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Newsfeed > Monicah's Profile
Monicah's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53150 KES ($465 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I spent 40,000 KES from my most recent transfer on buying a cow from which I always obtain 5 liters per day. As a result, I have always been able to sell milk to raise 120 KES daily which supplements my household's income. Consequently, life has become bearable unlike before when I could hardly raise 100 KES daily. In addition, I used the rest of the transfer, 13,000 KES to buy 3 sacks of maize that are currently serving my family of 4. I am sure that with the current food stock, my family will not be worried about the source of their food for the next 5 months.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly invests a lot in enhancing our safety as its recipients. By enrolling, community members in the program, it ensures that all deserving individuals receive their transfers. This has greatly helped in improving the living standard of the community members by enhancing poverty alleviation. Sending money through mobile money platforms serves best in promoting enhancing security thus limiting cases of theft. In a nutshell, whatever GiveDirectly does is good and geared towards the helping the neediest members of the society.
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
The original goal I had was to use part of my transfer to buy a cow since cows are considered very beneficial in my community. Anyone who owns a cow is considered fortunate because they can easily obtain milk without the need to spend any money. Immediately, I accomplished that goal, my newly developed plan was to buy new clothes for all my household members. Initially, we had some torn clothes with patches all over. They were not serving us so well especially when my family had to travel or attend special functions like church services.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($484 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Buying milk has been my routine and I usually spend KES 70 daily on them apart from other basic needs like buying maize flour. As a way of reducing our daily expenditure in the future and having an alternative source of income, I bought a dairy cow worth KES 38000. I depend on farming and one has to wait till harvesting season so that we can sell the products and get money to spend on our needs. Because of this, my spouse who works as a BOM teacher has been the one footing all our bills and he usually ends up straining financially. Using the remaining 16000, I spent them on the purchase of beddings, clothes, utensils, and food to last us for some time.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
I am a proud owner of a dairy cow and this has made my life different from how it was before receiving the transfer. When it reproduces, my family will not only get enough milk for consumption but also for sale to earn an income. This will allow me to meet some of our basic needs without requesting my spouse to help me with some cash. My child is still young and needs to take milk for her growth and owning this cow will enable me to achieve this. In addition, owning a dairy cow is an investment that one can rely on when faced with financial constraints as one can easily convert one of the heifers to cash.
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was fast asleep when I heard my phone ringing indicating that I had just received an SMS. I wanted to ignore it at first but decided otherwise thinking that someone needs my help. To my surprise, it was a Mpesa message indicating that Segovia technology had deposited KES 55000 into my account. Despite not knowing the name displayed, I automatically knew that the cash was from GiveDirectly and I became so happy on realizing that I would finally fulfill our goals.
access_time almost 3 years ago
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Financial instability is the challenge I am currently facing. My husband is a casual laborer and I am a farmer. My child is already in primary school and her school fee has been my priority. We had planned that I take care of our household needs while my husband pays our daughter's school fees. With the overwhelming family needs and poor farm produce, we have not been able to meet our needs and remain with some income to invest. Our lives have remained to be a daily struggle.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Though we have been lucky we both got to secondary school, we were not able to join any college due to scarce resources in our family. We engage in farming and casual jobs to make ends meet. In the last six months, my husband has been engaged as a casual laborer. To me, this has been my source of joy. With the little KES 6000 he earns in a month, he has made our lives easier. We budget the amount among the family needs and even though it does not fully satisfy, I am happy it assists.
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I am a father of one depending on subsistence farming and casual jobs to provide for my family. I got married ten years ago and my primary role has been taking care of my family. Food and my child's education have been my priority. I am so thankful my parents have been there for us whenever we are stuck. I have lived buying or being given milk for my entire marriage life. This has been costly to me and also been ashamed of leaning on my parents all along. To me, receiving this money means independence. I am planning to use KES 35000 to buy a dairy cow. I prefer this since it is an added asset in my family. In addition, I will have milk from my farm this will help me cut the daily expenditure and reduce the shame of depending on my old parents. I thank GiveDirectyly for the support they have given my family. I will keep the offspring to depend on in case of any unplanned financial crisis in our home.