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Newsfeed > Francis's Profile
Francis's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
Next Payment
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($349 USD)
access_time 24 days ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I plan to start a business of buying and selling livestock, specifically goats and cows, as there's a strong market for it, especially on Thursdays, our local livestock market day. To kickstart this, I will plant vegetables on the land I have leased with my second transfer from GiveDirectly, along with the land I already own. I plan to use the profits to fund the business. Once it's up and running, I will manage the livestock business myself while my wife manages our crop farming. Together, this will allow us to generate enough income to support our family, including covering our children’s school fees. This plan aligns perfectly with my goal of moving my family away from relying on casual jobs and focusing on farming and business to secure a stable future for us.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has done an incredible job supporting the poor in our community, and the impact is clear. People have been able to improve their lives in many ways, from building new houses to starting businesses and raising livestock. The education provided on the source and purpose of the cash, along with guidance on wise spending, has allowed us to manage the money effectively and without fear. The follow-up from GiveDirectly officers ensures that people are making good use of the funds, leading to significant community development. In my opinion, GiveDirectly should continue with the same approach and expand to support even more people using these successful methods. The approach is truly effective.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Two years ago, an accident left my legs paralyzed, and I became unable to support my family of five. Since then, we’ve relied entirely on my wife, who takes on casual jobs to keep us going. When I received my second transfer from GiveDirectly, I saw an opportunity to change this by venturing into crop farming to ease her burden. I began by purchasing a generator to support irrigation, as droughts are frequent in our area and reliable water access is essential for a successful harvest. I also bought four bags of fertilizer, each costing $35, to ensure the crops would thrive. Given that my own land is only half an acre, I rented an additional acre for $120. For the past two years, I had been leasing out my land due to my inability to farm, but with these new resources, I’m planning to plant vegetables on both the leased and owned land this October, using my final transfer. My goal is to help my wife step away from casual jobs and focus on our farm, so that together, we can generate enough income to sustain our family. Thank you, GiveDirectly.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
18240 KES ($139 USD)
access_time 3 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
That afternoon, I went to our nearest trading center to pass the time, socializing and chatting with the men in my community. I had also taken my phone to be charged in a nearby shop while we continued our discussions. Later in the evening, I went to retrieve my phone with the intention of heading back home. Upon checking my phone, I noticed an unread message. To my surprise, it was a notification indicating that I had received money from GiveDirectly. Excitedly, I rushed home to inform my spouse, who shared in my joy. We quickly made plans for her to travel to Marigat town the next day to withdraw the money and purchase food, which was our most urgent need at the time.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my life since I started receiving transfers is that I no longer worry constantly about my children going hungry. With the GiveDirectly transfer, I was able to buy two sacks of maize, ensuring we can now eat three meals a day. This food will last us until we receive the next transfer, and it brings me immense joy as my children will be well-fed and happy. Before this, we depended on my wife to find casual work, which was not always guaranteed. Sometimes we lacked food completely, forcing my children to go around to our neighbours to borrow food. This situation caused me a lot of stress, but I could not help because I could not provide for them due to my disability. Additionally, I am so happy that my wife can take a bit of a break from the constant struggles and stress she faces while fending for the family. Seeing her have some relief is a huge weight off my shoulders.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My life has not been the same since my legs became paralyzed two years ago due to a long-term illness. This condition left me disabled, and unable to provide for my family. I am grateful that my spouse stepped in and did everything she could to support our family of five. However, her efforts were not enough to cover all our basic needs, and my children often missed meals or had to borrow food from our neighbours, which was embarrassing but unavoidable. When I received the transfer, it was a lifeline. I used $60 to buy food, ensuring that we would not go hungry for a while. I am happy to see the health improvements in my children as a result. I also used $95 to buy two mattresses—one for us parents and the other for our children. We had been sleeping on old rugs, which was very uncomfortable, especially given my condition. Now, we can sleep comfortably. I used the remaining amount to pay school fees for my two children in primary school. Thank you, GiveDirectly, for making this possible.
access_time 5 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Coming from an area where irrigation is essential for farming, I have always hoped to own a water pump. Currently, I have to borrow one from my neighbors, but they are often busy and unable to lend it to me. This leads to delays in my farm activities, negatively impacting my produce. When I receive the transfers, I plan to spend $300 on a water pump to ensure my farm runs efficiently. Additionally, I will spend $200 to construct a pit latrine for my family, as we currently use the bushes, which exposes us to diseases. The remaining funds will go towards food and furniture for my family of five, improving our overall living conditions. I will be grateful for the assistance since it will be a boost to my wife's finances. Due to my medical condition, I am unable to fend for the family, and this support will help ease the burden she carries.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Two years ago, I was diagnosed with a terminal illness that affected my spinal cord, resulting in paralysis of my legs. This has left me unable to provide for my family of five. Instead, we rely on my wife Susan, who takes on casual jobs to earn a living. Despite the heavy burden she carries, I am constantly amazed by her strength and dedication. She always manages to provide for our family, and what is most incredible is that we have never gone to bed hungry. Despite our challenges, my family remains happy, and that fills me with immense gratitude and pride.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
In my village, Parleleru, the farms rely on irrigation, which poses a significant challenge for me since I do not own a water pump. I often have to borrow one from my neighbors, but there is no guarantee that they will lend it to me each time. Currently, I have not been able to cultivate my 0.5-acre piece of land because of this issue. I am worried that this delay will affect my farm's productivity, which will, in turn, negatively impact my family of five. The uncertainty of securing a water pump adds to my stress, knowing that my family's well-being depends on the timely cultivation of our land.