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Onesmas's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
Upcoming Stage
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2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
45000 KES ($347 USD)
access_time 9 days ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
For this year and the years to come, my wish is to get married and have a wedding, and I believe this will be possible if my farming succeeds. I’m hopeful because I’ve already leased land in the Parkera Irrigation Scheme, where I plan to grow maize. The thought of everything coming together fills me with satisfaction and joy, as marriage and family are highly valued and respected in my culture. In our society, staying single is not seen as ideal, and having a family is a sign of honor and respect. That’s why I’m determined to do everything I can to get married and have a wedding, fulfilling this important cultural expectation.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
GiveDirectly has done an excellent job in impacting both my life and the lives of my neighbors. What stood out to me the most is their inclusivity during enrollment. They show no discrimination or favoritism, ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to benefit from their program. However, one recommendation I have is that they enhance their follow-ups, especially when addressing individual cases. It would be better if they solved issues on a personal level, rather than relying solely on information from neighbors, who might sometimes be biased.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Upon receiving $450 from GiveDirectly, I was incredibly excited because I knew this opportunity could change my life for the better. I used $120 to lease one acre of land in the Parkera irrigation scheme, something I couldn’t afford before due to a lack of capital. I plan to plant maize there, which is a strategic investment since water for irrigation will be available. My goal is to use the money from selling the harvest to fulfill my dream of getting married and having a wedding. I also used $200 to buy a cow, which will be very important as it will provide milk for my family. This will save me the daily expense of buying milk. Additionally, I spent $80 to buy two sheep, which will be useful in times of emergency and will help ensure a sustainable income for my family. At the time, my family was also facing a serious food crisis, so I used $50 to buy food. This has allowed me to focus on other things without worrying about our immediate needs.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
20000 KES ($153 USD)
access_time 3 months ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
I was at home around 3 p.m. burning charcoal when I heard a message notification on my phone. Confirming it was an M-Pesa message, I realized it was cash from GiveDirectly. I almost left the charcoal but managed to continue burning it, though I was so excited that I felt very distracted. While working, I didn't immediately know how to use the cash, so I decided to first purchase food and then plan how to use the remaining money the next day.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
The biggest difference in my life now is that I am planting crops like other farmers, and I expect a substantial maize harvest by the end of the year—around 60 bags. When I sell them, it will definitely transform my life. Capital was previously hard to come by, but now I have it, and I thank GiveDirectly for making this possible.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My wife and I separated about a year ago, leaving me with our 9-year-old daughter. Life has been challenging, but I have been working hard with charcoal to ensure we have something to eat. When I received the money, I used $40 to buy food to stock up at home.Capital for farming has been a major obstacle for me. Although we have enough water, the lack of funds has prevented me from farming. I decided to use $120 to rent a piece of land where I can plant maize, with hopes of progressing like other farmers in the area. Additionally, I used some of the remaining money to purchase a goat. I already have three, but I added one more as part of my plan for better future investments.I now see a brighter future, and life has improved. I am hopeful for an even better future and would like to thank GiveDirectly for providing me with unconditional cash that has been incredibly helpful.
access_time 6 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Ever since my arable land was swallowed by the swelling of Lake Baringo, I have not had an opportunity to practice it in my current area of residency. This is because of inadequate space to cultivate. As a result, I intend to use $400 to lease land and cater for all related expenses leading to the production of maize. I also plan to use another $350 to raise the floor of my house in readiness for the looming heavy downpour. For the rest of the transfer, I intend to buy livestock and keep them as savings. As they multiply, this will create a ready source of income when an emergency arises.
What is the happiest part of your day?
Our area of residence is normally affected by the effects on climate change more so every time we experience a heavy downpour. It is normally accompanied by destruction of properties, loss of lives and animals. The onset of heavy rains was early this month and I am happy to say that up to now, we have not yet been affected. I pray that we can escape its effects this year.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I used to be a farmer growing crops near Lake Baringo. In the year 2019, we experienced a heavy downpour that resulted in the swelling of the lake to an extent that it swallowed my entire arable land. I was forced to relocate to a safer ground where the land is very small with no space to do farming. As we speak, my land is still inside the lake. Because of this, I lost my only source of livelihood(which was farming) and decided to be a casual labourer in other people's farms in order to survive. Life has really been difficult for me as I have to cater for all my needs including food which previously I used to grow.