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Newsfeed > Kobilo's Profile
Kobilo's family
Raising livestock
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($299 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The decision to acquire six goats for $300 was rooted in a thoughtful strategy to enhance my financial stability in the long run. Recognizing the resilience and reproductive nature of goats, I saw them not just as animals but as potential assets that could multiply and, over time, provide a sustainable source of income. In parallel, the allocation of $150 to settle a debt played a crucial role in easing my immediate financial burdens. The debt, borrowed from a neighbor, had initially been utilized to secure a sack of maize, ensuring there was enough food on the table. By settling this debt, I fulfilled a financial commitment that lightened the immediate financial load, allowing for more flexibility in managing my resources. This dual approach reflects a balanced financial strategy — addressing both immediate needs and future aspirations. It's a story of prudent financial decision-making, considering both the present and the future, with the aim of achieving sustained financial well-being.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The transformative impact of the transfers from GiveDirectly in my life and that of my family is immeasurable. It has opened a new chapter, that symbolizes hope, progress, and a departure from the persistent grip of poverty. This financial assistance, unprecedented in my entire life, is not just a sum of money; it's a gesture of trust and belief in my ability to utilize it wisely for the betterment of our circumstances. With this support, we've manage to build a house, a tangible representation of newfound stability and security. A home that stands as a testament to the positive changes that can come when given the means to break free from the constraints of poverty. This house is more than bricks and mortar; it's a shelter of dreams and aspirations and a symbol of a brighter future. Additionally, the acquisition of goats is more than just the addition of livestock. It's an investment in resilience and sustainability. It's a step towards self-sufficiency, a departure from the constant struggle, and an embrace of a more empowered future. The fact that GiveDirectly chose to trust me with this opportunity has instilled a sense of responsibility and determination. It's not just about escaping poverty but about utilizing this chance to create lasting positive change. This experience has alleviated immediate needs that has sown the seeds for a more prosperous tomorrow, where my family and I can thrive independently.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
The desire to fence my farm, located near the river, stems from a practical need to safeguard my agricultural efforts. Fencing provides a protective barrier against wandering animals that could potentially damage crops and disrupt the yield. By securing the perimeter, I aim to cultivate my land without the constant worry of external threats, ensuring that the fruits of my labor are preserved and can contribute to both sustenance and potential income. Additionally, there's a heartfelt wish for my daughter, who has her children at home, to transition into a more settled lifestyle. The idea of her becoming a resident, perhaps staying with me, reflects a desire for family cohesion and support. It's not just about securing the land; it's about creating an environment where family members can thrive, finding stability and comfort together. In these aspirations, there's a blend of practicality and family-oriented values, a narrative that speaks to the dual pursuit of securing one's livelihood.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($308 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
We used almost the entire amount to build a new house for pur family. I only used a small percentage of hardly $10 to buy food for my family and the people who helped with the construction of our new house. We did not have a decent house and we only lived in a small structure with my family of 6. We were forced to vacate our initial home and we had had to stay in the small structure for more than two months. It was quite uncomfortabke and when we received money from GiveDirectly, we did not take time before we could decide on what to do with the money. When the first transfer of $200 came, we were able to clear a loan of $100 and used the remainder to buy food for the family. We are so grateful for what this money has seen us achieve over a short time. I personally relied on charcoal selling to make ends meet and the little amount that I get from it would just be enough to buy food for the family.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I felt so much happy about everything to do with GiveDirectly. They came to my rescue at the time that I had nothing completely. I was able to plant maize in my farm and in good. time. These are things I would not have been in a position to achieve were it not for them. For this, I am eternally grateful. Because of their fairness and lack of bias during enrollment, people like me were able to benefit and now. we have a story to tell from our end. I am so much thankful for this.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
If I had the might, I would fence my compound. If God blesses me, I will be able to fence my compound so that I will be able to practice any agricultural activities within it. I could then be able to plant some pf the drought resistant crops like pawpaws, bananas among other crops. I will also be able to add more livestock in my farm to be able to make ends meet at the end of the day. I will be using the transfers that I will receive from GiveDirectly to advance these agricultural activities and change the living standards of my family. This will help me vend for my family and to take care of my child who was married but got mistreated and decided to come back home. Her four children looks up to us and I will be the happiest when I am in a position to provide for them.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($141 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving the first transfer, I immediately prioritized settling the numerous debts I had accumulated within the village. I allocated $100 towards clearing all outstanding dues, bringing a sense of relief and joy as I became debt-free. Additionally, my grandson was on the verge of joining junior secondary school, and I needed to ensure he had all the necessary supplies before his admission date. After careful budgeting, I spent $50 to provide him with a school uniform, books, and some pocket money, allowing him to start his new academic journey without any hindrances. In preparation for the upcoming farming season, I invested $24 in land preparation and planting maize, laying the foundation for a productive harvest. Finally, I used the remaining $50 to purchase maize, which currently serves as sustenance for my family of five. I am sincerely grateful for the support received and eagerly await the second transfer.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest differences in my daily life since receiving the first payment lies in two crucial aspects: one being the clearance of all the debts I had accumulated during the challenging months when I struggled to afford food and meet other household needs. This financial freedom has brought a sense of relief and security to my daily routine. I was also able to provide my grandson with all the necessary school requirements as he begun on his junior primary school. Ensuring he had everything he needed for his education has been a source of immense joy and satisfaction. I am deeply grateful for the support extended to me by GiveDirectly, and I eagerly anticipate the opportunities that the second transfer may bring, as I strive to accomplish even more for my family's well-being.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I confirmed receipt of the first transfer with a message pop up on my phone. However, I was unable to read it at the time. Fortunately, my helper happened to be around and offered to check it for me. Despite the late hour, around 3:00 pm, I couldn't contain my excitement and promptly decided to settle some bills that had been pending. Without hesitation, I withdrew the entire amount from the nearby shopping center to take care of these financial obligations.
access_time over 1 year ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The biggest challenge as a family is lack of consistent source of income. We depend mainly on our small piece of land which dried up because of the drought. Due to the inability to raise money, we face food shortage. We're a family of 6, and feeding us all is quite difficult. This has affected the health and nutrition of my grandchildren. I live with my grandchildren, since my daughter returned home. It's difficult raising a family without a job or a source of livelihood.
What is the happiest part of your day?
It brings me joy seeing my livestock. I have 5 cattle and 5 goats. Although few, I believe they will expand and sustain us well in the future.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
When I receive the transfer, I plan to first buy food. It's very sad staying without food. Food is very expensive due to the elongated drought. I Plan to buy maize, beans, cooking oil and other household items. This will cost at least $200. It will comfortably sustain us for 6 months. Currently we live in a makeshift house. We need to upgrade it, and especially with the forthcoming rains. I will use $400. This means as a family we'll have a safe and warm place to sleep. Goats do well here. They are easily manageable. When I have good numbers, they can be sold to meet other needs. Buying 10 goats will be a good move. That will cost $400. If I am able to rear them well. It means consistent source of income in the future. My grandchildren will then be able to go to school. Paying school fees is important my family's future.