GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Washingtone's family
access_time over 6 years ago
Washingtone received a $479 third payment.
"I used the last transfer to buy a boat for fishing because before then, I hired a boat which I paid monthly. I spent the rest of the money to buy my own fishing nets which means that now I get to enjoy all the benefits of my labor out in the cold at night."
Florence's family
access_time over 6 years ago
Florence received a $479 third payment.
"I used the last cash transfer to buy 15 bags of cement, two bags of maize and also paid school fees for my son who was in form two by then. I also paid the manson who was building my house a total of 6000 KES. The rest of the money I used on buying food for my family."
Jared's family
access_time over 6 years ago
Jared received a $478 third payment.
"I spent my third transfer on constructing a fishing boat that I'm using for commercial purposes. Previously I could hire people's fishing boat which was so inconveniencing and expensive but now I'm happy I own mine which has improved my income."
Quinter's family
access_time over 6 years ago
Quinter received a $478 third payment.
"I used the last cash transfer to buy two cows and two goats. I did not have the mentioned animals that is why I opted to buy the animals. One of the cows was an oxen used for ploughing purposes while the other one I bought for milk purposes."
Monica's family
access_time over 6 years ago
Monica received a $478 third payment.
"I used the third transfeer to add more building materials to the ones I bought with the previous transfers and used them to bbuild my home. I had always longed for owning a home but since I did not have enough finance I couldn't do it. Thanks to Gd I now own a hoime."
Michael's family
access_time over 6 years ago
Michael received a $478 third payment.
"I used my last transfer to build a new house because before then I lived in a small grass-thatched house that had been destroyed by termites and leaked when it rained.I also bought livestock like goats that would always remind me of Give Directly and I am happy to report that they are doing well."
Francis's family
access_time over 6 years ago
Francis received a $478 third payment.
"When Give Directly came to our village, I had no house and was living in a rental house,so I used my last transfer to finish and furnish my house that I had built using the first and the second transfer."
Millicent's family
access_time over 6 years ago
Millicent received a $478 third payment.
"I used the last cash transfer to finish the construction of my house that I had started building. Part of the money went into paying school fees for my children. I also had a few debts that I paid using this cash."
Alice's family
access_time over 6 years ago
Alice received a $478 third payment.
"I used my third transfer to buy two cows worth 13000KES each and a goat worth 3000KES that were used in the payment of my dowry.The rest of the money was used to buy food and personal items for the occasion."
Jack's family
access_time over 6 years ago
Jack received a $478 third payment.
"I used the last cash transfer to pay school fees for my two children. I also bought two sack of maize in addition to four goats. I thought this was the best way to spend my money at that particular moment."