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Newsfeed > Joyce's Profile
Joyce's family
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($347 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Before my first pregnancy, I was in college, and my husband was paying for my education. Because of pregnancy complications, I had to drop out of college. Now that my husband has not yet secured a sustainable job, I want to use my savings from my transfers and savings account to go back to fashion and design college. I want to be able to acquire skills, get self-employed, and earn a sustainable living, which will enable me to provide for my family. Being self-employed and having the capacity to provide for my family has always been my dream. Seeing them cheerful and full of joy is my all-time desire.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The procedure was well-defined and understood. I'm overjoyed that the organization came through for me when I needed it most. I'm not sure what action I would have taken. I hope it keeps going as it is and doesn't change at all because I know there is someone else out there who is also in need and they might also get the assistance they want, just as I was assisted.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
At the time I received the money, I was heavily pregnant, in my 3rd trimester, and my pregnancy was at high risk, as was my previous pregnancy. I was required to frequently visit the hospital for close monitoring, and this was really heavy on us because I could not engage in any manual labor to earn anything to cater for the transport and hospital bills. My husband lost his job early this year, and he has not been able to secure a sustainable job but just manual labor on people's farms whose earnings are not sufficient for us. I also have a 1-year-old child who requires milk every day, and this has also been a heavy toll for us. On receiving the second transfer, I spent $370 on transport to the hospital, hospital bills, and a few clothes and items in readiness for the delivery of my baby. I set aside $30 for milk for my 1-year-old for his nutritional well-being. I also set aside $100 as savings.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($378 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
One sunny afternoon, as I was assembling my dried maize from the sun, a message pinged on my phone. Curious, I unlocked it and there it was a notification that the first GiveDirectly transfer had arrived. My heart raced as I read the message, and a mix of emotions overflowed within me. It was as if an eruption of happiness had taken over, knowing that the struggles and difficulties I had been facing were finally being met with a solution. At that moment, under the warm sun and surrounded by my harvested maize, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. It wasn't just about the money; it was the realization that someone out there cared enough to help and that this support was a ray of hope for a brighter future.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
By the time I received the money, we were financially struggling as a family. I was an expectant mother with no source of income. My husband's job had expired after the contract came to an end. Life was hard because we had a debt of $100 for a piece of land that we had not finished paying for and the owner was ever on our doorstep. GiveDirectly enabled us to settle the debt and we are now living in peace.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I want to share a story that's changed my life for the better. You see, I was facing a lot of challenges with money before, and life felt heavy. But then, something wonderful happened; I received cash support from GiveDirectly. With that, I made some choices that have brought me so much relief and happiness. First off, I used some of the money to clear a debt I had of $100 for a piece of land. It was an acre of land that I hadn't finished paying for. But now, I can proudly say it's fully mine, and the person I owed doesn't bother me anymore. Thereafter, I bought two mattresses for $80. You know, we used to sleep on tattered mats, and it wasn't comfortable at all. But now, with those mattresses, every night's sleep feels like a blessing. I also used $90 to build a kitchen. It was tough trying to cook when it rained, and I had to do it inside our sleeping area. It wasn't ideal, but I didn't have much choice. Now, I have a kitchen where I can cook without worries. And then there was that $50 debt to a local financial institution. I had borrowed that money to pay for my son's school fees. I managed to pay that off too, and it's such a relief not to have that hanging over me. The rest of the money, I decided to save it. It's like a safety net for the future, and knowing it's there gives me a sense of security I haven't felt in a long time. I'm grateful for the support, and life is looking brighter now.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Restocking my livestock project and clearing debt for my new piece of land is top on the list of my priorities. At the moment, we sold our goats to support us in the family because my husband lost his job. Since goat rearing is a profitable project, I intend to buy 5 goats using $200 of my money. This will multiply in a short period and help me in the future. On the other hand, I have an acre piece of land that I already bought but I still owe the owner $100. With this money, I will be able to clear this debt and have the opportunity to invest in my land and also the power of ownership. On the other hand, I will use the remaining amount to construct a decent kitchen, buying new beddings for my family, paying school fees and food. Hence, this is generally what receiving this money means you me.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Living in a marriage for 6 years without having a child resulted in a lot of backlash from the family members. This never gave me joy because I was always stressed up since people thought of me as being infertile. In March last year, I gave birth to a kid who never survived due to some complications. Since God's favor was still my portion, I was able to conceive again in February this year. I am now expecting something that has been my greatest source of joy. This state of pregnancy has boosted my self-esteem and I can freely interact with others in the community. What a blessing!
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Life at the moment, has become so tough because my husband's job as a tractor operator came to a halt. This pushed him to come home and stay idle with us. Since we had some 19 goats, we started selling them to earn cash for our upkeep. As I speak, only 6 goats are remaining and this has been a huge blow to us as a family. In addition, I went through a caesarian procedure when I was giving birth and unfortunately, the kid could not survive. This also stressed me so much and I am currently not able to take up strenuous tasks to earn a living. This means I had to abandon my work of selling takeaway foodstuff, instead, I fully depend on my husband. This burden contributed a lot to him to sell the goats to support us. Hence, the lack of a reliable source of income stands out as my biggest challenge.