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Newsfeed > Esther's Profile
Esther's family
Raising livestock
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
3rd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($345 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My husband and I are getting old, and since we stopped crop farming, we plan to focus on our 15 goats, hoping they will multiply so we can sell some to pay school fees for our two children still in school. We believe their future depends on education, and we want to ensure they complete their studies so they can live better lives tomorrow. Although two of our daughters and our son have completed school, they have not found jobs yet. However, we remain hopeful that things will eventually turn out positively.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly's approach is amazing. The community meeting organized before enlightened us about the organization and its source of finances. During enrollment, we were informed in advance about the transfer amounts and dates, which gave me hope and allowed for early budgeting. The officers were respectful, and the unconditional money gave me the freedom to plan with my family based on our needs. I am happy with everything; all promises were kept. The approach is unique and the best, and I hope you continue with the same method as you touch more lives.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My husband and I used to rely on crop and livestock farming to meet our family's daily needs and to pay school fees for our daughter and son at the high school level. However, due to our old age, we stopped crop farming and focused entirely on keeping goats. We have been selling the goats to pay the school fees for our two children, and we now have only 15 goats left. Paying school fees has been the most challenging expense. With my final transfer, I decided to prioritize the fees, paying $100 for my daughter and $150 for my son, leaving arrears of $300 and $200 respectively. With the remaining $200, I bought food worth $130: two bags of maize for $70 and other items for $60. Additionally, I gave my son $40 to support his farming activities, as he helps us when we are in need. I had saved $30 for unexpected expenses, but it is now exhausted. Thank you GiveDirectly.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($280 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I have a deep sense of commitment to securing a better future through education for three my children. For the coming year and beyond, my main focus is to ensure that their school fees are paid on time, allowing them to concentrate fully on their studies without any interruptions. To achieve this, I utilize the third transfer to invest in three goats, adding to the few I already have. Goats do well in our region, and their quick reproduction makes them a promising asset, as I plan to sell them for additional income. Furthermore, part of the transfer will also be allocated to paying a portion of the school fees. I firmly believe that by providing them with the best possible education, they will be equipped to support me in the future, especially when they secure employment. This investment in their education represents a long-term strategy for securing a brighter and more sustainable future for both them and myself.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my perspective, GD has truly excelled by providing us with unconditional cash transfers. This generous support has granted us the flexibility to address our diverse needs. I am particularly grateful that, with the assistance of the transfer, I have acquired a water tank, alleviating the constant worry about this vital resource. Thank you, GD, for making a significant impact and offering us the means to improve our lives.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The water scarcity in our community is a significant challenge, and this has been made worse by periodic droughts that dry up the rivers that should provide us with water. This usually compels us to purchase water at a higher cost of $0.5 for a 20-litre jerrican, straining our limited finances, particularly since our primary income comes from selling goats, which rely on water and green pastures. To address this ongoing issue, I made a decisive investment in a long-term solution. I allocated $350 from the transfer to buy a 5,000-liter water tank and an additional $50 to ensure its sturdy support with ridges and a concrete slab. Witnessing the tank successfully harvest water last month brought a profound sense of relief, easing the persistent stress of securing water, especially during the initial three months of the year, as it is usually a dry season. In the event of water depletion, the option to refill the tank using a water bowser for a more affordable cost of $25 provides reassurance. This water tank offers a sustainable solution, providing comfort and security for my family in the face of unpredictable circumstances. Furthermore, I utilized the remaining funds to purchase a sack of dry maize for my family of four. This became necessary due to our poor harvest this year, influenced by the harsh, dry weather we experienced.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($134 USD)
access_time 12 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
Around 4 pm, I was at home, having a late lunch when the message came in. The happiness that swept over me was undeniable. I had put so much effort into farming, but the harsh reality of drought meant we didn't harvest anything. It was a source of distress, and the message couldn't have come at a better time than this. In that moment, the first thought that crossed my mind was food. The reassurance that I could now address the pressing need for sustenance was overwhelming. The support had arrived at a crucial juncture, turning a challenging situation into a moment of hope and gratitude.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The transformative impact of the assistance from GiveDirectly is palpable, particularly in our ability to address pressing needs. We have successfully paid school fees, ensuring that educational pursuits continue unhindered. This has been a source of immense relief, especially given our advanced age, which limits our capacity to engage in casual employment for additional income. Moreover, the funds received have significantly alleviated concerns related to daily sustenance. This relief from the financial burden and the improved quality of life are tangible outcomes of the support provided. The impact is genuinely transformative, offering us a respite from the challenges associated with our age and limited economic opportunities
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The support from GiveDirectly has eased the financial strain associated with my daughter's education. I promptly paid $50 towards her secondary school fees, ensuring she can continue her education without disruptions. Previously, we relied heavily on income from Kenya Seed farming, but the delays in payment and the unpredictability of the weather made it a challenging source. The assistance has also allowed me to address another crucial aspect of ensuring an ample food supply for my family. With $120, I managed to purchase essential food items, providing sustenance and stability in our daily lives. Additionally, upon receiving news of anticipated rains, I invested $30 in cultivating beans, leveraging the favorable weather conditions for a potential harvest. I'm grateful for the flexibility and impact that GiveDirectly has afforded me, enabling me to prioritize both education and food security. This support has undeniably improved our immediate circumstances and positioned us more resiliently for the future.
access_time 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
The drought has made food access a challenge for our family. The transfer will be an immense help since we can buy food. We plan to buy maize and other household items, which will cost about $150. It can sustain us for about two months. We also have children in school, we plan to use our last transfer and the second for their education. That's about $600. I have a daughter in secondary school, and son who will join secondary school early next year. The last transfer will assist in sending him to school. It means a better future for our children, education changes lives. Additionally, our house is in a bad state. It's dusty and can bring health conditions. We plan to cement the floor. It will cost at most $100. This will improve our living and sleeping environment. Lastly, due to the distance covered to fetch water. We plan to harvest rain water or buy water from vendors for storage. This means we need a water tank, we'll buy a 5000 liters capacity tank. It will cost approximately $350. This should ease our water burden.
What is the happiest part of your day?
It's a joy having livestock such as goats, cows, or even chickens. We can sell them to support us. This has been our source of livelihood making me happy.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
The high cost of living coupled with the elongated drought period has made life hard. We buy most of our household consumables due to the lack of rain. The last time I planted and made a good harvest was three years ago. Drought has led to food insecurity. We now depend mainly on livestock sales. Selling our stock has almost depleted it. This means it's hard putting food on the table. We're also forced to travel further to get casual jobs. The pay is about $3 per day. It's hardly enough to support a family. Our children can do casual jobs since we're older with my husband.