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Newsfeed > Taprantich's Profile
Taprantich's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($277 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Despite possessing a stretch of land fit for conversion into a farm, my advancing age renders me unable to utilize it fully. Nevertheless, I wish that this land could still prove beneficial if I were to introduce livestock, allowing them to graze and utilize its productivity with minimal effort on my part. In the coming year and beyond, my focus will be on nurturing the few livestock I currently have, comprising chickens and goats. These resilient animals thrive even in harsh conditions, and I am hopeful that they will multiply, serving as a valuable asset for buying foodstuff in the future when I am no longer able to work actively.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
Without GiveDirectly's support, I cannot imagine how dire our situation would be right now. The increasingly harsh climatic conditions have caused us significant losses in our farming endeavors, but thankfully, GiveDirectly's timely support arrived when we had no other options left. The program has enabled many of us to achieve things we never thought possible in our households, such as paying school fees, constructing new houses, and consistently providing food for our families during these difficult times. The enrollment process was fair, and everyone was grateful to receive the promised amount on the same day. Although we knew the support would only last for three months, we remain hopeful that another opportunity for assistance will arise, even if it does not come from GiveDirectly. We are content and have no complaints, as everything was carried out according to the initial explanations we received.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
In the past three years, our reliance on farming has become increasingly challenging. Despite our best efforts, we've struggled to put food on the table due to a scarcity of casual labor opportunities and my advancing age, which limits my ability to work. To make ends meet, I have resorted to gathering herbal medicine and firewood from the surrounding forests, occasionally selling these items to provide for my five grandchildren, whom I care for. Recently, three of my grandchildren underwent circumcision rites, and while their parents covered most of the expenses, I contributed $20 towards the costs. Additionally, I spent $105 in purchasing two sacks of maize, which we are currently relying on while hoping for alternative sources of sustenance. I also purchased a goat from my son for $10, aiding him in his financial struggles amid his son's court case. Although I haven't brought the goat home yet, knowing that I have supported my family brings me solace. With my spouse, we used $57 on personal items such as new clothes, shoes, and toiletries. While managing various expenses in the shopping center, I incurred transportation costs totaling $80, cleared a debt of $83 at a nearby shop, and utilized the remaining funds to repair a chicken coop with plans to expand our poultry holdings in the future. Despite the challenges we face, I am grateful for the support provided by GiveDirectly, which has eased our burdens and provided essential support during these trying times.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($302 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the next one year and beyond, I would want to advance my farming practices so as to be more independent financially. With the past transfer, I have been able to purchase some livestock; a goat and a hen and I look forward to advancing this farming. We are expecting heavy rains in the coming days and I am already preparing my small farm in readiness for planting. I will be planting maize in it so as to be food sufficient. I have been relying on proceeds from my farm to make ends meet but this has been helping me in just small ways. I have had to rely on my children as well to make ends meet since I can hardly do any off casual jobs. I look forward to making more investments that will help me going into the future.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly does well by choosing areas that are extremely needy. Looking at the conditions in which we live in over here, it is only fair that we benefited from the transfers. We were at the verge of dying because of hunger but they came to our rescue with the unconditional cash that they gave us. Giving the support in form of cash was another game changer and something to admire about GiveDirectly. God bless GiveDirectly as they continue to be a blessing to other people.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I used $230 to buy food in form of maize and other food items as well. Another $100 was used to buy a goat while the remainder was used to buy a personal phone among other needs. I have felt so happy during this period that I have been receiving these transfers especially as an old person who can hardly manage any odd casual jobs like the young generation. At least I have been able to acquire most of the things that I could only yearn for before. It has brought a lot of fulfillment and a sense of satisfaction in me and I cannot be thankful enough for this. I only hope that the transfer could continue for quite sometime but we understand it is going to stop after we receive the third transfer.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($138 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
The memory of receiving my transfer from GiveDirectly remains vivid in my memory. I was at home, taking a moment to relax, when the sound of my phone ringing caught my attention. Intrigued, I swiftly picked up my phone. Since I am unable to read, I asked my son to see what the message was about. When he informed me that GiveDirectly had sent me money, I was filled with immense joy. A surge of happiness enveloped me, and a wave of excitement washed over me as I realized the new possibilities that lay ahead. In that very instant, I began to create plans to make the most of these funds. The overwhelming joy that accompanied the receipt of the transfer marked a significant moment, inspiring me to channel my efforts into using it wisely and bringing positive change to our lives.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The most noticeable change in my daily life is that my family now has the privilege of enjoying three meals every day. The financial help I received has been crucial in bringing about this favorable transformation. With this assistance, I managed to obtain a sack of maize, a valuable resource that guarantees a plentiful food source for our family. This stands in stark contrast to the challenges we faced before, when making ends meet was a persistent battle. I am filled with gratitude for the aid we have received, as it has remarkably improved our overall standard of living.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
In light of my advanced age, my energy for work has waned, prompting me to engage in some farming while relying on my children for our sustenance. With my children now grown, I share my home with my five grandchildren. The financial assistance from GiveDirectly has proven to be an immense blessing, allowing us to comfortably fulfill our daily needs; a stark contrast to the times when financial constraints led us to go to bed hungry. Following the transfer, I allocated $160 to purchase essential provisions, $10 for a hospital visit, and another $10 for my grandchildren's schooling. Moreover, I invested $100 in acquiring two hens. The newfound abundance of food in our household brings me a sense of parental satisfaction, instilling confidence that our family won't face deprivation, a marked change from the past when income stability eluded us. I extend profound gratitude for the support that has significantly elevated our quality of life.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I plan on building a descent house for myself. I currently live in a single mud house, which is not safe and conducive since during the rainy seasons I catch the flu. Receiving these transfers will enable me to build a two-roomed house that will accommodate my grandchildren when they visit. I also plan on fencing my farm, and planting millet since it is the only drought-resistant crop that does well here. I am grateful to Give Directly because my life will change for the betterment.
What is the happiest part of your day?
For fifteen years I have been living alone after my children went to live in towns. Two weeks ago, my son relocated back to the village with his family and I am happy about it. They give me company and take care of me the same time seeing my grandchildren grow up healthily gives me joy.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
With old age comes a lot of challenges since I cannot fend for myself. I depend on my children to provide for all my basic needs. Sometimes it is difficult to get three meals a day and other days I sleep hungry. This has affected my ability to do simple chores since I lack enough strength. Food insecurity is the main challenge.