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Newsfeed > Sally's Profile
Sally's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($340 USD)
access_time 6 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I am truly happy that the transfer allowed me to permanently fence off my 1.5-acre plot of land using a chain link. This ensures that I can utilize it without worrying about livestock invasion, a common challenge in our area due to communal grazing practices. With the land now securely fenced, I feel more confident about investing in it. My plan for the coming year is to venture into tomato farming. I have been admiring the success of my friend, who is already involved in this type of investment, and I have been yearning to do the same. I intend to dedicate my entire acre of land to tomato cultivation to maximize income and better provide for my family. This includes ensuring that I can pay my three children's school fees on time and without difficulty through the proceeds from the sale of the produce.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I love GiveDirectly's approach to supporting the community. Unlike other organizations that provide specific items, GD offers unconditional cash transfers directly to our phones. This gives us the freedom to choose how to use the money in a way that best improves our lives, aligning perfectly with their goal of eradicating poverty. I am grateful that the transfer has allowed me to enhance my farming, which is our main source of livelihood for supporting our three children. Thanks to the transfer, I was able to fence my land using a chain link, preventing livestock from invading my crops—a challenge I had been facing for a while. This barrier has given me the confidence to make significant investments, such as planting tomatoes for commercial purposes, without the fear of losses. This will further improve our family's financial stability. Thank you, GiveDirectly.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The timing of the third transfer could not have been better, as it coincided with the planting season when I had not yet prepared my land. I felt anxious because the Kenya Seed Company, which had subcontracted us to farm maize seeds, had strict timelines to follow. I was on the verge of borrowing a loan when the money from GiveDirectly arrived. I used $75 to till the land and plant the seeds. This opportunity is close to my heart because the Kenya Seed Company provides a ready market for our harvest. This income helps me pay for my child's secondary school education, which costs around $600 yearly. This direct payment ensures that my child can focus on their studies without any disruptions. I allocated $175 to purchase a 2500L water tank, which has been a significant relief for our household. It means we no longer have to walk for more than two kilometres or wake up in the early hours to fetch water before it runs dry as the water source was not sufficient for the whole community. Additionally, I spent $50 on buying extra clothes for my children, ensuring they have enough to wear and feel good about themselves. Seeing them well-dressed makes me proud as a parent. I used the remaining amount to support my spouse, who does irregular jobs at a nearby spa resort. His monthly pay is only $70, which is not enough to support our family of five. By providing enough food for the family, I aim to relieve him from the stress of seeking additional sources of income.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($282 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming years, my primary goal is to cultivate fruits on my newly fenced 1.5-acre land. Mangoes and bananas are the chosen varieties, as they do well in our area, and there is a readily available market with brokers visiting the farm. In addition to fruit cultivation, I intend to diversify by dedicating a section of the land to planting maize and beans. This strategic approach aims to enhance overall productivity and provide additional sources of sustenance for my family. Interplanting during the fruit-growing period maximizes the land's potential, optimizing space and yields. As the fruits mature, I anticipate a steady income flow, contributing to our economic stability. I am optimistic about the future, confident that this agricultural venture will not only provide for my family's immediate needs but also create a foundation for sustained prosperity in the years to come.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I am truly appreciative of the valuable financial education provided by GiveDirectly officers. Their guidance on prudent spending of the transfers has empowered many in our community to make wise investments, resulting in a positive impact. The officers' kindness and the autonomy given to recipients in deciding how to use the funds create an environment of trust and respect. What sets GiveDirectly apart is its commitment to transparency and fairness. The process allows individuals to decide whether they want to receive assistance, and there are no expectations for anything in return. This approach, devoid of corruption or discrimination, makes GiveDirectly a beacon of integrity in humanitarian efforts. In my view, everything about GiveDirectly is commendable, and I genuinely hope they continue their excellent work. Their model of empowerment through financial support, coupled with a commitment to ethical practices, makes them a standout organization in creating positive change within communities.