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Newsfeed > Gloria's Profile
Gloria's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($341 USD)
access_time 5 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Before receiving support from GiveDirectly, my family of five depended on casual jobs and my husband's income as a security guard. We had been previously displaced, which left us without a home. With the first transfer, I bought goats and food. The second transfer allowed me to make a down payment on an acre of land for $400, with $600 remaining. Upon receiving the final transfer, I used $400 to reduce this debt to $200 outstanding and built a temporary grass-thatched house, which brought us relief and joy. Previously, we didn’t own any land or a house and faced frequent eviction threats due to unpaid rent. Now, despite owning a plot and having a house, recent rains have displaced us again. My husband had to quit his job, and we are currently living in a nearby school. Additionally, using the remaining $50 from the transfer, I bought a mattress and a bed, though these items had to be left behind in our flooded house.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
First, I’m grateful for the support from GiveDirectly, which has freed me from the stress of living on someone else’s land and the constant threat of eviction. Receiving the transfer directly into our M-Pesa account was safe and minimized corruption. During the enrollment process, the officers ensured I was willing to participate; nothing was forced, and they were very respectful. The unconditionality of the cash transfer allowed me to plan independently, and the follow-ups by GiveDirectly officers ensured that we received the cash and spent it appropriately. I hope GiveDirectly continues with this approach.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Our current home is a small, one-room grass-thatched house which makes it vulnerable to floods. Recently, it rained through the grass roof, and the muddy walls did not help either. This setup also means we can't host visitors due to the limited space. Despite these challenges, I am looking forward to building a better, more spacious home with two rooms and an iron sheet roof, which will be much more decent. Unfortunately, I was counting on the maize I had planted on an acre of land to fund this project, but it was washed away by the water. However, I remain hopeful and trust that, God willing, I will be able to build the new house.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($277 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
In 2010, we faced displacement from our original homeland due to the rising waters of Lake Baringo. Forced to borrow temporarily, the owner of the land where we settled issued a notice to vacate by April of this year if we couldn't purchase the property. The looming deadline added daily stress to our lives, as our finances were insufficient for such a significant purchase. Last June, my spouse secured a job as a security guard, but the monthly salary of $60 proved inadequate for our family's basic needs. Receiving the transfer provided a golden opportunity to secure ownership of the land. I used $400 from this transfer, leaving $600 that I plan to further reduce using the third transfer. This has brought a sense of peace; the daily threats of eviction are now a thing of the past. Additionally, I can now pursue personal development, such as farming, without the previous owner's objections. Additionally, I utilized $35 to purchase food and $15 on clothes for my children.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion, GD has been remarkably beneficial, providing generous support through their unconditional transfers. This assistance has allowed me to acquire land for my family, a prospect that would have been unattainable due to my financial constraints. I am grateful that we have been able to make a partial payment for the land, with plans to utilize the next transfer to settle the remaining amount. This support has alleviated the stress and uncertainty we faced before, especially concerning the possibility of being asked to leave the borrowed land where we currently reside. Our situation is unique, as we had to borrow temporarily after being displaced from our original homeland by the rising waters of Lake Baringo. I am truly appreciative, and the sense of relaxation and security now contrasts significantly with the challenges we previously encountered.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Looking ahead to the coming year fills me with optimism and determination as I set out to improve my family's living conditions. Currently residing in a dilapidated and temporary small hut, the constant maintenance involving the replacement of thatched grass and the smearing of mud walls is both expensive and tedious. I envision building a two-roomed iron sheet house, offering improved comfort, a better appearance, and ample space for my family of five. To finance this housing project, I intend to engage in proper farming, with hopes that the weather will be favorable. My plan involves planting maize and implementing irrigation using the adjacent seasonal river near my location. The income generated from selling maize will be diligently saved and allocated towards the construction of the new house. This initiative not only aims to enhance the living conditions for my family but also underscores the importance of sustainable and improved housing.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($117 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Feeling a rush of happiness, the first thought that raced through their mind was to address a long-standing issue – the leaking roof that had been a constant source of discomfort. The decision was clear: a portion of the money would go into improving the very sanctuary they called home. As I embarked on the journey of home improvement, the sound of raindrops would no longer be a cause for worry but a soothing melody. With the leaky roof fixed, the atmosphere within the house transformed, fostering a sense of comfort and security for the entire family. But the story didn't end there. With a portion of the funds, directed towards realizing a dream – investing in livestock. One goat and one sheep became not just animals, but partners in a venture that held promise for the future. Furthermore, the responsible use of the funds extended to meeting the basic needs of the household. A portion was allocated to ensure there was enough food on the table In the end, the $220 proved to be a catalyst for positive change, transforming a routine day of house chores into a memorable chapter of progress. The leaking roof was mended, livestock introduced, and the family's well-being fortified, all thanks to an unexpected financial windfall that brought dreams to life
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The most profound change has been the transformation in my mental well-being. Gone are the days of incessant stress and worry; instead, a newfound sense of happiness envelops both me and my family. The weight that used to burden my shoulders has lifted, replaced by a lightness that allows us to breathe freely. With this financial boon, I've discovered a renewed energy within myself. No longer confined by the constraints of financial limitations, I've delved into crop farming with a passion I never knew I had. The fields, once untouched, now bear the fruits of my labor, and the joy derived from cultivating the land adds an extra layer of fulfillment to my life. Perhaps the most significant impact has been the capital injection that came with the money. This capital not only secures my present but opens doors to future endeavors. I've set my sights on expanding my horizons, particularly through investing in livestock. It's a venture that not only promises financial returns but aligns with a vision of sustainable growth and prosperity. In this transformed reality, each day unfolds with a sense of optimism and possibility. The money has become a catalyst for positive change, not just economically but in the very fabric of my existence.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was a typical afternoon at home, around 15:30 pm, when the unexpected notification pinged on my phone. Engrossed in the mundane tasks of house chores, the sound of the message brought an abrupt halt to my routine. As I checked my phone, I was greeted with the delightful sight of a money transfer notification. I couldn't help but feel an immediate surge of happiness and excitement. It was as if a ray of sunshine had broken through the monotony of the day. The timing was impeccable, catching me off guard and transforming the ordinary into something extraordinary. In that precise moment, I was in the heart of my living space, surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds of home. The walls witnessed my elation as I processed the unexpected financial boost. The joy emanated from the realization that this windfall could be a catalyst for positive change. The first wave of thoughts that flooded my mind was a cascade of possibilities. My gaze wandered around the house, noticing the imperfections that had become part of the daily scenery. The leaking roof, a persistent issue that had long been neglected due to financial constraints, suddenly demanded attention.
access_time 11 months ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My biggest challenge is a lack of land. This challenge I'm facing came as a result of lake Baringo water that swallowed our lands. This forced us to move out and borrowed land from our neighbours. This however is very stressful since I cannot do any development is a land that does not belong to me.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My happiness over the past 6 months came from my husband. He managed to get a job in June as a watchman. This delighted me so much because I know that whenever he gets a salary he will be able to provide for us well.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I have big plans for the transfers. The aspect that I put as a priority is purchasing land since we are living in a borrowed land. I will use $450 of the transfers to pay off part of the transfers. I also intend to build a iron house in the farm I've bought. This will cost me about $400 of the transfers. Finally I intend to purchase food and 4 goats with the remaining amount. I intend to spend about $150 of the transfers of purchase of goats and the remaining on food. This cash transfers will surely transform my life positively.