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Newsfeed > Rodah's Profile
Rodah's family
Raising livestock
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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access_time 1 day ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Receiving this money is an opportunity to live on a balanced diet after so many years. With no guaranteed source of income, having a complete meal has been only my wish. I will use about $100 to buy enough food to sustain me for the next few months. From the remaining amount I will spend $350 to pay fees for my last born son in the university and the rest, invest in about 3 goats.
What is the happiest part of your day?
I was happy when the government announced the confirmation of intern teachers on permanent and pensionable terms early this month. My daughter called me a few days ago to share the good news that she made the cut. I am excited that my hard work and sacrifices to take her to university has finally paid off.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Being an arid area, my land is rocky and unproductive for agricultural purposes. The extreme heat has caused widespread food insecurity in the area. As a result, my family and I hardly have a decent meal and some of my children had to drop out of school because of lack of finances. Currently, I only take advantage of my proximity to Lake Baringo where I can catch a few fishes to eat and on a good day, make about $1 from selling a few pieces. This is only enough for me to live from hand to mouth.