GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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Happy Holidays!
GDLive updates will be slower while GiveDirectly's Africa offices are closed over the holidays.
over 7 years ago
received a $461 third payment.
"I spent the larger part of my third transfer on cementing my house into a semi -permanent one from a mud house, now I find it easier to mop it as cleanliness is highly maintained since exposure to dust is no longer a problem .I bought sofa set seat and a mattress.I also household utensil and four bag of maize for my family's consumption and now my family and I are able to have three meals in a day of which before the transfer sounded like a luxury as taking a meal in a day or none was the norm ."
View Agnes's
over 7 years ago
received a $460 third payment.
"I spent the larger part of my third transfer on paying school fees for my child who is in high school for the whole year 15,000 KES and now I am happy seeing my child go to school without school since before the transfer she was often than not being sent home for school fees due to large school fees arrears that, I couldn't pay due to my low income. I also added stock onto my small business ( ''mandazi ''vending business)."
View Evaline's
over 7 years ago
received a $474 initial payment.
"I saw a mobile money agent message at night that day, I could not believe my eyes. I was so happy and speechless that day."
View John's
over 7 years ago
received a $464 third payment.
"I spent most of my third transfer on constructing a very spacious house. I had purchased construction materials using my second transfer and therefore with my third transfer, I managed to build this five roomed house.Being a pastor, I had many visitors who would always stay for long in my home whenever they attended fellowships. The fact that I had a singled roomed house hindered such believers from staying in my home as accommodating them was a big challenge and for those who had to stay, found their ways to the church which was a stone throw away, where they spent their nights. I am so glad that i no longer feel the shame of lack of proper shelter since the house I currently own is even bigger than our church. Thanks a lot to Give Directly."
View Maurice's
over 7 years ago
received a $461 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on cementing kitchen into a semi-permanent one .I built a pit latrine and now I no longer have to borrow my neighbors' a place to help myself or walk a long way when it rains to my neighbor's toilet .I also bought a she cow."
View Beatrice's
over 7 years ago
received a $461 third payment.
"spent my third transfer on adding stock onto my small business and now I am getting double profits that are sufficient to sustain my family's basic needs .I painted my house and built a pit latrine in my homestead .I also paid school fees for my three children who are in high school"
View Eunice's
over 7 years ago
received a $461 third payment.
"I spent the larger part of my third transfer on buying 32 pieces of iron sheets ,nails and timbers since I am planning to use on building a decent house in my own homestead.My husband died and let us in a old shanty which my family and I stayed in for a while and its beauty, sustainability deteriorated as a result it collapsed forcing as to stay in a rental house since we were homeless and I can tell you living in a rental house is very expensive due to the low income I make, serving as a peasant worker who relys on casual contracts. I also paid school fees for my child who is in high school ."
View Alice's
over 7 years ago
received a $461 third payment.
"I spent the larger part of my third transfer on buying an ox and an ox phough to add onto my three oxen that I had bought earlier with the second transfer,now I no longer practice labour exchange which was time consuming and at time a lot of the villagers were in need of the same service so it force me to cultivate my farm at a later time hence affecting the outcome of my yields negatively after pleading with them.I also bought a dairy cow."
View David's
over 7 years ago
received a $461 third payment.
"I spent the larger of my third transfer on partly completion cement my house which I had started cementing with the second transfer, now I am happy staying in a clean environment with no exposure to dust like before the transfer when I was staying in my previous mud house .I bought a calf and a mattress. I also bought two bags of maize for my family's consumption."
View Benter's
over 7 years ago
received a $461 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer to build a house for my son since he has small old house which was almost falling down and constructed a pit latrine with the remaining amount."
View Millicent's