GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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almost 5 years ago
received a $527 second payment.
"The fact that I no longer ask for help when it comes to ploughing business, makes me very happy. I have my own cows and ox plough which means I can get a contract and carry it out successfully without asking for help from anyone. Before the transfers, I had an ox plough but I did not have the number of cows I needed to use the ox plough. As a result, I had to team up with my neighbour who had some bulls so that we could successfully use the ox plough. This means we had to split the income between us. But now that I have everything I need, the money I get is my own which has increased my income and independence. I can comfortably take up a job without having to seek for my partner's approval."
View Bahati's
almost 5 years ago
received a $527 second payment.
"The biggest difference in my life is that my children are never sent home for fees again since I received my first transfers. I used my first transfer to clear school fees arrears for my children who are in secondary school. It was very shameful for when on a monthly basis they were sent home for arrears. It would take time to raise money and In most cases, I would have to talk to the teachers to allow them back in school as I look for the money. I am glad I cleared the arrears with the transfers. Secondly, I have not been having a good source of income to sustain my family needs. I have always struggled financially. This is because I have always depended on a small income from casual work. As a result of the struggles, I took a loan to put up a rental house in a piece of land I inherited from my father. Due to other needs, I used part of the money for my personal needs and ended up not finishing the construction. This was another financial burden because I had to find a way to pay back the loan as well as raise money to finish the house. With GD transfers, I was able to finish constructing the houses and I know it will help me raise money for paying back the loan and meeting my needs."
View Ndoko's
almost 5 years ago
received a $544 initial payment.
"The biggest difference in my daily life is the fact that I now have my own cow. I have always wanted my own dairy cow for rearing but owing to the fact that I am the sole provider of my house, almost all my income would go into food and other basic household needs. I am also glad that I no longer overwork myself. Since I depended on casual jobs in order to meet all my family's needs, I really had to work hard and this really took a toll on me to a point where I was too tired to even work on my own farm. Things have now changed since I work on my farm and go out once I am done with it."
View Janeth's
almost 5 years ago
received a $544 initial payment.
"I spent the transfer to buy building materials for my house. I previously lived in a grass thatched house which was old and getting deteriorated each passing day. I had already planned to build a new one but this was not to be after I got sick and most funds went into payment of hospital bills. I also paid my children's school fees and also bought them some clothes both for school and home ware."
View Christina's
almost 5 years ago
received a $527 second payment.
"Having my own business is the most important difference in my life since I received my transfers from GD. In as much as I was able to solve urgent needs such as school fees and paying dowry, I am still happy about the business because it will help me in solving issues like the school fees which is still a financial burden to me. I will use my income from the business to meet my needs and I won't go back to being employed as I was before the transfers. I am financially independent because of the transfers. As I work on improving the business, I know my life too will increase and I won't go back to the struggles I went through before then."
View Suleiman's
almost 5 years ago
received a $470 initial payment.
"The moment I received my money, I felt happy. This money I would use it to renovate my house."
View Florence's
almost 5 years ago
received a $40 fifteenth payment.
"My new goal is to boost my PlayStation business By adding more equipment. I plan to use part of the transfer to buy another television so that I can have many customers at a go which will intern increase my income when I am able to serve many customers at once."
View Obat's
almost 5 years ago
received a $527 second payment.
"The transfer allowed me to purchase a dairy cow that now provides my family with sufficient milk each day. In my culture, milk is usually an important part of each meal which I used to spend a lot of money on every day because I did not have a cow. I can now save the money that was always spent on milk or buy other types of foods which we could rarely have before due to low income. This means that my family can now have a variety of foods which is very important for the growth and development of my children who are prone to malnutrition."
View Gloriah's
almost 5 years ago
"Our intention has always to own a dairy cow. We normally buy one litre of milk daily for domestic use from our neighbors at 0.5 USD per litre which we find it costly. My husband is a casual laborer who gets an income of around 2 USD a day and I am only a housewife. Considering the fact that we need to cater for the family's needs from what my husband earn, we find it almost impossible to have a saving. Therefore, we are planning to buy a dairy cow of around 300 USD and use the remaining cash from our first transfer to complete a house which has stalled for some time now."
View Faith's
almost 5 years ago
received a $470 initial payment.
"My life's biggest difference is the over whelming joy, happiness and anxiety of having to sleep on a mattress for the very first time. Since my child hood, I had never slept on a mattress in my own and parents home. Before receiving this money, I slept on a sack that I filled with rice stem husks for a mattress. It was not much comforting but it was better than sleeping on mats."
View Magdalene's