GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Sammy's family
access_time 1 year ago
Sammy received a $23 eighteenth payment.
"As I stand at the threshold of the coming year, my ambitions are crystal clear. My primary goal is to complete my course, the culmination of years of dedication and hard work. It's a significant milestone that I believe will lay the foundation for my larger dream of starting my own business. The prospect of entrepreneurship has always been a spark within me, and I'm optimistic that by next year, I'll be embarking on this exciting journey. The combination of academic knowledge and the practical skills gained from my course will be the driving force behind my business endeavors. I'm eager to see this dual dream come to fruition, navigating the intricate balance of education and entrepreneurship and ultimately shaping the future that I've envisioned for myself."
Madya's family
access_time 1 year ago
Madya received a $615 initial payment.
"I now have bedsheets and when I want to eat something nice I just tell my son to get it for me from my transfer."
Rachel's family
access_time 1 year ago
Rachel enrolled.
"Lack of beddings is the current challenge I am facing in life. I have a family of six and have only one bed that has a tone mattress. Children sleep on the floor and have mostly been complaining of chest problems."
Mercy's family
access_time 1 year ago
Mercy enrolled.
"Reliable source of income is the challenge I am currently facing in life. My husband and I do casual jobs making very little income that caters for food and school fees for the primary going child. The low income has affected my first born's education. He did his KCSE exams last year but has not gone to college due to lack of school fees."
Lukoye's family
access_time 1 year ago
Lukoye received a $615 initial payment.
"The recipient bought Iron sheets, a cow and a piglet."
Wonekha's family
access_time 1 year ago
Wonekha received a $615 initial payment.
"I have spent most of my transfer on buying a cow for milk."
Namakoye's family
access_time 1 year ago
Namakoye received a $615 initial payment.
"There is a big difference now,I had wished to have abed , a matress since my husband Is blind and sick and visitors would always come to check on him but would get him sleeping on a mat , It was so ashaming at our old age sleeping on mat without a bed and a mattress too. We now sleep comfortably ,my dream has been fulfilled ."
Wanambwa's family
access_time 1 year ago
Wanambwa received a $615 initial payment.
"I was at home and I felt so happy, and I thought of paying school fees for my children"
Kazungu's family
access_time 1 year ago
Kazungu received a $23 twenty-first payment.
"With GiveDirectly transfer, I have been able to join a savings group and also expand my livestock selling business. Currently, my aim for the next one year is to build a permanent three-room house. With the current rains experienced in our region, our roads have been rendered impassable. Due to this, I have not been able to start purchasing some building materials as I had planned to though I believe that I'll be starting soon. My hope is to complete the house before the year 2024 ends and I have faith that this is possible since I already have some savings that I am planning to kick start the project. without GiveDirectly's support, I believe that I would still achieve this goal using the proceeds from my business though it will take me a longer duration before accomplishing it."
Dama's family
access_time 1 year ago
Dama received a $23 twenty-first payment.
"We live in a two room house and we have three boys and a girl. Currently, they all sleep in one of the rooms and I know that once the boys hit 15 years, they will need their own separate room which will not be under the same roof as ours as parents. Because of this, I am planning to build a three-room house for my family. Having achieved this, we will leave our current house for our sons while we move into the new house. With this, everyone will be guaranteed of privacy that we all need all the time. Even though I have not started the construction process yet, I am grateful to GiveDirectly since their transfer will enable me to achieve something that I cannot achieve on my own."