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Newsfeed > Veronica's Profile
Veronica's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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access_time 4 months ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
For every family to live a better life, you need to have money. In our family we depend on casual jobs to have our daily bread as well as purchase other family basic needs like clothing. It is unfortunate that after working the whole day you are paid KES 300. This is little and is not able to sustain our livelihood. Unavailability of a stable source of income is making our life unbearable. We rarely afford three meals a day as a family which is so sad and embarrassing. Everyday I am walking up to 3 kilometers to fetch clean water for domestic use is another challenge for me. This is not healthy and it is tiresome, it also makes me vulnerable to backache and other health complications.
What is the happiest part of your day?
We received heavy rainfall this season which is unusual for us living in arid areas. Although we experienced flash floods and displacement of households in the area. I gave it a try and planted an acre piece of land. I am happy that my maize crop is doing well, I am hopeful that I will have a bumper harvest and be able to put food on the table for my family five.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Our dream of having a better pit latrine for the family was put on hold due to lack of enough money. It is embarrassing that we are using the neighbor's latrine and at times we are forced to use nearby bushes to relieve ourselves. This is lowering our dignity as a family and more so when we have visitors. This bushes me to spend my first transfers from GiveDirectly to build a pit latrine for my family. With my family of five, our house has turned out to be small and not enough for us. I will plan KES 40000 of my second transfers to build a two roomed house for my household. I am also thinking of investing KES 30,000 my third transfer on livestock keeping and KES 10,000 to expand our crop farming.