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Newsfeed > Esther's Profile
Esther's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($484 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was around 11 pm and I was at home. I had retired to my bed but I was not yet asleep. Suddenly, my helper who had my phone with her came with so much excitement on her face. She told me that the transfer had been sent. I was so happy on hearing the wonderful news and I gave thanks to God and GiveDirectly for the blessing. I now knew that the plans I had made were now going to be fulfilled.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The transfer brought a very big difference in my life. This is because I was able to buy a cow and land, things that I have always wished to have but due to lack of money, I was not able to acquire them. I am hence happy and I no longer have thoughts about where to get money to do so.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent my transfer money on two things that were a priority to me. I bought a cow at KES 30000 and then with the remaining amount, I used it in buying land. I decided to buy the cow because I didn't have one before. I only have calves that have not yet matured. As a result of this, I hence usually incur the cost of buying milk where I usually buy a litre daily at KES 50. I also wanted to buy more land because the one I had was small and hence not enough for farming and rearing the cow. Buying the cow and the land was what I had always desired to do for a long time but due to financial constraints, I was not able to. I usually rear chickens, and I usually sell the eggs that I get from them to earn some income that I use in buying food and some household necessities such as sugar, soap, etc. The cow that I bought is about to calve and when it does, I will be able to get milk for my consumption. I will hence no longer incur the cost of buying it. Other than that, I have managed to plant maize and beans on the land that I recently acquired. I am hence so much grateful to GiveDirectly for the support that they gave me.
access_time almost 3 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I am an old mother and also a widow. It's now a decade since I lost my husband. I have been solely dependant. Since then I have been struggling to put food on the table and this has really strained me. I am not able to do casual jobs because of my age. My health is now deteriorating since I lack good nutritional value in the body.This has rendered me to be always sickly. I keep poultry and out of that I only get KES.100 in a day. This is not enough to buy other stocks of food like maize to sustain a good diet. I am really greatful for Givedirectly transfers and I plan to buy 10 bags of maize at a cost of KES. 30,000.Increase my poultry farming which will cost KES.50,000 and the remaining amount I will buy decent clothing and beddings.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I only have one son, and he recently got employed by the County Government of Bomet. Thou he has not yet been paid but it's my hope that he will eventually be on salary. This will be a great boost to me as he will taking care of me on my old age.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I am currently facing food insecurity in my home. I live alone and since my age cannot allow me to do any casual jobs, I sometimes go without taking some meals. This has really made my health to deteriorate and I am now sickly.