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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53150 KES ($521 USD)
access_time almost 5 years ago
What did you spend your second transfer on?
I was staying in a very pathetic house that everybody would sympathise with me, the house was a grass-thatched leaking house whereby when it was raining I would be rained on together with my children that sometimes I would take my children to spend the night at the neighbor's house. I have gone through alot but I was not able to come out of the situation because I did not have any stable source of income. I would admire and long to own a nice house just like other people's houses but my dream could not come true. So when I got the first cash transfer from Give directly I did not withdraw it until I received the second transfer. When I got the second one I combined the two and bought building materials and put up a spacious iron roofed house in my own compound. I am the happiest woman in the village, many people thought that I will never stay in iron roofed house because l was very poor l could not afford to put up a better house.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion Give directly does not involve third party in their program, they deal with people directly. I also feel it was a very good thing to use M-pesa as away of sending money to us because it is very convenient and safer way send cash. Their stuffs were also transparent in everything they were doing, there were no any signs of corruption. I did not see what Give directly did not do well.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
If I could not receive cash transfer from give directly I could not have managed to put up a nice spacious iron roofed house as I did. I could still be staying in a very small a grass-thatched leaking house and very sure by now it could have fallen down. I am very grateful to Give directly for changing my life.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($537 USD)
access_time almost 6 years ago
What did you spend your first transfer on?
I am a widow and since my husband died, life has been horrible, I have to toil extra hard in order to feed my family, I have no one to depend on and even those relatives who promised to help me raise my children during my husband burial rain away. I would like to give my children the best but in vain due to my financial status. We stayed in a grass-roofed house that is seriously leaking when it rained. It reached a point I used to cover the openings on the roof with polythene papers so that my children are not rained on neither my beddings getting soaked. I had to cope with the situation due to my financial status but I used to ask myself till when. I had to cope with the situation since I had no hope that one day my life will ever change to better. I do casual work like weeding in order to get little income to support my family though not enough. I thank God through GD I got a second husband now that it has been my core financial provider. When I received this money I decided to build a new spacious iron roofed house. This was the beginning of a better life, I am proud as a woman when my children are happy and they boost to their fellows calling our new house a blessing from GD because they feel they now belong to a certain higher class. I have the confidence to visit my neighbours and talk about GD trans1fers how it has changed my entire life. I am staying a happy life, no more worries and my children call our house GD given. I also bought maize for family consumption with the little money I remained with because I did have food for future consumption.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I don't put my phone off at night, it was a coincidence I was already awake. I heard my phone beep twice, wondered and asked myself whoever has sent me a message at this hour of the night. I woke up check the message only to find a message "you have received 55000 from Segovia technology". I was very excited and sat on the bed, and I wished it was already morning. I was very excited, in my mind I had started focusing on how I was going to spend the money. I kept my money for a week without showing any sign to anyone that I received, after I went to, withdrew and bought building hence this how I started the work of building my house since that was my greatest dream.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life.
I thank God through GiveDirectly I have an ironed-roof house, my life has really changed,I have no worries when Iam a way maybe when I have gone to the market and the rain starts.We are not rained on anymore and my children are also not worried and ashamed of the kind of the house we are staying in unlike before.
access_time 6 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The biggest hardship I have faced is heavy burden of fending for my big family without any support with the current economic times, its really hard times for me, sometimes I work the whole day in the farm and the wages that we are paid cannot buy everything that we need in the family. The lowest was two weeks ago when I fell sick, I could not get money to go to the hospital and was unable to go work in the farms, had my little children crying for food and I could not help, I wished I could swallow my children and die but we thank God who has brought us Givedirectly when no one cares to help my family.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My happiest part of the day is usually in the morning because it presents a fresh day with new opportunities to work in the farms and get something to feed the family.
What does receiving this money mean to you?
Receing this money means a tremendous change in my life because I am going to use the cash transfer from Givedirectly to build up a new home on the piece of land that was bought to me by my brother. I will use the second transfer to buy a cow that produces milk that we shall both us and sell to meet our medical and school fees needs.