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Planting with my open fence proved challenging as goats owned by different farmers often disturbed our crops. In our area, livestock are allowed to move freely, making it necessary for us to guard our crops all day until harvest. Fortunately, we received a cash transfer of $450 from GiveDirectly, allowing us to address some pressing issues. I allocated $300 to tackle the problem by fencing our farm. Before this, we lacked the financial means to erect a protective barrier. The remaining funds, $80 were used to address our food scarcity issues. As my husband and I, depend on casual jobs and small-scale farming to sustain our family. Over the past three years, unpredictable rainfall has rendered our farming efforts unsuccessful, leaving us with no harvest. In addition, i used $70 to purchase Christmas clothes for our three children since it was during that festive season, and buying new clothes for them was the norm and the timely transfer from GiveDirectly made this possible. Our reliance on casual jobs had often left us struggling to make ends meet, making such expenses a luxury. With the support of GiveDirectly, we've been able to fence our farm, ensure food availability, and provide a joyous Christmas experience for our children. The cash transfer came at a crucial time, alleviating the financial strain we faced and offering hope for a more stable future.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($135 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was enjoying a quiet moment at home, lost in my thoughts, when my phone suddenly rang, breaking my concentration. As I checked my text messages, I discovered that GiveDirectly had indeed fulfilled their promise and sent me money. It was an incredible moment of pure happiness, marking the most significant day of my life. Filled with joy, I quickly shared the news with my husband, who was also at home, and he shared in my excitement. Together, we started strategizing how to make the most effective use of this transfer, especially since our most pressing need was unpaid school fees, a result of our unstable sources of income.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
My daily life has undergone a remarkable transformation as I have successfully achieved my goals in a short period. Thanks to the transfer I received, I could pay my children's school fees and ensure our home was well-stocked with food. These tasks had felt insurmountable due to my financial constraints. It truly feels like a dream come true, and the prospect of clearing our school fee arrears fills me with joy and contentment. I am profoundly grateful for the support that has improved our quality of life.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My husband works in the hotel industry, but the job isn't always steady as they only hire based on demand during peak seasons. On the other hand, I rely on farming, which is also unreliable due to unpredictable weather conditions, leaving us living hand to mouth for survival. We are blessed with three children. When we received our transfer, we decided to spend at least $100 to settle our urgent school fee arrears since our children had been sent home from school. Secondly, we spent $60 on purchasing clothes, shoes, and two plastic chairs for ourselves. Lastly, I used $40 to buy a sack of maize. I am incredibly happy that I could accomplish so much, which had seemed impossible before due to our financial constraints.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving this money means a new lease of life for us. We have several challenges that are insurmountable since we are people of little means. We have lived a life of hand to mouth, mostly grappling to put food on the table as it is the most urgent problem. Subsequently, we have not been able to afford a decent life especially for our children. Our daughters are grown up now, they lack adequate beddings for use and it worries us a lot, the ones they are using now are old and tattered, they also sleep on the floor and sometimes it can be cold.It is against this backdrop that we intend to use $150 to purchase 2 beds and beddings for their use. The transfers is really a huge enabler to our desires. We will use the rest of the transfers to pay school fees and to fence our farm.We will be forever grateful to GiveDirectly.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Sometime last month our two cows calved and it has significantly relieved us the pain of having to purchase milk.This happened at the time that we were harvesting maize and there was plenty of maize stalks for livestock to feed on and so their milk productivity have been boosted.Our children are enjoying the milk now when the school are closed. They feel that this is the best holiday for them.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My husband is indisposed after undergoing an operation of the nerves at Eldoret Referral Hospital sometime in 2015. We are a family of 5, so the dependency ratio is high since I am the only one who is left to fend for my family. The cost of operation was high amounting to $250 and therefore we were forced to sell livestock to afford it, subsequent care has also been expensive. Our lives turned for the worse since we depleted all the resources which were a source of livelihood and we have been predisposed to deprivation, it is a struggle to put food on the table and to meet even the basic needs. The menial jobs I engage is hardly enough to meet the daily demands unlike before when my husband could contribute significantly to our family.