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Newsfeed > Alice's Profile
Alice's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($396 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
It is disheartening to witness my two children staying at home after completing their secondary education; one graduated last year, and the other in 2022. Despite my desire to enrol them in tertiary education like their peers, financial constraints have posed a significant obstacle. My goal for the upcoming year and beyond is to ensure they're able to pursue further education, even if it means enrolling them in smaller colleges. To raise funds for this, I plan to maximize the productivity of my two-acre farm by planting maize and green grams for sale. The income generated from these crops will be dedicated to financing their education. Witnessing them back in school will be my greatest accomplishment and a source of immense pride.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The GD transfer has reshaped my perspective, reminding me that there are compassionate individuals willing to support the less fortunate. Initially, I found it difficult to believe, but upon receiving the funds, I was overcome with joy. Thanks to the transfer, I now have piped water at my doorstep and was able to construct a new house for my six daughters. Previously, we had been cramped in a small two-bedroom house, so this improvement means a lot to us. I am sincerely thankful for this opportunity.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I allocated $400 from the transfer to purchase water pipes and establish a connection to our neighbour's water source, inspired by the convenience enjoyed by neighbouring households with piped water. Previously, I had to buy water at $0.1 per 20-liter jerrican, costing me $1 daily due to the needs of my large family of 14, including 12 children and us parents. Acquiring the transfer from GD allowed me to install the water connection, bringing water directly to our doorstep. This has saved us the daily expense and effort of fetching water. It also facilitated the irrigation of vegetables for our domestic consumption, reducing our expenditure on buying vegetables regularly. This improvement brings me great joy. Moreover, the availability of water has ensured that our four goats have adequate drinking water, which was previously limited. With the remaining funds, I purchased food supplies to ensure that my family had enough to eat, particularly given the poor harvest from our two-acre maize farm due to drought conditions, resulting in only one sack of maize. Ensuring an ample food supply is essential, especially considering the young age of my children, and I find it distressing when they go without enough to eat.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($344 USD)
access_time 9 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
hen the unconditional cash from GiveDirectly finally landed in my hands, I couldn't contain the overwhelming joy that streamed through me. It happened in Lango Baya at Shamba on a Wednesday, and I was accompanied by my one-year-old child, who unknowingly became a part of this unforgettable moment. As I grasped the cash, I found myself laughing uncontrollably, and to any onlooker, I must have seemed mad with delight. The surreal nature of the situation made it hard to believe. The first thought that crossed my mind was the dream of building a house for my six daughters. The cramped living conditions were far from ideal, and I yearned to provide them with the privacy they deserved. Determined to mark this memorable occasion, I purchased 2 kg of beans and ugali, their favorite meals, sealing the joy with a shared feast. That evening, we gathered together, my family and I, to offer heartfelt thanks to God for this unexpected blessing that would reshape our future.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The transformative impact of receiving payments from GiveDirectly has been a beam of positive change in my life. The construction of a house for my daughters has been a great shift, bringing immense joy to our family. My girls, now residing in their own space, express a newfound sense of security and cherish the privacy that comes with it. The overall happiness and gratitude within my family to GiveDirectly have reached unmatched levels, fostering a positive environment. Importantly, the financial support has eased the burden of providing for my family, making it a less strenuous . A particularly significant change is the possibility of sending my two children to college, a dream that seemed distant before the assistance from GiveDirectly. I am banking on the second transfer to further secure their educational journey, marking a profound difference in our lives.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
With the first transfer, I prioritise $240 in building a two-bedroom house for my six daughters. It was disheartening to share a room with them and their father, and I wanted to give them the privacy they deserved. The joy in their eyes when they saw the metal sheets for the house made every penny worthwhile. As a farmer, I often took up casual work to supplement our income, earning an unpredictable $2 per day. My husband, a casual worker, could make $15 on a good week, but it was never enough to cover our family's needs. With $65, I purchased a sack of maize, addressing the issue of hunger that had been affecting their health. Another $20 went towards buying second-hand clothes for my children, saving them from the embarrassment of wearing the same outfits repeatedly. Finally, I invested $80 in two goats, hoping that their multiplication would serve as a source of financial security for our family's future. The unconditional cash transfer not only met our immediate needs but also allowed us to build a foundation for a better life.
access_time 11 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Housing has been a problem for me. I have a family of twelve members and all live in a two room house which is not spacious at all. The house also serves as a kitchen for the family. The husband and I do casual jobs earning approximately $80 per month which caters for food and school fees for the children. I lack the capacity to build a spacious house for the family. I will use $600 to build a two room house for the children. This will bring privacy and uphold my dignity in the community. I will also use $400 to but uniform and pay school fees for my daughter who is yet to join form one. He did not join this year due to lack of school fees.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My son who did his KCSE in 2021 joined the nearby quarry site at the coastal area to do casual job. In August this year he had an accident where the sow machine used to shape the block accidentally cut his collar bone. It was not easy but he survived and he is now alive and healthy. His health brought happiness in my life.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Reliable source of income is the challenge I am currently facing in life. My husband and I do casual jobs earning very little income which can not meet the family needs. This has caused my son to stay out for long without joining college. He did his KCSE in 2021 and since then he has not joined college.