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Newsfeed > Salima's Profile
Salima's family
Raising livestock
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($281 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My husband and I depend on farming and casual work for our livelihood, but due to our old age, we can't engage in full-time activities. I live with my three orphaned grandchildren, and life has been challenging as our income is barely enough to meet our needs and cover school fees. The financial assistance from GiveDirectly brought hope, allowing me to achieve long-held goals like fencing our farm to protect it from animal intrusion. I used $200 for this purpose, ensuring a safe environment for planting maize and vegetables. This step also safeguards my goats without worrying about them damaging crops. Additionally, $250 was spent on purchasing essential food items, including maize. The support from GiveDirectly has significantly improved our lives, and I am sincerely grateful for that.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The support we received unconditionally has transformed our lives significantly. It has ensured a steady food supply for our table and enabled me to fence my land, construct a house, and pursue other beneficial endeavors. This assistance has given us financial independence, helping us fulfill essential needs and establish a secure foundation for our family's welfare. We deeply appreciate the positive impact it has had on our lives.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Considering my grandchildren's well-being, I aim to see them excel in education. Currently, I lack a stable source of income, relying on casual work and my small farm for upkeep. Despite this, I trust in God for a way out. My plan is to provide care for my orphaned grandchildren and create a supportive environment for their growth and education.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($307 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Living with my two grandchildren, whose mother sadly passed away, has been challenging in my old age, as I cannot do casual work anymore. Our small-scale farming efforts have also been hindered by unpredictable rainfall. However, the second transfer brought some relief. I used $320 to construct a new, two-room iron-sheet house for myself and my grandchildren. This spacious dwelling replaces the small hut we used to live in, sparing us from the constant task of smearing the walls. It also offers the children ample space to study. I also bought an additional bed for $40, ensuring my grandchildren no longer sleep on the floor, protecting them from crawling insects, and reducing the risk of respiratory issues caused by dusty floors. With the remaining $90, I purchased food, ensuring we had enough to prevent hunger. Thanks to this support, our living conditions have significantly improved, and my grandchildren now have a safer and more comfortable place to call home.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly made a remarkable impression on me with the substantial cash transfer they provided. In my 73 years on this Earth, I have never witnessed such an event. What made it even more special was that the transfer came without any conditions, allowing us to use it according to our individual needs. I'm truly grateful for this support, as it enabled me to build a much better house for myself. Gone are the days when I had to laboriously collect and smear mud on the walls, a task that was particularly challenging at my age. Thanks to GiveDirectly, I now have a more comfortable and secure living space, and for that, I am immensely relieved and thankful.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming years and beyond, I have a clear plan in mind. I intend to install a permanent chain-link fence around my two-acre piece of land. This initiative is vital to safeguarding my efforts to cultivate grass, as I aim to store it for feeding my livestock during the dry seasons that frequently occur at the start of each year. This strategy is essential to ensuring that my animals do not suffer from hunger, as they represent our primary source of income. The fence will keep out wandering animals, allowing me to cultivate and store enough grass to sustain my livestock throughout the challenging dry periods.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($127 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a farmer, I struggle to generate sufficient income to support my family, which includes my daughter and two grandchildren. Thankfully, the financial aid provided by GiveDirectly has been an incredible blessing, allowing us to fulfill our daily needs with ease. One of our biggest challenges, especially regarding food, has now been resolved. Thanks to the assistance, I was able to purchase food supplies worth $25. Additionally, I bought building materials for $155 to construct a comfortable house for my grandchildren, ensuring they have a proper place to sleep. Previously, we were all cramped in a small room, but now my children can rest comfortably. As a parent, it brings me immense fulfillment to know that we have enough food in our home, which was a constant struggle before due to our unstable income. The support we have received has truly transformed our lives, and we are incredibly grateful for it.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The most significant transformation in my daily life has been the opportunity to build a house and ensure an adequate supply of food. Prior to receiving the transfer from GiveDirectly, these were significant challenges for us due to financial constraints, especially considering our other obligations, such as paying for school fees. I will forever be grateful for the gift that has completely altered my life, giving me hope for a brighter future ahead.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I have a vivid memory of the moment I received the transfer from GiveDirectly. My daughter rushed home, brimming with excitement, to deliver the incredible news that we had received the money. It was the best news I had heard in a long time, and its impact was so invigorating that my fatigue momentarily disappeared. The thrill I experienced stemmed from the confidence I felt in being able to pursue the goals I had set for myself. The support I received brought an immense amount of hope into my life, and for that, I am truly overjoyed.
access_time over 1 year ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My biggest challenge is getting food. I buy all the food we consume as a family. It's really difficult buying with the high cost of living. Most food items are expensive. This has affected my ability to provide for my family. I depend on casual jobs which pay $2.50 daily. It's not enough for my family. I'm 73, which means few people can offer me a job. It has made it very difficult for me. The main casual jobs I do include; digging, clearing bushes, planting, or harvesting.
What is the happiest part of your day?
When I get a casual job, it brings joy to me. This means we won't go hungry with my grandchildren. It means a lot when I secure one. I can buy food and support their education.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
If I get the transfer, I will plan well to get a good life. I will be very grateful. The priority is to buy some food, one bag of maize is crucial. This will cost about $60. This means my grandchildren will have something to eat for at least 3 months. The security of my compound is important, I will use approximately $300. Then I will plant bananas, cassava, and vegetables. It will provide us with food security. I need an extra room for my grandchildren. I plan to use $200. It will offer my family a comfortable room to sleep in. The rest of the transfer will be used to educate my grandchildren. I have four of them in school who need to be supported. I will save the remaining transfer for this.