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Newsfeed > Samwel's Profile
Samwel's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($348 USD)
access_time 23 days ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I plan to invest more in livestock. Currently, I have 12 goats, and my goal is to increase that number to over 20. As I grow older and eventually stop working, I want to ensure I have something to support my children, especially since they are still young and going to school. I intend to use the money I will earn from butternut farming, which I have already planted. I am hopeful that the crops will thrive, leading to a good harvest. The income from the farm will help me achieve my goal of expanding my livestock and securing a better future for my family.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly does an excellent job with their unconditional support, and their follow-ups after the transfers by their officers ensure that we are using the money wisely to benefit ourselves and achieve the overall goal of eradicating poverty. From those who received earlier, we can already see the positive impact it has had. Giving the money in installments has been particularly helpful, as even if someone doesn't utilize the first transfer well, they have the chance to redeem themselves with the second transfer. It also motivates us to use the funds responsibly in order to receive the remaining transfers. Personally, I haven't seen any areas where GiveDirectly needs to improve—what they are doing is working well, and the project has truly transformed our lives. I recommend the organization continue with the same approach. However, in cases where someone misuses the transfers, it would be beneficial to offer more education on wise spending to help individuals make better decisions.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Together with my family of nine, we have been living on a piece of land I recently bought, along with a house that came with a three-room iron-sheet structure. The design and the iron sheets used for roofing are quite old, and I plan to improve it into a more modern home. I used $200 from my second GiveDirectly transfer to buy twenty modern iron sheets, and I am planning to begin renovations after receiving my final transfer. As a dedicated farmer, I am blessed with an acre of land, but due to financial constraints and relying on casual jobs and charcoal production to meet our other needs, I have only been able to farm half an acre. With my second transfer, I decided to fully utilize my entire acre, planting butternut squash. I spent $90 on land preparation and planting, $40 on pesticides, and $60 on labor. With the remaining $60, I bought two bags of maize to sustain us for a while. Casual jobs have not been reliable, as their availability is inconsistent, making it difficult to consistently put food on the table. I thank God because since we received money from GiveDirectly, we no longer have to rely on casual jobs. Thank you, GiveDirectly.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($155 USD)
access_time 3 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was a hot afternoon, and the sun was high in the sky. My spouse, our three children, and I were busy working on our one-acre watermelon farm. Suddenly, my phone rang. It was a call from a friend. After I was done talking with him, I noticed an unread message. I opened it to check and was delighted that the anticipated transfer from GiveDirectly had arrived sooner than expected. I was so happy and immediately shared the good news with my children and spouse, who were equally excited.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
One of the biggest differences since I started receiving the transfers is that I was able to buy top-dressing fertilizers and pesticides for my watermelon farm. This has saved me from selling one of my goats to raise money for these inputs. I had been left with only eight young goats, as I had sold several to cater for my children's fees, so I was reluctant to sell them again. The financial support allowed me to maintain my goat herd while still improving my farm, providing both immediate and long-term benefits for my family, as the goats will reproduce and increase in number.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I have been yearning to build a bigger, better house for my family since our current one is too small. Right now, we have three children still living at home, while the rest of our children, who are grown, have their own dwellings. My plan is to build a three-room house and leave the small one-room house we currently reside in for our three children, who need more space and privacy as they grow up. To achieve this, I deposited $110 from the first transfer at a hardware store in town for building materials, and I will collect them after adding in the second transfer. I plan to do the same with the second transfer and start construction with the third transfer. Additionally, I used $60 to buy top-dressing fertilizers and pesticides for my one-acre watermelon farm. I am happy to report that this made a huge difference in the yield, and I had a good harvest that generated $1,300 in income. This income allowed me to pay my son's college fees and reinvest in farming butternut. I used the remaining amount from the transfer to buy food for my family.
access_time 5 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Being a farmer, I intend to prioritize increasing my acreage under farming by leasing additional land. Since I have experience in growing short seasoned crops, I intend to maximize on the available water from River Perkerra and expand on doing irrigation farming on the leased lands. I will inject 50% of my transfer to achieve this and use the remaining amount to sort out my immediate needs like food and household items. By doing this, I will have set myself into going one step up in terms of production or proceeds.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I am happy to report that in the month of March this year, I received a good harvest of butternuts from my one acre piece of land. The proceeds from this assisted me in paying for the school fees for my children. It was a timely boost since it was a time that they were about to do their exams yet they had some arrears.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I am a subsistence farmer growing short term crops in my one acre piece of land. With a family of 11 members, I am unable to cater for all their basic needs from the proceeds I make in the farm. Paying for their basic education and purchasing of farm inputs tops the list of things making my life difficult. This is because the returns I get from the harvest is far less than the amount I require to sustain the basic needs of my family. This means that together with my wife, we have to embark on other side hustles like casual jobs in order to try and reduce the deficits.