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Newsfeed > Naomi's Profile
Naomi's family
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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21st Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 2 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
While I am still in college, my main focus is on my studies. I want to ensure that when I graduate, I won't regret not fully understanding the material being taught. Therefore, I am committed to concentrating on every aspect of our lessons, as this will shape my future. I plan to continue using my monthly allowance to pay for my tuition and purchase any necessary supplies. My ultimate goal is to establish my own salon business, a venture that will fulfill my dreams and provide long-term stability. This journey is filled with hope, determination, and gratitude. I am thankful to GiveDirectly for the support that has helped me turn my aspirations into reality. Additionally, once the salon is established, I plan to sell a variety of women's wear to generate additional income, which will not only meet my needs but also assist my siblings and ease my parents' financial burden.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I initially considered enrolling in beauty college to learn more about salon and beauty. However, upon inquiring about the requirements, I found out that I needed a class eight certificate, which I did not have as I had only completed class six. This was discouraging, so I decided to pursue tailoring instead, which marked the beginning of my journey in tailoring. With my most recent transfer, I used $34 to pay for my tailoring fees so that I could continue attending classes, as attendance required payment. I also used some of the funds to cover my medical expenses when I fell ill and needed to see a physician. With the remaining $434, I decided to buy a goat, although the total cost was $45, so I added some of my personal savings to make up the difference. I am grateful to GiveDirectly for the financial support, as even investing in a goat provides me with future financial stability. Goats multiply rapidly, and in the event of any future financial emergency, I can still sell its offspring to address the issue.
17th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time 5 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Thanks to my initial transfers, I was able to kick start a successful grocery business. Seeing its growth, I entrusted it to my mother, allowing her to support our family while I pursue a new path. With my health and confidence restored, I've embarked on a fresh journey and enrolled in a salon and beauty college. My aim is to utilize my transfers to fund my college education to completion. This investment in myself not only signifies personal growth but also lays the foundation for a future of financial stability. My ultimate goal is to establish my own salon business, a venture that promises to fulfill my dreams and secure my long-term prosperity. It's a journey filled with hope, determination, and gratitude. I'm grateful to GiveDirectly for providing the support that has enabled me to turn my aspirations into reality.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The timely arrival of transfers from GiveDirectly couldn't have come at a more crucial moment in my life. For years, I've battled a health condition, with a swollen neck that not only caused physical discomfort but also shattered my self-esteem. The ridicule and mockery I endured at school forced me to drop out, unable to bear the weight of other childrens' laughs. With the funds received, I allocated $48 towards my medical expenses to undergo a surgery to rectify the issue. The prospect of finally finding relief from the swelling filled me with hope and gratitude. And indeed, as I progress through my recovery, the swelling has diminished, allowing me to walk confidently without the burden of judgmental stares. For this newfound confidence and sense of freedom, I am immensely thankful to GiveDirectly. Their support has been transformative, not just in terms of my physical health but also in restoring my dignity and sense of worth. With part of the funds, I ensured my family's immediate needs were met by allocating $20 for food and ensures that my loved ones don't go hungry amidst our struggles. Finally, I directed the remaining $34 towards enrolling myself in a salon and beauty college. This represents a new chapter in my life, one filled with hope, ambition, and the pursuit of self-improvement. By gaining skills in this field, I hope to start my own salon business and secure a stable income and also empower myself to pursue my dreams and build a better future.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 8 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Before my sickness developed and got to the point of making life impossible for me, I had had a plan of setting up a business which I did. I now have a grocery stall from where I sell vegetables to my neighbours. My plan is now to go back to focusing on building this business to generate good profits. I believe with increase in my profit margins I will be able to join a village savings group and even pursue bigger ambitions since this groups allow one to take loans to invest.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Had it not been for the transfers I receive from Givedirectly, my health would have suffered tremendously. I had been struggling with undiagnosed goitre and since the inflammation on my neck could only be diagnosed by X-ray which is quite pricey I was able to use $25 from my November transfers to get diagnosed. I was then directed to the government hospital at Malindi where I spent $30 on my surgery to take out the growth. My father added to my remaining transfers and paid for our transport to Malindi. I am glad that now I no longer have the inflammation nor do I have to endure the pain that made my life unbearable from the inflamed area. I had gotten some goats at $40 in October with a boost of $6 from my father. I also got some clothes for the festivities before I had pursued treatment as I had hoped I would be in good health to enjoy the holidays at $6.
