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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Newsfeed > Johnson's Profile
Johnson's family
Small business
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($363 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I have always dreamed of having my own herd of goats and cows. The idea of rearing these animals and providing for my family of eight with their milk and meat has been a long-held aspiration. However, as a watchman, my $40 monthly income is not enough to fulfill this dream; therefore, I hope to put my driving skills to use. Recently, I learned of a promising business opportunity that will not only help me achieve my dream of owning goats and cows but also provide a better future for my family. I learned about the demand for fresh vegetables in Shakahola, a nearby town. It struck me that I could leverage my driving skills and this market demand to start a profitable business. I plan on applying for a loan of $5000 from Watu Credit, which would be sufficient to buy the car I needed. With the car, I will establish a grocery business and use the profits to not only repay the loan but also fulfill my dream of rearing goats and cows. It is a bold move, but it feels like the right step toward a brighter future for my family.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
It is wonderful that GiveDirectly has implemented unconditional cash transfers (UCTs) in my community, and it is clear that this approach has made a positive impact by allowing people to plan for what works best for them. The fact that the organization follows up to monitor progress is also commendable, as it ensures transparency and accountability in the program. However, the transfer size should be reviewed, especially for individuals or families with larger projects or aspirations. Adding more transfers or providing additional support for those with significant plans can indeed be a beneficial strategy.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Our family of eight struggles to make ends meet, and every penny we earn is spent on putting food on the table. My biggest concern was education for my three children in grades 6, 3, and 2. I knew education was their ticket to a brighter future, so I used $150 for their school fees, and now I am hopeful for a brighter future. Furthermore, I had always dreamed of rearing goats, but our finances were never enough to fulfill that dream. I am employed as a watchman on Somali-owned land to prevent wild animals from encroaching on the crops. It is a tough job, but it earns me about $40 a month—barely enough to support my family. I am glad the transfers made my dream come true, as I bought two goats for $95 and now my children are busy looking after the small herd after school. To add to our financial woes, I had a pending dowry to pay. I have been married since 2014 and had already paid $500 towards it, but there remained a hefty $100 to settle. The dowry was a symbol of my love and commitment to my wife, and I was determined to clear this debt so I used the rest of the transfers to reduce this debt.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($390 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
The day the GiveDirectly transfers arrived, a mixture of joy and relief washed over me. It had been a difficult time, and we were struggling to make ends meet. As I held that money in my hands, I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude. It meant that we could put food on the table. The weight of that burden lifted, replaced by a sense of comfort and security. Yet, amidst the relief, there was another concern that had plagued my thoughts—the school fees. As a parent, providing my children with an education was of utmost importance to me. But the financial strain had made it increasingly difficult to meet those obligations. The fear of our children being denied access to education due to unpaid fees kept me up at night. When I saw the amount of money we received, It was a lifeline that could ensure our children's education continued uninterrupted. The GiveDirectly transfers had not only provided financial relief but also reignited our belief in the possibility of a brighter future.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The joy and excitement of our children were immeasurable as they discovered the new addition to our family - the four female goats. They were eager to take on the responsibility of herding and caring for them. It was not just about the immediate happiness they brought but also the opportunity to learn valuable skills and responsibility. With the school fees paid and the financial burden alleviated, we could now plan ahead and pay school fees in advance. This was a significant milestone for us, as it meant we could secure our children's education and ensure their uninterrupted learning journey. It was a testament to the positive impact that the GiveDirectly transfers had on our lives. It allowed us to plan better and provide our children with the stability and educational opportunities they deserved.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
With the GiveDirectly transfers in hand, we had the opportunity to address some pressing needs. As we assessed our priorities, we decided to allocate $150 towards school fees. Education was paramount to us, and ensuring our children had access to quality education was non-negotiable. Recognizing the importance of a good night's sleep, we dedicated $90 to purchasing a comfortable mattress. Rest and rejuvenation were essential for our well-being, and a new mattress would provide the comfort and support we needed after long days of hard work. It was an investment in our health and overall quality of life. To improve the infrastructure of our home, we allocated $150 towards purchasing iron sheets and covering labor costs. This investment would enhance the durability and functionality of our shelter, protecting us from the elements and creating a more comfortable living space. We also saw an opportunity for sustainable livelihood through livestock. Recognizing the potential for income generation, we decided to allocate $90 towards acquiring four female goats. Goats were known for their resilience and ability to multiply, making them a valuable asset for our family. The goats would not only provide us with milk and meat but also open doors for future breeding and expansion of our herd.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I have a family of eight members and my wife and I are both casual laborers making charcoal for sale. We earn a collective income of approximately $50 per month which caters for food only. I have thee children who are schooling at Gabina primary but this year they dropped out of school due to school fees. They all had a balance of $10. I will use $700 to buy 20 goats as an investment. The climatic condition in our are are favourable for goats keeping and I have enough piece of land for animal farming. I have around 40 acres of land. I will also use $15 to buy a bed and a mattress for the family. We currently use sacks as our bedding.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I live on a communal land where my father died and my brothers live away from this village. I am the one taking care of the land. On January 2023, an investor who owns a herd of cattle settled on my piece of land and we agreed that he would be giving me $70 every month as a lease fee. He gave me the agreed money and I did some shopping for my family that last for one month. I felt happy when I received the money.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Lack of employment has been a challenge for me. I do charcoal burning as my job which is tedious and it is illegal. The forest department in the country birds charcoal burning. I take the risk because I have no any other job and have a family to take care of.