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Newsfeed > Irine's Profile
Irine's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES
access_time 6 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
This year, my main goal is to focus more on agriculture and ensure that my children stay in school by paying their fees. To achieve this, I've decided to sell some of the goats I bought with the money from GiveDirectly. The income from farming will help cover the school fees. As a casual laborer, my income isn't always steady, so having this additional source of income will bring me great joy and gratitude. It's fulfilling to know that I can work towards both improving our farm and securing my children's education.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has truly made a significant impact on my life. Before, I had a leaking house, but now, thanks to them, I have a new one. Their unconditional cash assistance has also helped me address food security issues. With their support, I can carefully plan how to use the money in the best way possible for my family. I have no recommendations for changes because I appreciate all of GiveDirectly's programs. They have provided me with the help I needed to improve my living conditions and ensure my family's well-being.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving $450 from GiveDirectly filled me with happiness and joy. With this money, I decided to make wise investments for my family's future. I allocated $380 to purchase five goats. In our hot climate, goats thrive well, and I believed investing in them was a smart choice. As they multiply, they will help us reduce the cost of buying milk and provide a convenient source of income for emergencies. With the remaining $80, I chose to prioritize my children's education. I have three kids, and I used the money to pay for school fees for one of them. Education is crucial for shaping their future. It provides them with a platform to become stable and reliable individuals as they grow up. I believe that investing in both goats and education will contribute to a better future for my family.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($307 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year and beyond, my priority is to expand our home by adding another room. Currently, we only have a single room that serves as both a bedroom and a living area. This setup can be embarrassing when we have visitors, as there's no privacy and our personal belongings are on display. To address this, I plan to use the third transfer to purchase five goats, which I am optimistic will multiply over time. I am determined to achieve this goal by selling the goats and using the proceeds to construct the additional house and create a more comfortable and organized living space for my family.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GD has made a significant difference by giving us a considerable transfer. This assistance has rekindled our fading dreams, helping us to achieve what appeared out of reach. I am quite glad that, thanks to the relocation, we now have a wonderful residence that provides safety and security. We no longer have to hunt for a dry spot during the rainy season because our former house was prone to leaks. Thanks to GD, we now have a nice and dependable place to live.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a single mother, my children rely solely on me for support. I take on any casual work I can find, like washing clothes for others or helping out on farms. On good days, I might earn $3, but there are also days when I can't find any work at all. This constant uncertainty makes it difficult to provide for my family. The place we previously lived was in terrible shape. Its roof was full of leaks, making rainy days uncomfortable, and the door was in such bad shape that water would pour in. When I received the transfer, I saw it as a golden opportunity to finally make our living situation safer and more comfortable. I decided to invest a significant amount, $440, into building a new house. This covered the cost of materials and labor. Now, I am incredibly grateful that the new house is complete, and we have already moved in. No longer did I have to worry about my children getting sick from the dampness or feeling unsafe during the rainy season. Now, we have a place we can truly call home, a sanctuary where we can feel secure and comfortable. Seeing the smiles on my children's faces as they explored their new surroundings filled my heart with joy. With the remaining amount, I purchased sugar, which had been lacking in our household for some time. We had been drinking plain tea for a while, but now, with sugar in stock, our simple daily rituals feel more complete.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18010 KES ($114 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
After a day spent working a casual job harvesting crops at my neighbor's farm, I returned home i had my phone switched off early that morning. Once I powered it up, a call from my brother awaited me, brimming with unexpected news. He excitedly relayed that he'd received his funds from GiveDirectly. With a bit of guidance, he navigated me through the process and confirmed the receipt of $180.1. It was an unbelievable moment—I felt a surge of emotions, my body drenched in sweat, my heart pounding with unbridled joy. At that moment, my mind immediately raced to the things I'd dreamt of—finally fulfilling my desire for a proper bed and mattress. For far too long, my two children and I had endured sleeping on the bare floor, yearning for the comfort of a proper place to rest our heads. But beyond that, address numerous other pressing needs.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Thanks to GiveDirectly's support, the relentless pursuit of daily casual jobs to secure food for my family has ceased. Previously, our lives were consumed by the urgent need for sustenance, but now, a newfound stability has emerged. The worry of providing basic needs has significantly eased, granting me the freedom to dedicate time and energy to meaningful endeavors. This shift allows me to be more present for my children, fostering deeper connections. The impact of this transformation, from relentless struggle to assured provision, is profound. My heartfelt gratitude to GiveDirectly for lightening the burden and opening doors to a brighter future for my family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Residing in an area teeming with snakes made sleeping on the floor a dangerous choice for my two children and me. When the much-needed transfer of $180.1 from GiveDirectly came through, it was a game-changer. Swiftly, I allocated $38 for a sturdy bed, an essential upgrade from our situation. $ 28 was devoted to acquiring a decent mattress. No longer would we rely on rags and worn-out pieces to cushion our sleep; my aching back and waist welcomed this change. Being a single mother, relying on sporadic jobs, the struggle to put food on the table was a constant battle. Thus, $58 went towards ensuring our kitchen was well-stocked. Additionally, investing $14 in new plastic chairs replaced the old ones borrowed from my neighbor, adding a touch of comfort to our humble abode. Considering safety, $6 was utilized for a temporary fence around our compound. The need for organization led me to allocate $3 for a bag to store our clothes at home, a small yet impactful change in our daily lives. Education is a priority, and with $10, I purchased school bags for my children, a simple but significant provision they lacked. However, foresight was crucial for sustainability. Hence, $20 was invested in chickens, a step toward ensuring a steady source of income through their sale when times are tough. This assistance wasn’t just about immediate relief; it was a lifeline toward creating a more secure and comfortable future for my family.
access_time 12 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
The first transfer will help me buy goats. They do well here since there's vast pasture. Most of our village is free for all to graze. I will buy six goats, they will grow faster and provide me with milk. One goat is sold at about $40. I also plan to build a decent one roomed house. The one I live in has a leaking roof. During rainy days it's hard to sleep. It will cost about $400. I will buy Iron sheets, poles and cement for the floor. This will give us a better living space. Poultry also do well, I plan to build a structure for them. It will cost about $100. Will also need to buy 30 chicks and their feeds. All these will cost approximately $60. Hens lay eggs that can be sold to supplement my household income. They also provide ready food like meat ang eggs. The rest of the transfer will be used to buy a bag of maize and other consumables. I will also need clothes for my children.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I am very happy with my children, they're playful. It brings joy seeing the healthy and going to school regularly. A good healthy life for my familyis pleasant to me.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
It's been difficult feeding my family of 3. I separated with my husband and now fully supporting my 2 children. My ex-husband left with one child. Providing for a family alone has been hard, especially with the elongated drought. This means I depend on casual jobs such as washing people's clothes for a living. It's not reliable, sometimes I don't get jobs. Therefore, I cannot provide a stable food supply for my children. It's also hard raising money to support their other needs.