GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 7 years ago
received a $466 third payment.
"i spent my third transfer buying building materials that I used to build a new house after the old one I used to stay in worn out being that I was using it as a kitchen too. I am now happy I have a kitchen and a nice house too, separately. Moreover, am thankful for the money."
View Vivian's
over 7 years ago
received a $487 third payment.
"My son died in an accident after receiving the last transfer , and the process involved alot of court cases therefore I used all of the cash settling the case and all things that involved the burial of my son, that is paying for the morgue, coffin and buying food for the guest attending the burial."
View Peter's
over 7 years ago
received a $469 third payment.
"Buying cereals for my family consumption proved to be so expensive being that the living standards had gone high, so I ploughed my two and a half acre piece of land that I planted maize. Unfortunately they were destroyed by pests and I only managed to harvest one sack, though, I am still grateful. The remaining amount I used to buy furniture as the ones I had had worn out. I am so happy as I have moved a step forward."
View Samwel's
over 7 years ago
received a $469 third payment.
"At the time when the transfer was being sent, I was heavily pregnant and expected to visit maternity any time. I always had normal deliveries in the past and didn't expected any complications that time. It came with a lot of surprise when I needed to part with a total of 35000 KES in order to secure the baby.I pondered a lot on how to get this money and all the possibilities I had bore me no fruit. I was lucky enough that it was at this time when I received the third transfer. I therefore produced the amount that was required and secured a chance in a theater. I really lack the best way to extend my gratitude to Give Directly for the timely support it offered. Sincerely speaking, I would lost two lives, myself and the infant's, were it not for this transfer. The remaining portion of the transfer was used in purchasing foodstuffs as was prescribed by the doctors. I needed a special diet to help me recover from the injuries caused in the theater. I was glad enough that this too became a non issue since I still had a portion of the transfer."
View Eunice's
over 7 years ago
received a $466 third payment.
"I spent my last transfer to finish up my house which I had started with the previous transfers , I saw it fit to build because my house was small and old , so i bought iron sheets , steel door , timber and paid the constructors. The remainder of the cash I paid school fees arrears for my children one in nursery and the other one in high school ."
View Beatrice's
over 7 years ago
received a $466 third payment.
"I have had problems with fee payment for my two children in the university. My husband is a carpenter which does not even bring steady income to our household, and sometimes we apply for bursaries and most of the time we are not lucky to get the money to pay school fees, so immediately I received my third transfer, I paid the arrears we had. I am happy my children have been able to comfortably stay in school as they received the support they need. I am grateful for GiveDirectly for the transfers."
View Phoebe's
over 7 years ago
received a $476 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on school fees and 40 pieces of iron sheets that I will use to build a house."
View Anjelyne's
over 7 years ago
received a $487 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on plastering my 3-roomed house (27,000 KES) since it is easier to manage rather than a house made from mud . I spent the balance on building a 2-roomed kitchen (23,000 KES) which I needed urgently as I used to cook from the outside before , and again my bigger children had nowhere to sheep at night."
View Dorothy's
over 7 years ago
received a $487 third payment.
"I spent my last transfer to continue building for I had started building with the second transfer, so I used the cash to pay the constructor for their labor and bought some iron sheets and wood to continue with the building ."
View Elizabeth's
over 7 years ago
received a $469 third payment.
"My son had just joined secondary school when I received my third transfer, and I had only paid 2000 Kes out of the required 18000 Kes school fees. The only thing I could do at that time was to clear the arrears. I paid the whole years's school fees and as we speak other children have been sent home for fees and my son has never returned. I was, and still so happy. The remaining amount I spent on buying daily food for my household. Thank you GiveDirectly and I wish you could add us more if possible."
View Salina's