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Newsfeed > Kiprono's Profile
Kiprono's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($360 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming years, I am brimming with ambition and hope. My vision is to diversify and expand my current business by venturing into the world of furniture-making. Armed with the valuable timber sourced from trees, I plan to craft a diverse range of furniture items, including comfortable seats, functional tables, and elegant chairs. This strategic expansion represents a pivotal step towards securing a more prosperous future for my family. The additional income generated from this endeavor will enable me to meet their needs effectively and pave the way for my children's education. With unwavering determination and tireless effort, I believe that this new venture will not only boost our financial well-being but also bring a profound sense of fulfilment and pride.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion, GiveDirectly has commendably upheld its commitment to delivering the transfers as promised and within the stipulated timelines. I have received all the transfers as assured, and the impact is visible within my community. Many individuals have seized the opportunity to invest in various income-generating activities, including dairy farming, entrepreneurial ventures, and more. I am pleased to share that the transfers have allowed me to expand my own business and venture into livestock keeping. These strategic steps are laying a solid foundation for my family's financial security in the future. The positive economic changes brought about by GD's support are not only benefiting individuals but also contributing to the overall upliftment of our community.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I allocated a substantial portion of $300 to expand my timber business. Typically, I purchase entire trees and process them into timber, which I supply to construction sites. I am happy to report that, since I injected these funds into the business, my monthly earnings have increased by $100, which is a significant improvement. This increase in income has not only eased my worries about providing for my young family but has also filled our lives with a sense of security and comfort that was previously a distant dream. Additionally, I invested $180 in acquiring two bulls, which I plan to sell in December during the peak season, capitalizing on the festivities and holidays to secure a better return on investment. The remaining amount was wisely used to purchase food, ensuring that my family of three had an ample food supply to meet our nutritional needs.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($444 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was in the nearby town of Bomet when I received a message confirmation of my first transfer. I had no doubts about the source's authenticity because it arrived on time everyone was expecting. Many people received it almost simultaneously and were all overjoyed that the plans we had in mind were coming to fruition. Because I am currently living alone at home after my spouse left a few weeks before enrollment, I was unable to inform anyone of my transfers but continued to spend as planned the following day.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The most noticeable difference in my daily life is the improved farming I have been doing since receiving my first transfer. Tilling the entire 1 acre, purchasing certified seeds, and establishing a new poultry unit is no mean undertaking. I am grateful and hope to see the projects completed soon, as my wife and child will be returning home.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I separated from my wife four months ago due to disagreements that resulted in her parents recalling her to their home. I have been working hard on the farm projects ever since, despite the fact that I kept running out of money. It was a relief to receive the first transfer because I had a lot to do with livestock and subsistence farming. As a result, I spent $50 on land preparation for the potato planting season, which included tilling and harrowing. I also spent $50 on certified seeds, which I plan to plant in a week. Potatoes mature in a few months, and farming them has been profitable in many seasons throughout the year. On the other hand, I built a new chicken coop for $70 and have already reserved a brood of chicks worth $50 that I will bring in when they are three weeks old. With this project, I hope to collect eggs in the future and sell them to the local market to supplement my income. In addition, after purchasing new clothes and food, I spent $100 on Christmas and New Year's celebrations. I saved the remainder and have been using it to monitor ongoing projects and deal with any household emergencies before the next transfer.
access_time almost 2 years ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Food insecurity has been a major issue that I have been facing.I buy almost everything I eat. I have always wanted to start an agribusiness in my small piece of land, I want to engage in planting of potatoes, vegetables,tomatoes and onions with a view of selling in the nearby Bomet market. I have since prepared the land ready for planting.The ready market of the Bomet town will be an advantage to me that I want to leverage on to be able to get sustainable disposable income for use. I planned to use $150 to do the project that includes buying seedlings, fertilizers, pesticides and for weeding.I will use the remaining amount to purchase a dairy cow for milk production too.I so certain that once the project is up and running I will have a better and improved quality of life unlike what I am facing now.
What is the happiest part of your day?
For me life has turned from better to worse. My life is miserable, there is no easy day for me. Each day presents its new challenges that I am not able to surmount. Honestly, I cannot recall even a single day in the last 6 months that I can say I was happy.I do not have a meaningful source of income, the cost of living has gone up,the drought is here with us, so really I have not been happy.If anything life has been so biting. I have life a miserable life full of destitution.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The cost of living has skyrocketed in the recent past. I live from hand to mouth, I usually engage in casual labour in building sites of lifting building blocks,transporting cement,steel and concrete for building permanent houses. Recently, the cost of maize flour tripled, I use to buy it at $0.8 but in the last two months it shot to $2.30 which is unaffordable. The work I do drains alot of energy and so I have to eat well to be able to engage in the work and subsequently get paid for the day.As is the norm with the casual jobs,they are erratic, I sometimes miss to get the jobs and therefore it means I go to bed hungry, which pains me alot or other times when I do not eat well it affects my work since I would not have the energy to do the job.