GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Rebecca's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Rebecca received a $494 second payment.
"It has no corruption and helps uplift peoples live in the community."
Anna's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Anna received a $494 second payment.
"I bought a bull and cow which i did not have and also lives in a good house."
Annah's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Annah received a $494 second payment.
"Their is a programme in the village called Aphia they enrolled my kids but this time round they did not pay last terms fees and now i dont know what they are planning next.I love GD because you are reliable"
Arthur's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Arthur received a $494 second payment.
"Give directly is sending money directly to the communities other than passing to other parties compared to other NGOs who work with other parties like the chiefs thus they do not the help that they ought to give."
Henry's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Henry received a $494 second payment.
"the money has made them strong enough because they now have some assets"
Pauline's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Pauline received a $494 second payment.
"Givedirectly is the best organisation because it has given us money to solve our problems like building our houses. So many people didnt have descent houses but because of Givedirectly we now have roofs over ours heads. The other organisations are not bad but the help they give has never been for improving our houses."
Magret's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Magret received a $494 second payment.
"GD is transparent and gives you money that one can use it the way one wants compared to other NGO"
Elizabeth's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Elizabeth received a $494 second payment.
"i did not have chairs but even now am sitting on one i bought with the transfer."
Alice's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Alice enrolled.
"My proudest achievement is that l managed to take my daughter to high school upto form three but due to lack of money she dropped out of school."
Eunice's family
access_time over 8 years ago
Eunice enrolled.
"My biggest hardship in life is lack of proper source of income to sustain my family. "