fencing. It has secured my land and farming efforts from external threats and given me peace of mind. Another crucial use of the funds was the repair of our family home. The roof, worn and aged, desperately needed replacement. I spent $17.5 to install new iron sheets, a decision that has brought a renewed sense of comfort and security to our household. I express my deepest gratitude to GiveDirectly. Your assistance has enabled me to provide for my family, secure our home, and continue our agricultural endeavors.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($305 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming years, my primary focus will be on agriculture. I intend to lease one acre of land in a nearby irrigation scheme, where I can practice farming more effectively. My goal is to concentrate on cultivating maize primarily for sale, which I believe will generate a significant income. Additionally, after the maize harvest, I plan to plant green grams. This strategic approach to farming will ensure a steady source of income. I am confident that this farming venture will provide me with the financial means to provide the best possible education for my children, securing a brighter future for them.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Givedirectly has made a significant positive impact on the living standards in our region. Many people have wisely invested their transfers in ways that are helping them escape poverty. Personally, I am grateful for the opportunity these transfers have provided me. I was able to pay for my children's school fees, which was often a financial challenge for me in the past. Thanks to GD, my children have started school with their fees paid for the first time, and I am deeply appreciative of this support.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The second transfer has been incredibly beneficial, making it possible for me to achieve several things that were previously quite challenging. Out of the transfer, I allocated $140 to significantly enhance our sleeping arrangements. I purchased two beds along with mattresses for my five children, who used to sleep on rugs directly on the floor. This change not only provides them with much-needed comfort but also eliminates the risk of encounters with snakes and scorpions, which are common in our area. Additionally, I used $90 to cover the school fees for three of my children: one in tertiary education and two in secondary school. This investment ensures they can dedicate more time to their studies, reducing the likelihood of them being sent home due to fee arrears. I also dedicated $10 to buy two rolls of chain-link fencing, which I used to secure my half-acre of land to safeguard my crops from being destroyed by roaming animals. I used the remaining amount to purchase food for my five children, ensuring they had sufficient nourishment. This is especially important because my small business, involving the purchase of goats in the village and their resale in a nearby market, only generates around $3 per week. This income is insufficient to adequately provide for my children. As a father, I am now filled with pride, knowing that my children no longer have to skip meals, and this positive change helps to create happier memories for them after the loss of their mother.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($128 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
As I toiled away at work, immersed in the daily hustle and bustle, a name caught my attention—Segovia Technologies. The mere mention of it sent a surge of curiosity coursing through my veins. My intuition whispered that this was no ordinary occurrence. Could it be? Could this be the long-awaited GiveDirectly transfers that I had heard of? I knew all too well the struggles we faced as a family. With three children in school, their educational needs weighed heavily on our hearts. One was pursuing higher education in a polytechnic, while the other two were in the crucial stages of Form Four and Form Three. The costs associated with their schooling were overwhelming, and my work as a broker in selling goats simply didn't generate enough income to cover the expenses. The very thought of GiveDirectly transfers filling our lives with newfound hope and financial relief was nothing short of a miracle. It was not just the monetary value of the transfers, but the profound impact they would have on our children's future and our family's well-being. The burdens that had plagued us for so long could be alleviated, replaced by a newfound sense of freedom and possibility. With the GiveDirectly transfers at our disposal, we would no longer have to compromise on our children's education. We could provide them with the tools and resources they needed to thrive academically, unlocking their potential and opening doors to a future filled with endless opportunities.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The affordability of maize flour, despite its steep price, brought a sense of relief and comfort to our household. The staple food, which had become increasingly expensive, was no longer beyond our reach. Also, one of our primary concerns had been the burden of school fees debts. However, with the support of the GiveDirectly transfers, we were able to fully pay off these outstanding debts. The weight that had plagued us for so long was lifted, and a profound sense of liberation washed over us. The worry and stress that had accompanied the accumulated debts were replaced with a newfound freedom and peace of mind.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Allocating $140 towards school fees provided us with a deep sense of relief and satisfaction. We cherished the opportunity to support our children's education without the worry of outstanding debts. Equally important was the ability to provide nourishing meals for our family. By setting aside $40 for food, we experienced a newfound pleasure in preparing and sharing good meals together. The table became a place of togetherness, where laughter and love intermingled with the flavors of the delicious dishes we savored. It was a stark contrast to the days when scarcity and financial constraints limited our meals. The abundance of food and the absence of school fees debts were transformative. Our family flourished in an environment free from the stress of financial obligations. We savored the peace of mind that came with knowing that our children's education was secure, and their bellies were filled with wholesome nourishment.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Quality education is what I desire for my eight children because I believe it is the only way to make our lives better. Three of them are in secondary school and two are in college but their studies have been affected by my inability to raise their school payments. I earn an average of $ 10 a week from casual jobs, I already sold all the livestock that I had to be able to raise finances and was left with nothing and nowhere to run to for money. They are often sent home to collect the $ 300 fees in arrears and since I do not have them, they have to stay at home for longer hence missing out on lessons which affect their performance. Receiving this money means they will go to school comfortably and I will be able to purchase for them uniforms and books. I am so happy that they shall complete their studies without hindrance courtesy of the transfers. Furthermore, I will purchase five goats from the last transfer which will help us in the event we need money in the future.
What is the happiest part of your day?
The happiness of every parent is to see their children excel in life and am thankful to God for the milestones that they are making. Even though the challenges are many, my son passed his secondary school examinations and is yet to join university. I am delighted as his dreams of becoming a nurse will come to pass once she graduates.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
A few years ago, my wife passed on and I was left to take care of my eight children. Raising them single-handedly has not been easy because I rely on casual jobs to make ends meet. The money I get , can only be enough for food but for other needs such as education I depend on bursaries and well-wishers. If I had a stable source of income, life would be better.