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Francis's family
Casual labor
Kenya Large Transfer
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access_time 4 months ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
In my village, Parleleru, the farms rely on irrigation, which poses a significant challenge for me since I do not own a water pump. I often have to borrow one from my neighbors, but there is no guarantee that they will lend it to me each time. Currently, I have not been able to cultivate my 0.5-acre piece of land because of this issue. I am worried that this delay will affect my farm's productivity, which will, in turn, negatively impact my family of five. The uncertainty of securing a water pump adds to my stress, knowing that my family's well-being depends on the timely cultivation of our land.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Two years ago, I was diagnosed with a terminal illness that affected my spinal cord, resulting in paralysis of my legs. This has left me unable to provide for my family of five. Instead, we rely on my wife Susan, who takes on casual jobs to earn a living. Despite the heavy burden she carries, I am constantly amazed by her strength and dedication. She always manages to provide for our family, and what is most incredible is that we have never gone to bed hungry. Despite our challenges, my family remains happy, and that fills me with immense gratitude and pride.
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Coming from an area where irrigation is essential for farming, I have always hoped to own a water pump. Currently, I have to borrow one from my neighbors, but they are often busy and unable to lend it to me. This leads to delays in my farm activities, negatively impacting my produce. When I receive the transfers, I plan to spend $300 on a water pump to ensure my farm runs efficiently. Additionally, I will spend $200 to construct a pit latrine for my family, as we currently use the bushes, which exposes us to diseases. The remaining funds will go towards food and furniture for my family of five, improving our overall living conditions. I will be grateful for the assistance since it will be a boost to my wife's finances. Due to my medical condition, I am unable to fend for the family, and this support will help ease the burden she carries.