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Newsfeed > Jumaa's Profile
Jumaa's family
Casual labor
Kenya Basic Income
Upcoming Stage
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21st Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time 2 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I've been tending to my small poultry farm for a while now, and while it's not much, I have big dreams for its future. As my flock grows, I see the potential to expand and make a decent income. With determination and hard work, I believe I'll be able to sell some of my stockpiles and save up enough to pursue a driving course at college. Having a driver's license would open up so many opportunities for me. It's not just about driving; it's about gaining a valuable skill that could lead to better job prospects and a brighter future for me and my family. I envision being able to provide more for my children, especially as they grow and enter higher education. By investing in my own education and skills, I'm not just securing my own future but also laying the groundwork for their success. It's a journey I'm committed to, and I'm eager to see where it takes us.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
The state of my house had long been a source of worry, but with the recent cash transfer, I finally saw a glimmer of hope. While my earnings from casual jobs were meagre, I strategized to gradually improve my living conditions. Beginning with just two pieces of iron sheets, I now have twelve, steadily working towards the goal of twenty for a new home. Each month, I diligently set aside funds to purchase more, determined to provide my family with a safe and comfortable dwelling. In addition to this, investing in four chickens seemed like a small step, but I envisioned their growth contributing significantly to our future prosperity. With my children's well-being at the forefront, I prioritized their education and comfort. Paying school fees for my five children and providing uniforms for two ensured they could pursue their studies without hindrance. Addressing their sleeping conditions was equally important, prompting me to invest in new bedding to alleviate their discomfort. Finally, with careful budgeting, I allocated the remaining funds to securing food for my family, recognizing its vital role in sustaining us. Though the journey ahead may be challenging, these investments represent a step towards a brighter future for us all.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($22 USD)
access_time 6 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
By the time the cash transfers conclude, I aim to have a better house and start a livestock venture, particularly with goats. Our current dwelling is deteriorating, and I wish to replace it with a more stable two-room structure made of tin roofing and mud walls. Accumulating wealth through livestock is part of my strategy, ensuring that I have a financial cushion for urgent needs. Most importantly I want to join driving school. I believe that enrolling in driving school is crucial for securing a stable job, and I plan to save at least $5 each month to cover the associated fees. This investment in skills will open doors to more opportunities and greater financial stability that is difficult to currently achieve with my casual jobs in house construction.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I rely on sporadic construction jobs to provide for my wife and six children, but the inconsistency of such work makes it challenging to sustain my family. Fortunately, the cash transfers have been consistent support, especially during crucial times like Christmas and back-to-school seasons. In the recent transfers, I allocated funds according to the specific needs of the moment. I spent $15 on buying new clothes for my children during Christmas, maintaining our tradition of festive attire. Another portion went to purchasing new school uniforms for two of my children, ensuring they started the term with decent clothing. I allocated $2 for new books for the school term. Additionally, I invested $9 in buying three chickens as part of my poultry project, aiming to sell them for funds toward school fees. To improve our living conditions, I spent $13 on two iron sheets, a step towards building a new house for my family as the current house is on the verge of collapsing. I also saved $5 through a savings club, working towards a goal of enrolling in a driving school. I aspire to secure a stable driving job, providing better for my family.
14th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 10 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
My primary objective is to construct a spacious house that will provide a stable and secure shelter for my six children. This undertaking necessitates the acquisition of 16 iron sheets and the necessary building poles. Over the past four months, I have been gradually accumulating these materials, and I now have a total of five iron sheets. I am confident that achieving this goal will greatly benefit my children, as they will no longer have to worry about where to stay at night, allowing them to focus on their studies. Once I successfully complete the construction of this house, my next aspiration is to enroll in a driving school. This step will equip me with valuable driving skills. I have primarily relied on irregular, casual jobs like construction work for my livelihood, which are not always dependable. My ultimate aim is to acquire the necessary driving skills, which will significantly enhance my employment prospects as a driver. I am optimistic about raising the required fees for driving school, as I have the reliable support of the transfers to rely on. This support will enable me to work toward my dreams with determination and confidence.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My current residence lacks the necessary space to comfortably accommodate my six children. Consequently, they frequently find themselves seeking shelter from our neighbors during the night. This situation has been a source of significant concern for me, as it affects their ability to focus on their studies since they are all attending school. For a considerable period, my primary objective has been to construct a larger and more accommodating house for my family. I am immensely grateful for this program, as it offers hope that I will soon be able to achieve this goal. Recently, I used $40 of my monthly transfer to purchase five iron sheets, moving me closer to my target of acquiring 16 sheets and the necessary building poles for the construction project. Building a new house will alleviate the stress and inconvenience my children face when searching for alternative shelter at night. In addition to this, I allocated $60 to cover the school fees for my six children and provided them with new school uniforms. This has allowed them to attend school comfortably, granting me peace of mind as I prepare to pay for the next term's fees. Furthermore, I also invested $12 in purchasing four chicken, which I have added to my poultry project. My ultimate goal is to establish an income-generating venture through this poultry project. I spent the remaining transfer on purchasing essential food items, ensuring that my family had a sufficient supply of food.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I aim to save enough money to acquire five goats for rearing purposes. Additionally, I plan to sell these goats at the local market. This will provide me with additional streams of income and help me achieve greater financial stability. To facilitate the transportation of the animals to the marketplaces and increase my income opportunities, I aim to secure a motorcycle on a loan basis. With a motorcycle, I can transport livestock to the market more efficiently. Furthermore, on other days, I can utilize the motorcycle to operate a taxi business, supplementing my overall income. 