9th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($24 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My father is our family’s main provider, engaged in trading livestock during market days. However, the income he generates from this endeavor falls short of covering the financial demands of our family, particularly the tuition fees for my six siblings and me. Given these circumstances, I am determined to establish a foundation of wealth that can assist both my family and me, especially during times of financial hardship. My goal is to initiate a livestock-rearing venture, starting with chickens. By allowing them to breed, I aim to eventually sell them to acquire goats and cows, steadily expanding my wealth. Looking ahead, I envision using these livestock sales to fund the start of a vegetable-selling business. I believe this business could also significantly contribute to meeting the various needs of my family.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
When I received the money, I was dealing with a painful swelling inside my neck, which required medical attention. So, I used $15 to cover my medical bills. Thanks to the cash transfers, I have fully recovered now, and I am immensely grateful to GiveDirectly for their support. Following that, I allocated $15 towards providing food for my family. We had gone hungry the previous night due to financial constraints, so the funds came as a relief. My father, who is involved in trading livestock, had not made any sales recently, leaving us without enough money for food. Contributing to our food ensured that we had enough to eat for the next three weeks. With the remaining $4, I purchased two chickens for rearing. My goal is to allow these chickens to reproduce and expand the flock. Eventually, I plan to trade them for a goat, which will mark the beginning of my journey to grow wealth through livestock keeping.
5th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I want to grow my finances as a person and this for me means having an investment. I plan to buy more animals for myself. Animals are such a good investment as they grow and in turn, reproduce, and the bigger the number the more the opportunity for the flocks to increase. I also want to start a business. I want to open a general shop outlet which will be my main source of income. I have not done any research on how much I may need to achieve this but I hope that the transfers I get this year and the animals can provide sufficient capital for the business.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
GD transfers have changed my health for good. I had a growth on my neck that has gone untreated since 2018. I had wanted to seek treatment for this, but the financial cost was too high for my family to bear. My father raises and sells livestock while my mother is a stay-at-home mother. Their earnings were not enough for my treatment. In 2022 my parents began receiving transfers from GD and that was the first time I sought treatment. I have received treatment and my growth has significantly gone down. In January I spent all my transfers on my treatment and medicine. I bought a goat in February at $30 and used the rest of the transfers to buy flour at $4. In March we had so many days where we did not have food, we decided to use the money to buy a bundle of flour at $25 and the $9 left we used for vegetables.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly, in my opinion, does an excellent job of providing financial assistance to improve our standard of living. As a result, we have been relieved of the extreme difficulty we were experiencing prior to enrolling in the program. Some have started businesses, while others have re-enrolled their children in school. These strategies are likely to be beneficial in the long run. Furthermore, it performs well in terms of constant follow-up, which helps us to gain confidence in the program. The program contains no favoritism. I believe that the organization should continue its good work.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I used my entire first transfer to start up a new business. I had wished to start one, however, I could not do so due to a lack of funds. Throughout, I have been a housewife and depended on my mother for support. I was always at home because I had no economic activity to engage in since I had no source of income. I am relieved that I can make $10 in sales every day. It has improved our living standard because I can now support my jobless parents. As a result, they can support a large family of 12 members more easily. Thank you for using GiveDirectly.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I saw the transfer notification in the evening when I was in process of preparing my supper. I had left my phone somewhere in the house until my brother informed me that my phone had a Mpesa message. I was not expecting to receive money from anyone. I was greatly overjoyed when I realized it was my first transfer from GiveDirectly and that I could finally pay for my medical expenses after failing to get support from friends.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I have been going through some health issues since 2018, which even made me drop out of school. My parents, who could not meet the medical expenses, since they do not have stable sources of income tried their best, unfortunately, the burden of meeting other basic needs made it impossible for them to cater for my medication. I am sometimes required to attend medical checkups which cost a lot of money. I am grateful to GiveDirectly because, I am now at peace, knowing that the monthly transfers will help me cater for my medication, this is so far the biggest difference in my daily life.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I want to thank GiveDirectly for sending my transfer at the very moment that I needed financial help. I was hospitalized after falling ill and I had spent all my savings until I had to borrow some money from friends. This could have sunk me into debt, but luckily the transfer came on time. I spent the whole of KES 1200 on paying for the medical expenses. I am happy that I was attended to, and given the necessary medication and I am now recuperating well.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I'm a single lady currently living with my mother because of my condition. I developed some swelling on the front part of my neck that keeps growing and sometimes reducing but painful all through. First it started way back in 2018 coupled with epilepsy that kept getting too frequent and finally I had to drop out of grade school at level six. Thereafter epilepsy reduced greatly in frequency and I moved to Mombasa town to try working as a house-help. This condition relapsed and again I had to return home urgently. Medically all tests are always negative and my throat is apparently normal so I have nothing to treat scientifically. Getting this money is going to give me a chance to visit throat specialists so that I determine what's happening and get it treated if possible. I still don't know how much this will cost but I'm positive with the transfers I'll be able to do it.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I felt really happy in the month of February when I got better after seeking spiritual help to solve my health condition. This was after hospital failed me and now out of desperation I decided to try spiritual help. It seemed to have worked but I'm not sure for how long I'm going to in great shape to be able to continue with my life.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My condition is still the biggest challenge for me as I am not able to take up jobs far from the people who can take care of me in case of anything. I have a neck swelling that is normally growing and sometimes causes intense pains that I have to see a doctor. Again at the hospital they can't treat me because apparently my neck is normal. It's really bad to have a condition not known and can't be treated.