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Everline's family
Raising livestock
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($340 USD)
access_time 5 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
In addition to livestock farming, which thrives in our region, I have been engaged in subsistence farming, using its surplus as a source of income, particularly to cover school fees for our three children during favorable seasons. Upon receiving the recent transfer from GiveDirectly, I invested $200 into this agricultural venture, allocating it for tilling two acres of land and purchasing maize seeds and fertilizer. With the planting completed and the rains cooperating, we are optimistic about a successful harvest ahead. Furthermore, I used $183 to settle the school fees for my children, ensuring they could continue their education without interruption. We spent the remaining $67 on food supplies for our family of five, following a discussion and agreement with my spouse, Wilberforce. We are grateful for the generous support from GiveDirectly, which has relieved us of financial burdens and enabled us to embark on promising ventures. We eagerly anticipate the positive outcomes of the projects we have initiated with this support.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has truly made a difference in our lives by providing us with the freedom to decide how best to use the support they offer. This flexibility has allowed us to pursue various projects, from farming to paying school fees and improving our living conditions. Unlike traditional aid programs that often provide predetermined material goods, GiveDirectly's approach empowers us to address our most pressing needs in a way that works best for our households. I am thankful for the opportunity they have given us and believe that their model could benefit other villages as well. Overall, I have no suggestions for improvement as I am satisfied with how the project has been executed.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
With the abundant rainfall, I am eager to expand my farming endeavors, particularly focusing on maize and other short-season crops for quicker returns. Leveraging our herd of over 50 goats, I plan to sell some and utilize the proceeds to rent additional land, thereby doubling our agricultural output in a single season. As a family, our goal is to produce enough food and surplus to cover the school fees for our three children. The empowerment we have experienced over the past three months has been transformative, fueling our belief in our ability to achieve more with adequate capital to support our ideas.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($277 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Relying on small-scale farming on my one-acre land has been my primary means of providing for my family. My spouse works with the Baringo County Government, but his salary often goes towards repaying a loan we took to purchase an acre of land. This move was necessitated by the submersion of our original land by Lake Baringo, leading to our displacement and the need to buy the land on higher grounds. With three children, one in secondary and two in boarding primary schools, the financial strain has been significant, especially as my farming proceeds are insufficient to cover their school fees. As schools reopened, the concern over how to finance their education weighed heavily on me. The unexpected blessing of the transfer provided a much-needed solution. I allocated $380 from the transfer towards the school fees, although it hasn't covered the full amount for the first of the three terms. Nonetheless, I am relieved that they can return to school and focus on their studies. Recognizing this unexpected assistance, we set aside $45—10% of the received amount—as a token of gratitude to God, acknowledging His grace in making these possibilities a reality. The remaining amount was used to buy food for the family.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The organization has undeniably excelled in providing generous cash transfers, allowing individuals to make substantial investments with the potential for significant future returns. Personally, I am deeply grateful for the impact of the transfer on my circumstances. It played a crucial role in ensuring that my children can continue their studies without facing the risk of being sent home due to unpaid school fees. This has alleviated a significant source of worry for me, and I am genuinely thankful for the positive change it has brought about.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming years, I plan to acquire a maize milling machine, which will serve as a valuable asset for generating income for my family. Currently, many of my neighbors face the challenge of traveling long distances to access milling services, particularly during the rainy seasons. By owning a milling machine, I aim not only to provide milling services to clients but also to process my own maize harvest and sell the flour, thereby adding value to the product and increasing profitability. I am optimistic that this business venture will establish a sustainable source of income, allowing me to finance my children's education and prevent any interruptions in their studies. I look forward to the support of my spouse, who is expected to clear his loan by mid-next year. This support will be crucial in acquiring the necessary equipment to successfully establish and operate the maize milling business. Overall, I view this endeavor as a significant step towards achieving financial stability and positively contributing to the well-being of my family.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($130 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving the $200 from GiveDirectly, our immediate thought was to expand our home. Our current two-room setup, with one serving as our bedroom for the parents and the other doubling as our kitchen by day and a shared space for our three children at night, made it challenging even to accommodate visitors. We allocated $110 toward this crucial expansion.Additionally, $30 was spent on purchasing food. Our sustenance relied heavily on small-scale farming, and the limited number of goats that we own which wasn't enough to sustain us adequately. We used $30 to take care of a long-pending water debt, which had accumulated over three months. Grateful for the unexpected blessing, we set aside $21, 10% of the received amount, as a token of gratitude to God, believing that all these possibilities were due to His grace. $9 went into buying a revision book for our son, who's finalizing his High School Studies. He had yearned for this book for quite some time, understanding its significance for his academic journey. This amount from GiveDirectly not only addressed our immediate needs but also set the stage for a more comfortable and promising future.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Life has been a tremendous challenge in our small, two-room iron-roofed house. My husband and I sleep in one room, while the other doubles as a kitchen by day and a bedroom for our three children at night. Welcoming visitors was nearly impossible in such cramped quarters. But now, the prospect of constructing an additional room fills our hearts with hope and joy. We're immensely grateful to God and GiveDirectly for making this transformation possible. This change has brought an incredible shift in our lives. It's not just about adding physical space; it's about creating room for possibilities, comfort, and a brighter future.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I received a message from GiveDirectly around 3 pm while I was on my way to the nearest town. I was overjoyed to find out it was $200. Excitedly, I immediately shared the news with my husband, who works as a chef in the County Assembly. He urged me to wait until he got home that evening. When he arrived, his happiness was infectious. As a family, we were elated, realizing that this support would help us achieve our goals. It was a moment filled with joy and a sense of a brighter future ahead.
access_time 11 months ago
What is the happiest part of your day?
The livestock we own are our main source of livelihood and joy. We sell them for a living, hence value and enjoy keeping them. We anticipate to add more stock so that we can have a better life. One goat can be sold for up to $100, especially during market days or festive seasons.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The high cost of living has made our life difficult. We had about 30 goats in the year 2020 and lost 23 to floods. This affected our main source of income. Currently we have about 42 goats and 12 sheep. They have bred faster. We sell them to fund our children's education and buy essentials for our home. Due to the high cost of living, we're selling a lot of the stock making us worried of the future. We depend on goats mainly for living.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
The first transfer will help up reinforce our livestock house. It's made of sticks and tree branches. That is not safe for our livestock. We plan to buy a barbed wire and steel poles to fence it well. It will cost about $200. This will give us peace of mind, knowing our stock cannot escape or attacked by wild animals at night. The second transfer in January will help to pay our children's school fees. Those in primary and secondary level. Three of them are in school. This will give them stability in school, hence won't be send back home during learning days. We need a lot of water for domestic use. That also includes drinking water for our livestock. It's a challenge storing and fetching water now. We have piped water from a nearby borehole and pay $3 per month. It runs twice a week. A 6000 litres water tank will give us water security. It will cost us about $500. One cannot do anything meaningful without water.