GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 7 years ago
received a $482 second payment.
"The biggest difference in my life is that I owned an ox-plough but I only had three bulls but I needed four bulls for it to function. I now uses the ox-plough to make money by ploughing other people's farm at a fee and this earns me a living. Ploughing earns me 1500 Kes per acre which I save part and spend part on my daily upkeep. The cow I bought is also appreciating in price and when I decide to change it to money, it will earn me good money."
View Fredrick's
over 7 years ago
received a $482 second payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is that my husband managed to pay dowry which we had wished to but we lacked the resources to enable us do this. This has earned my husband more respect from my family and am also much stronger in my marriage and even love and respect my husband more. Paying dowry comes with some pride."
View Faith's
over 7 years ago
received a $482 second payment.
"The biggest difference inbmy daily life is that I have much peace knowing that I will soon construct and own a more decent house. After my husband's death, I thought life had ended for me too because there was no one left that I could look up to but thanks to GD I am able to live a decent life again. My husband left me in a poor conditioned house and I thought I would live in it for the rest of my life but no, I will soon own a better one."
View Jackline's
over 7 years ago
received a $462 third payment.
"in my opinion, GiveDirectly has brought development in our community and also it has uplifted the living standards of recipients in our community. I have not seen anything that GD did not do well."
View Magret's
over 7 years ago
received a $465 third payment.
"My life is different in that I now own cows which has been my desire for a long time but could not buy because I didn't have money."
View Dismas's
over 7 years ago
received a $462 third payment.
"My life different than it would have been if I never received the transfer because, I have moved from my parents home to my own home. I have realized that in my home, I am able to develop more easily without any restriction. And again, I have acquired more wealth inform of livestock that has increased my assets."
View Esther's
over 7 years ago
received a $465 third payment.
"In my opinion, GiveDirectly did well in sending us transfers which has uplifted the living standards of the recipients in our village. I have not seen anything that GD has not done well"
View Eunice's
over 7 years ago
received a $465 third payment.
"I used a portion of the transfer to pay my son in high school fee. Bought a cow with a portion of the transfer. I also purchased a sack of maize for family consumption."
View Sarah's
over 7 years ago
received a $465 third payment.
"If I would not have received the transfer, I would not have bought clothes and foo d for my orphans and eve paid school fees. Thank you GD for the transfer"
View Ruth's
over 7 years ago
received a $465 third payment.
"I used a portion of the transfer to built a new iron roofed house. Bought 2 goats. Bought a solar lamp for light provision. I also purchased foodstuffs and other household items."
View Caroline's