GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Vick's family
access_time over 7 years ago
Vick received a $400 third payment.
"My life is different than it would have been if i never received a transfer because i have managed to buy a plot and build a house"
Sylvia's family
access_time over 7 years ago
Sylvia received a $400 third payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly does well to give us this money directly not through any other government authorities."
Beatrice's family
access_time over 7 years ago
Beatrice received a $97 initial payment.
"The moment I received my first transfer, I felt very happy since I was certain of accomplishing most of my developmental goals which I couldn't do earlier due financial constraints."
Joy's family
access_time over 7 years ago
Joy received a $400 third payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly's teachers are good to me and are calm when talking to me, we receive forms and money without conditions. "
Simon's family
access_time over 7 years ago
Simon received a $400 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on a house. I used my third transfer to finish building house because I the second transfer was not enough. "
Esther's family
access_time over 7 years ago
Esther received a $400 third payment.
"I have bought more land from the transfer which I did not have and now I can do farming without limit. Therefore, my life is different than it would have been if I never received the transfer. "
Rachel's family
access_time over 7 years ago
Rachel received a $400 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on food and pigs. I used my transfer to buy food because I had no food in my house. I also bought 4 pigs for keeping for more income in a near future."
Jalilu's family
access_time over 7 years ago
Jalilu received a $400 third payment.
"GiveDirectly does well to give us free mobile phones and money."
Edinance's family
access_time over 7 years ago
Edinance received a $400 third payment.
"I recovered from the sickness I had because I got the transfer that supported me to pay the bills. I also cemented my house using the transfer so my life is different than it would have been if I never received the transfer. "
Rovisa's family
access_time over 7 years ago
Rovisa received a $400 third payment.
"My life is different than it would have been if I never received the transfer because I now live in a better shelter, I feed well and sleep well. I no longer have stress and I feel stronger than before."