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
To sustain my family, I primarily rely on casual jobs in house construction, and during the rainy season, I engage in subsistence farming to produce food. With six children under my care, the little I make from the casual jobs is only enough for food needs but nothing beyond that. I am grateful for the cash assistance I received as it has allowed me to make important purchases that have already shown their benefits. One of the significant investments I made was buying chickens, and I also used the funds to repair my house, which now has a new tin roof. From the recent transfer, I allocated $10 for weeding my one-acre land, $3 for purchasing a chicken, and $4 for covering examination fees for my four children in school. I saved the remaining amount for unexpected expenses or emergencies like medical emergencies.  
5th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As the head of the family, nothing makes me happier than providing for my wife and six children. However, the little I make from casual jobs I do in house construction can hardly cover all essentials like food, school fees, and clothing. Furthermore, the jobs rarely come by due to the scarcity of construction projects and the high number of people seeking such casual tasks daily. So, the cash transfers play a huge role in supplementing my scant earnings and allowing me to meet the needs of my family. From the three recent cash transfers, I deducted $15 to pay examination fees for five of my children in primary school, who had been sent home to collect the cash. I spent $8 on an iron sheet to start accumulating materials for a new two-room house that I intend to build; the current one-room structure, which doubles as a kitchen, is too tiny for all of us. Also, I spent $30 on new clothes for my children, which they wore on Christmas and enjoyed themselves. I spent the remaining $45 on food to ensure that the household never ran empty to the extent of forcing my family to miss meals. Honestly, I pray that Give Directly never fails to send the monthly transfers because they relieve a significant part of my financial obligations.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($25 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
In my opinion, GiveDirectly does well in offering financial support to our people. It gives direct cash transfers through Mpesa, a well-thought model that enhances safety among the recipients. No one knows when we receive our transfers unless we share about it. As a result, we are always at liberty to plan how to spend our transfers in a way that is quite beneficial to us. So far, there is nothing that GiveDirectly does not do well.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
To make a living, I work as a house builder while my wife makes charcoal to support an eight-member family. Such jobs have been scarce in recent months, making it difficult to find alternative sources of income. When I got my transfer, I spent $15 on food because we didn't have any at the time. Unfortunately, we had borrowed some money that I had not fully reimbursed. I also have five school-age children, and I've been struggling to pay their tuition. From the transfer, I used $8 to pay for my children's school fees and they are now doing well in school. Lastly, I spent $5 on a solar lantern. I didn't have any light source at first.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
At the time the funds were being sent out I didn't even realise and the following day is when I noticed because my phone was charging the entire time. I was filled with so much euphoria especially because I was stuck financially and not forgetting the fact that my kids had been out of school for more than a fortnight was stressing me out.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I definitely have to mention the fact that I could finally pay tuition for my children and for them to actually be able to resume school was one of my biggest joys especially since they had been out of school close to up to a month while other children were proceeding with their education.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving the funds from the Organization my first priority was to ensure that I catered for nourishment for my family and myself because having meals was a challenge. Therefore I went ahead and used KES 600 by purchasing three packets of maize flour. I also used the remaining KES 600 to pay tuition fee for three of my kids because they had been out of school for more than half a term.
access_time 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
As you can see, our house is on the verge of falling apart. I would say that we will build a better one but seeing as this money is coming in small bits, my wife and I will collaborate and buy three iron sheets a month until we collect enough to start building. My family deserves better linking conditions than this and we are grateful that Give Directly has reached us.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Today has got to be the day my joy is restored. That we will get financial aid from Give Directly has renewed my hope of living in a better house and send my children to school without interruptions.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
My challenge is raising money for my four children's school fees. We sell charcoal for a living and the money is not enough to cover all our needs. I am also constantly worried about the house we live in. It is so worn and I worry that one day it will come tumbling down and God forbid my family will be in it.