GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Everline's family
access_time 9 months ago
Everline received a $340 third payment.
"With the abundant rainfall, I am eager to expand my farming endeavors, particularly focusing on maize and other short-season crops for quicker returns. Leveraging our herd of over 50 goats, I plan to sell some and utilize the proceeds to rent additional land, thereby doubling our agricultural output in a single season. As a family, our goal is to produce enough food and surplus to cover the school fees for our three children. The empowerment we have experienced over the past three months has been transformative, fueling our belief in our ability to achieve more with adequate capital to support our ideas."
Kadzo's family
access_time 9 months ago
Kadzo received a $26 twenty-sixth payment.
"I am not well, which hinders me from doing any work. So, the only option for me is to rear livestock such as goats. For me, goats are easier to handle in my situation because they do not need much physical energy, and it is easy to graze them around the field, something that I can manage. Rearing goats is the surest source of wealth that I believe will solidify my financial stability even after the cash transfers have ended. Right now, I already have three goats from the transfers. I have been saving $20 every month through a savings group in my community. At the end of the year, I wish to receive a lump sum to acquire as many goats as the funds can afford me to grow my herd."
Sidi's family
access_time 9 months ago
Sidi received a $26 twenty-sixth payment.
"My goal is to accumulate wealth through rearing livestock by the time the transfers end. Right now, I have two ducks and three goats, all bought with the transfers. I have six grandchildren in school, and their father relies on casual jobs to support them. Sometimes it can be challenging to cover their school fees because his jobs are so unreliable. Rearing livestock would ensure that I can also contribute to their education in the future, especially when my son is stuck. I hope to be able to do this using the livestock I will have bought with the cash transfers."
Kadzo's family
access_time 9 months ago
Kadzo received a $26 twenty-sixth payment.
"Being a single mother and the sole provider for my family has been incredibly challenging, especially with the added burden of health issues. However, I am grateful for the progress I have made in my recovery journey, thanks to the medical treatment I have received. With my health gradually improving and the ability to undertake heavy tasks, I am determined to explore new opportunities to secure a better future for my family. Looking ahead to the coming year and beyond, I plan to utilize a portion of my transfer to start a vegetable business. This venture will not only provide me with an additional source of income but also complement the monthly support I receive from Give Directly. By combining the profits from this business with the financial assistance from Give Directly, I will be better equipped to meet the needs of my family, including purchasing food and paying for my children's education. This initiative represents a significant step towards financial independence and stability for us, and I am optimistic about the positive impact it will have on our lives."
Kadzo's family
access_time 9 months ago
Kadzo received a $26 twenty-sixth payment.
"Living in a cramped one-room house with five children has been quite challenging, prompting me to take action to improve our living conditions. My immediate goal is to construct a two-roomed house, with plans to expand it further in the future. With the necessary iron sheets already obtained, my focus now shifts to acquiring additional materials like building poles, timber, nails, ropes, and other essentials for construction. Once I have everything I need, I'll be ready to start building our new home, which will provide much-needed space and comfort for my family. The prospect of having a new house brings me immense relief, especially after enduring cramped living conditions for over a decade. I'm proud of the progress I've made so far, utilizing the monthly stipends from Give Directly to invest in improving our quality of life. This endeavor signifies a significant step towards a better future for my family, and I'm grateful for the support that has enabled me to embark on this journey towards better living conditions."
Kache's family
access_time 9 months ago
Kache received a $415 initial payment.
"My husband and I do not have stable jobs but instead depend on charcoal burning and doing casual labor in people's farms, which earns us very little to support my family. I have a family of 6 school going children and we lived in a house that was leaking and on the verge of collapsing. Rain was literally raining on us, and we would even sit and watch as it rained. Whenever it got windy, we would run outside, scared that the house would collapse on us. What hurt me the most is that I could not do much about it, as the little money that we got would all go to school to settle school fees and food for the family. I therefore spent $480 of the transfer to build a better house for my family so that we would sleep safely without the worry of a house collapsing on us. This house is the best thing that has happened in our lives as we are now happy that it can rain and we would not be rained on. I then spent $50 to pay school fees for my children. They did not have a huge debt because my husband and I have been struggling to make sure that their education is paid for. Finally, I spent the remaining of the transfer to buy some food just to add to the little that we had so that it could push us further until the next harvest."
Jumwa's family
access_time 9 months ago
Jumwa received a $26 twenty-sixth payment.
"In the coming year and beyond, my primary goal is to initiate an investment in livestock farming. Given the high prices of goats, I've decided to begin with chicken rearing as a more feasible option. Once I've established a sufficient number of chickens, I plan to sell them and reinvest the profits in acquiring a female goat. Therefore, I intend to allocate a portion of my transfer towards launching this project, recognizing it as a reliable investment for covering my children's school fees and addressing any unforeseen emergencies. Investing in livestock farming will provide a reliable source of income for me, enabling me to cover my children's school fees and handle any unexpected emergencies that may arise. By diversifying my sources of income through this venture, I aim to create a stable financial foundation for my family's future."
Kadzo's family
access_time 9 months ago
Kadzo received a $415 initial payment.
"At precisely 3 in the evening, as I made my way to my neighbor's home to check on their ailing daughter, a notification lit up my phone. As illiterate as I am, I patiently waited until I returned home to ask my son to decipher its contents. With a sense of anticipation, he revealed that it was an MPESA message from GiveDirectly. A rush of joy flooded my heart as I grasped the significance of the moment. I knew that this unexpected windfall meant more than just financial relief; it signified the end of an era spent enduring the discomforts of a grass-roofed house, which leaned precariously with each rainfall. Imagining the security of sleeping under an iron roof, I felt a profound sense of gratitude and hope, knowing that this gesture would bring not only shelter but also newfound stability to our lives."
Nondikko's family
access_time 9 months ago
Nondikko received a $340 second payment.
"The arrival of GiveDirectly in our village brought about a sense of fairness and equality, with everyone receiving the same amount of support regardless of their circumstances. This was a refreshing change from other organizations that often target specific groups, leaving others feeling excluded. The enrollment process was handled with care by patient officers who ensured that we understood the project and how to manage our money responsibly. I have no complaints about the process and am grateful for the opportunities it has provided. I hope that GiveDirectly's impact can extend to other regions, allowing more people to rebuild their lives and experience the same positive changes we have seen in our village."
Sally's family
access_time 9 months ago
Sally received a $340 third payment.
"The timing of the third transfer could not have been better, as it coincided with the planting season when I had not yet prepared my land. I felt anxious because the Kenya Seed Company, which had subcontracted us to farm maize seeds, had strict timelines to follow. I was on the verge of borrowing a loan when the money from GiveDirectly arrived. I used $75 to till the land and plant the seeds. This opportunity is close to my heart because the Kenya Seed Company provides a ready market for our harvest. This income helps me pay for my child's secondary school education, which costs around $600 yearly. This direct payment ensures that my child can focus on their studies without any disruptions. I allocated $175 to purchase a 2500L water tank, which has been a significant relief for our household. It means we no longer have to walk for more than two kilometres or wake up in the early hours to fetch water before it runs dry as the water source was not sufficient for the whole community. Additionally, I spent $50 on buying extra clothes for my children, ensuring they have enough to wear and feel good about themselves. Seeing them well-dressed makes me proud as a parent. I used the remaining amount to support my spouse, who does irregular jobs at a nearby spa resort. His monthly pay is only $70, which is not enough to support our family of five. By providing enough food for the family, I aim to relieve him from the stress of seeking additional sources of income."