GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Sidi's family
access_time 11 months ago
Sidi received a $22 eighteenth payment.
"With a household of five members, my two-roomed dwelling has become cramped. One room serves as both storage and a cooking space, leaving us with just one for sleeping quarters. To address this, my objective is to utilize my forthcoming transfers and the funds expected in July from the savings group to build an additional room, providing adequate space for my three children. I am profoundly grateful for the financial assistance provided by Give Directly, as it has enabled me to ensure the education of my children."
Namutosi's family
access_time 11 months ago
Namutosi received a $1208 second payment.
"I want to build a house in my new plot of land"
Watsosi's family
access_time 11 months ago
Watsosi received a $1208 second payment.
"I haven't used it yet, I'm planning to buy land."
Mariam's family
access_time 11 months ago
Mariam received a $22 eighteenth payment.
"My foremost priority is ensuring the timely payment of my children's school fees to prevent any disruptions in their education. I understand the profound impact that delayed payments can have on their academic performance and self-esteem, as the shame of being sent home due to outstanding fees can be debilitating. However, my overarching goal is to improve my family's living conditions by constructing a better house before the end of the year. Our current dwelling is in a dire state, having been partially destroyed by recent heavy rains. To achieve this goal, I plan to allocate the next payout from the savings group, which I will receive mid-year, towards purchasing the necessary materials for the construction of a new, sturdier home. While the $100 I will receive may only cover some of the required materials, such as iron sheets, I am hopeful that my husband will soon secure stable employment to support this project financially. Without his contribution, progress may be slower, but we remain determined to improve our living situation. The current condition of our house fills us with constant fear and discomfort, especially during storms or heavy rains accompanied by strong winds. Despite our efforts to repair and seal vulnerable areas, the structure remains unsafe, and the fear it instills in us feels like a slow agony. We long for a safer, more comfortable living environment where our family can thrive without constant worry."
Rukia's family
access_time 11 months ago
Rukia received a $22 eighteenth payment.
"I had initially planned to purchase two cows with my share of the merry-go-round I joined last year, intending to enhance our farming capabilities, particularly for ploughing purposes. However, I was only able to acquire one due to the unexpected increase in market prices, costing me $185. Nonetheless, I am determined to procure the second cow with my upcoming share in June this year. Once both cows are in our possession, my family will be able to cultivate a larger portion of our vast, currently underutilized land, leading to higher yields. The surplus harvest will provide an additional source of income for us. Furthermore, the bulls will open up new business opportunities, such as offering plowing services to neighboring farmers who cannot afford tractor charges. Since bull-driven ploughs charge $5 less, they are highly preferred by locals in the region. Upon securing the second bull, I plan to invest in acquiring hairdressing skills using the transfers. With these skills, I aim to establish a salon that will also serve as a boutique, providing a diversified and sustainable source of income for the long term. This strategic approach ensures not only agricultural expansion but also the establishment of a thriving business venture, laying the foundation for financial stability and prosperity for my family."
Karisa's family
access_time 11 months ago
Karisa received a $348 initial payment.
"GiveDirectly has truly been a godsend. With its assistance, I've been able to access the treatment I desperately needed, and I'm now free from pain, making steady progress in my recovery. I remain optimistic about undergoing surgery and achieving full healing in due time. Clearing the school fees debt has brought immense relief; my child is now able to attend school without the looming threat of being sent home. The heavy burdens that once weighed heavily on our shoulders have been lifted, leaving us with a profound sense of peace and contentment. We're grateful to be free from the constant worry about fees and health issues that previously plagued our lives, allowing us to finally find solace and happiness in our newfound stability."
Nyevu's family
access_time 11 months ago
Nyevu received a $22 twenty-second payment.
"I want to own livestock, specifically goats as they are resilient in challenging weather conditions, such as drought, making them a suitable choice compared to other livestock. Given that I am the sole provider for my nine grandchildren, with their father limited by Tuberculosis complications, I see building wealth through goat farming as a viable way to contribute to household expenses. While financial constraints had previously hindered my dream of owning goats, I'm delighted that our recent successful crop harvest has provided the opportunity to turn this dream into reality. I believe that by investing in goats, I can not only secure a source of income for the family but also support my grandchildren's education in the future. This endeavor aligns with my goal to ensure their well-being and a brighter future despite the challenges we face."
Kadzo's family
access_time 11 months ago
Kadzo received a $22 twenty-second payment.
"My primary goal is to engage in livestock farming, particularly raising goats. Considering my advanced age, I believe that keeping livestock is a reliable way for me to generate income in the future and contribute to the needs of the family. The focus is on contributing to the school fees of my seven grandchildren and easing the financial burden on their father, my son, who currently struggles to make ends meet through poultry rearing. I've already taken a step towards this goal by obtaining a sheep through previous cash transfers, and now I aim to expand the herd by adding goats. I am hopeful that the continued support of cash transfers will assist me in realizing this endeavor and ultimately contribute to the well-being and education of my grandchildren."
Karicha's family
access_time 11 months ago
Karicha received a $22 eighteenth payment.
"My goal is to construct a concrete skirting around my mud-walled house. Currently, I share the space with my two goats, and their horns sometimes damage the mud walls. Also, the recent rains have added to the deterioration of the walls. Since cash transfers are my primary source of income right now, I plan to invest in this project to ensure a stable and secure house. I also have a plan to start rearing chickens. I used to own a large flock, but unfortunately, it perished due to a coccidiosis outbreak in my area. However, I am confident that when I resume rearing, I will be able to take necessary preventive measures to avoid losses like I experienced in the past."
Katsaka's family
access_time 11 months ago
Katsaka received a $22 twenty-second payment.
"My son runs a small business where he buys and sells livestock at the marketplace. He's the only one bringing in money for our family, which includes his wife, six little ones, and me. Sometimes it is tough for him to provide regular meals because his earnings are up and down. I desire to help out more with the family's needs, even after the cash transfers stop, to ease the pressure on him. However, because I'm elderly and can't handle strenuous work, I plan to create wealth by raising goats. Now that we have enough food at home, I want to start with that. Besides, I currently sleep on a bed made of sisal ropes, and my bedding consists of sacks, making it very uncomfortable. As I  just finished building my new house and moved in, by the end of the year, I aim to buy a new bed and mattress with the income from raising goats."