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Newsfeed > Paulina's Profile
Paulina's family
Charcoal burning
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($340 USD)
access_time 6 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I used my second transfer to invest in farming, and my plan now is to focus on agriculture. After harvesting one crop, I will immediately plant another. Once I receive the proceeds from my farm, I'll sell them to pay for my children's school fees and ensure we have enough food at our homestead. This way, we can stop doing tiresome casual jobs and fully concentrate on our own farms. I am truly grateful to GiveDirectly for making our lives easier, improving them, and showing us a bright future ahead.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has brought many blessings into our lives, and we are truly grateful to God for that. We deeply appreciate GiveDirectly for providing us with unconditional cash, allowing us to make decisions on how to use it. With this support, we've invested in agriculture, ensuring we have enough food and have paid our children's school fees. We admire your approach to empowering communities, and we encourage you to continue educating other villages on how to wisely utilize the cash when you visit them.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Life on our side hasn't been easy; we've been struggling to make ends meet. Now, I have four kids, while the other two are married. My husband is a farmer, and I also help him with farming. However, I used to earn some extra money by taking care of my neighbor's livestock, but I had to stop because my neighbor lost his job and couldn't pay me anymore.Since then, I've been doing casual jobs like burning charcoal to make money. When I received my third payment, I used $350 to pay for my kids' school fees. We used to sell our cows to pay for fees, but now we only have two left, and we've decided not to sell them until they multiply. I also used $50 to pay off our energy bill for electricity tokens because we hadn't paid it for a while due to lack of money.Finally, I used the remaining amount to buy food so that we wouldn't rely too much on charcoal for food. Life is better now compared to before, and I hope it continues to improve in the future because we've invested in farming with the second transfer
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($280 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I have devised a strategic plan to prioritize and enhance our farming activities by cultivating crops and rearing goats, which thrive well in our region. The objective is to mitigate the challenges associated with the unreliable nature of our small-scale farming, worsened by the seasonality of the nearby river. To address the issue of erratic rainfall, I intend to implement timely planting practices. By carefully aligning our planting schedule with the expected rainfall patterns, we aim to optimize crop growth and minimize the impact of water scarcity. Diversifying our crops is another aspect of my farming strategy. I plan to alternate between maize, beans, and green grams in our fields. This rotational approach helps soil nutrients and acts as a risk mitigation measure. If one crop is affected by adverse conditions, the others may still thrive, providing a more stable source of income and sustenance. In addition to crop cultivation, I see great potential in goat farming for our region. Goats are well-suited to the local conditions. By investing in goat rearing, I aim to leverage their adaptability to contribute to our family's economic stability. The ultimate goal is to sell agricultural products to generate income.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The assistance provided by GiveDirectly significantly elevated our farming endeavors. As a result, our maize crop is now nearing harvest. The impact of this support extends beyond the fields, positively influencing my children's education, for which I am grateful. GiveDirectly's approach, providing unconditional cash, was coupled with education from their dedicated officers. This combination has been instrumental in guiding us towards effective spending. While the cash assistance was unconditional, the educational component facilitated a sense of financial literacy and resourcefulness among recipients. It elevated our current living standards and equipped us with the tools to make sustainable and impactful choices for the future. The impending harvest and the continued education of my children stand as tangible outcomes of this support, affirming the organization's commitment to making a lasting difference in the lives of those they assist. Thank you GiveDirectly.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Recognizing the role of education, I disbursed $200 to cover school expenses for my two high school-going children from the support I received from GiveDirectly. With the dire state of our living quarters, I invested $106.4 in purchasing building materials to repair our house. Our small, one-room home, previously covered with worn-out iron sheets, often failed to protect us from the rain. With six children, the space constraints were challenging. With visitors, the situation worsened, as they had to sleep outside. To tackle the persisting food shortage issue, I wisely allocated $98.6. As a farmer, nurturing our agricultural practice is paramount. I invested $30 in generator oil to facilitate irrigation and pesticides for our maize farm, recognizing the significance of safeguarding our crops for a fruitful harvest. Prioritizing health, I set aside $15 for medical expenses when my grandchild fell ill. Timely access to healthcare is crucial, and ensuring the well-being of our family members remains a top priority. Engaged in charcoal production and small-scale farming, I confront challenges in sourcing logs, making charcoal production difficult. Our small-scale farming activities face unreliability due to the seasonal nature of the river. Despite lacking a steady job, the financial assistance from GiveDirectly has proven invaluable. It has empowered me to address immediate needs while laying the foundation for a more secure and comfortable future.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($117 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was by the river, tending to my cows, when the transformative message arrived – I had received $200 from GiveDirectly. The rush of joy was as immediate as the current flowing beside me. In that moment, with the soothing sounds of nature around me, my mind raced with possibilities. The first thought that crystallized was to invest in our sustenance and future. Without hesitation, I decided to allocate the funds towards buying essential farm inputs for maize farming. This choice not only promised food for my family but also represented a step towards self-sufficiency and resilience. The river, witness to my daily routine, became a backdrop to this pivotal moment. The simple act of receiving the transfer by its banks became a catalyst for positive change, promising growth for both my family and the land we tended.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The impact of the transfers on my life has been transformative. The most significant change is the newfound opportunity to engage in maize farming, a venture previously beyond my reach. With this injection of capital, my life has taken a positive turn, opening doors to agricultural possibilities that were once only dreams.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My most recent $200 from GiveDirectly sparked a tangible transformation in my life. With a clear vision for a better future, I chose to invest wisely. A portion of the funds went into the soil, purchasing essential maize seeds and farm inputs, promising not just a harvest but the potential for sustainable growth. Recognizing the importance of home, I allocated another portion to enhance our living space. A cozy sofa became more than just furniture; it symbolized comfort and stability, elements that had been scarce in our lives. Balancing the needs of the present, I ensured that a significant part of the funds went into securing the most basic necessity – food. This allocation was a gesture of immediate relief and a commitment to sustaining my family's well-being. In these deliberate choices, the impact of the recent transfers rippled through my home, cultivating a future rooted in both practicality and comfort.
access_time 12 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I have two children in secondary school.I need to clear their fees areas of upto $200. This means they can complete their education and be better persons in the society. My illness has really stressed me. Plan to use $100 to visit the nearest referral hospital for examination. That amount might change depending on the doctor's recommendation. I hope to get cured and live a better life. And also be able to work well without tiring fast. Additionally I plan to also build a better house. We need to seal the leaked roof and also add a room. It's important to have good shelter, especially during raining days. This can cost about $400. The rest of the funds will be for emergencies and also to buy 5 goats. One goat is sold at $50. They do well here, hence we can depend on them in the future when their numbers grow.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Due to my illness, I depend on my children a lot. It's a joy when they are able to assist me in planting our land. We normally plant maize, during the last season we harvested 10 bags. It made me happy since it meant food security.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I have been allergic for the past 5 years. It causes my body to be painful and swollen. This affects my ability to work. It means I depend on my children for support and husband. It's a on and off illness, hence I have endured it for long. Due to our financial constraints, I have been forced to postpone my medical examination. I am required to visit a referral hospital. I don't know how much it will cost, but even so I don't have the transportation cost. I'd need at least $10 for transport. This has affected my ability to provide for my family and also have a healthy life.