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Newsfeed > Agnes's Profile
Agnes's family
Small business
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($150 USD)
access_time 3 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
While washing clothes by the river, I overheard my neighbors mentioning that the money had arrived. I was shocked because we were told the transfers would start in July, but they came earlier than expected. I was surprised but very happy, knowing that one of my biggest problems, having to borrow a generator from neighbors, would soon be resolved, as I could now purchase one. This thought kept running through my mind as I continued washing.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Thank you so much, GiveDirectly, for making a difference in my life. I now have my own generator, so I no longer have to borrow from others. I am confident that I will no longer suffer with farming, and I will continue to work hard to improve the lives of my children. In the future, I will look back and say that we have a better life thanks to the support and funding we received from GiveDirectly.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I separated from my husband about five years ago, leaving me with four children to care for. Life was very hard, and I struggled a lot, doing casual jobs that paid only $3 per day, which wasn't even enough for a day's meal. We often collected vegetables from the bush and bought maize flour. Sometimes, when I couldn't find work, we went to bed hungry. I tried to balance it by working on my own farm, but the major problem was the need for a generator to pump water to the fields. Sometimes, I couldn't access a generator, and my farm would dry up, causing me to lose all my crops. So, when I received my transfer, I used $160 to purchase a generator. I had only one chair at home, so I spent $16 to buy two more, so visitors would have somewhere to sit. I also bought shoes for my kids for $10; they are very happy now, having nice shoes like other children. Lastly, I used the remaining amount to buy food to ensure we have enough at home. Thank you so much, GiveDirectly, because I see a better life through your support.
access_time 4 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
When the floods hit my village one month ago, part of my house was washed away. My house is mud-walled, and it could not sustain the force of the floods. I have been wishing to construct an iron-walled house, but finances have not allowed me to do so. As a family of five, we depend on charcoal burning, casual jobs, and farming to earn a living, but all the income goes towards food and loan repayment. When I receive my transfers, I plan to spend $500 on constructing a one-room house for my family. You see, even amidst future floods, an iron-sheet house can withstand more than a mud-walled one. I will be excited that my family will have a comfortable and safer space to live in. This will bring us peace of mind and stability, knowing that we are better prepared for any potential future disasters.
What is the happiest part of your day?
It is the hope of every farmer to see their produce flourish amidst unpredictable climatic changes. In October 2023, I sowed maize on my 1-acre piece of land and was delighted to harvest 15 bags in January 2024, a significant improvement from the previous season's yield of only 8 bags. As a single mother of four, I consider this a great achievement. The family's financial status was boosted, and we now have enough food to last until the next harvest season. This success has brought immense relief and joy, providing stability and security for my children and me.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The flash floods that hit my village in April 2024 affected most of our livelihoods. As a family of five, we depend on casual jobs, farming, and charcoal burning to earn a living. Before the floods, life here was easier as we could secure food through these livelihoods. I am afraid that the damage caused by the floods cannot be fully measured. Now, we solely depend on charcoal burning, which, due to scarcity, earns us only $10 a week. This income is entirely spent on food, leaving us without surplus funds to purchase fuel for our farms. Since the floods, I have been unable to irrigate my 1-acre maize farm due to a lack of finances. This situation is incredibly disheartening, as the once stable sources of income and sustenance for my family have been severely disrupted, and we are struggling to regain our footing.