GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Kadzo's family
access_time 5 years ago
Kadzo received a $539 initial payment.
"I am now a proud owner of goats as now have four goats in my homestead. Through this money, I managed to fulfil my dream of owning some goats by purchasing some. Having the goats to me is the biggest difference in my daily life. I know that these goats will reproduce and have many of them. I will, in turn, sell the offspring to raise more money which I can be able to invest in other projects."
Filgona's family
access_time 5 years ago
Filgona received a $22 eighteenth payment.
"In the next six months l expect to continue receiving money from give directly which will help me in buying food and sustaining my life to increase my life span."
Valary's family
access_time 5 years ago
Valary enrolled.
"My husband has been employed to do motorcycle taxi and on an average day he comes home with 200 shillings. This amount is not enough to provide for the basic needs of my household and also to clear my fee arrears. My biggest worry is that I may not complete my primary certificate course because of lack of finances."
Faith's family
access_time 5 years ago
Faith enrolled.
"Receiving this money means I will be able to purchase my own cow and also buy some chicken since I have always wanted to do so but lacked finances. We, (My husband and I), are in the process of building a chicken coop because we have planned to spend 10,500 shillings to buy 30 chicken which cost approximately 350 shillings each. The cow will cost us approximately 35,000 while the rest of the transfers will be used to buy food for my children."
Bornes's family
access_time 5 years ago
Bornes enrolled.
"I sold all my cattle so that I could educate my children.I now have one cow which I borrowed from a relative.With the money from Give Directly I will buy one cow at a cost of Ksh.20,000(200 USD). This will boost my income since I will be able to sell milk.My second plan is starting poultry farming.I want to begin by putting up structures then buying 10 chicken. This will cost me approximately Ksh 10,000(100 USD)My target is getting eggs for sale. Finally I will build a one bedroom house made of timber. Maintaining my mud house has been a challenge especially now that I am aging. "
Gladys's family
access_time 5 years ago
Gladys received a $538 initial payment.
"I am glad that GiveDirectly has helped me financially. This has greatly changed my life because I was able to acquire some things that to me seemed impossible considering that my financial status is not good and I do not have a stable source of income. Firstly, the money has enabled me to plough my farm on time by hiring oxen to do this job. I am grateful because this season, I will get a better harvest as compared to the previous seasons. This will ensure food security in my household. Secondly, I also acquired four goats which I am currently rearing in my homestead. I am expecting them to reproduce and increase the number. I am planning to exchange them for cows in the near future."
Kachana's family
access_time 5 years ago
Kachana received a $538 initial payment.
"My life is currently different because I have been able to fulfil what has been my greatest desire; to have a decent and permanent house. We are used to building muddy houses and chances of upgrading to a better house are always minimal due to inadequate resources. When I received this money, I managed to buy some building materials. I bought blocks, sand and cement for renovating my mud-walled house. I am now in the process of rebuilding this house. I feel good because were it not for this organization then I would not have been able to upgrade to a better and decent house. To me this is the biggest difference in my daily life."
Chelangat's family
access_time 5 years ago
Chelangat received a $520 second payment.
"My life is different from how it was in that, our families are happier and with tighter bonds just because my husband finally paid a visit to our place for an introduction. Apart from that, the fact that I now have cows makes me happy. Very soon the cows will start producing milk. This is an investment that we have planned to use in paying school fees for our children. We are actually saving for their secondary education since it is normally hectic for most of the parents. Their future is bright and through education, I know that there will be a lot of opportunity for them. They will definitely live a better life than mine."
Zadock's family
access_time 5 years ago
Zadock received a $520 second payment.
"I am a farmer, I normally plant vegetables. It has been my source of income for a long time . Due to unpredictable rain patterns and insufficient rains in general, farming has become a game of chance in our area. Before, I didn't have the necessary equipment to facilitate large scale farming despite living 200 meters to the river . Therefore in dry season , I had to make several trips to fetch water to water my vegetables which was time consuming and tiresome. I limited the plantation of vegetable in a small piece of land that would server my household's consumption . My life is different after purchasing a water pump since I employed irrigation where I can now farm even during the dry season. Today, I am a smiling farmer because I cultivate enough vegetables in large scale for my family's use and sale the rest to earn an extra source of income whether in dry or cold rainy seasons."
Emily's family
access_time 5 years ago
Emily received a $519 second payment.
"My life is different from how it was before Give Directly came into my life. As a widow, I have been relieved from overworking myself just to see my children get everything that they need. Before I was enrolled in the program, I had to depend on casual jobs mostly preparing people's farms. The money ended up on food. The moment of change came when I got the third transfer and bought a dairy cow. I have been able to sell milk by the roadside and get money. Nowadays I do not overwork myself with casual jobs. I find time to sell milk, go for a few casual jobs and even get time to rest and bond with my family."