GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Kathithe's family
access_time 8 months ago
Kathithe received a $26 eighteenth payment.
"Facing the devastation of my house being destroyed by fierce winds was incredibly difficult, leaving me without a place to call home. Taking shelter in my son's kitchen was a humbling experience, but it reignited my determination to rebuild and have a home of my own. My plan is to keep buying more building materials bit by bit with transfers that I receive from GiveDirectly, and eventually have a home of my own. I am aspiring to build a two-roomed house and a space where I can sit and relax during the day. Hopefully, I will achieve this dream, and like many in our village, I long for the sense of pride and security that comes with having my own space."
Katana's family
access_time 8 months ago
Katana received a $26 eighteenth payment.
"My aspiration is to establish myself as a successful livestock farmer. With the recent acquisition of additional goats, I'm filled with hope and optimism that they will thrive, multiplying and increasing in number over time. Looking ahead, I'm eager to expand my farming endeavors by venturing into turkeys. It's all part of a larger vision where I see myself trading goats and turkeys in the future to acquire cows. The ultimate goal is to have a flourishing herd of cows, not just for milk production but also for their utility in plowing farms. This vision is not just about sustenance but also about building a sustainable source of income for myself and my family."
Charo's family
access_time 8 months ago
Charo received a $26 twenty-second payment.
"This year, my ultimate goal is to successfully complete my studies, a milestone that would fulfill a lifelong dream and bring me immense happiness. Looking back, I'm already proud of how I've managed to invest in my future with the help of previous transfers. Buying two cows was a significant step for me, envisioning their growth into sturdy animals that can aid in farming and eventually be sold to expand my herd. It's a venture filled with hope and anticipation for what the future holds. Beyond this year, my aspirations extend to building my own home using the building materials I've been gradually accumulating. The thought of having a place to call my own, free from the uncertainty of borrowing accommodations, fills me with a sense of determination and purpose. And as I continue to broaden my horizons through education, I'm inspired to explore entrepreneurial opportunities. With the knowledge I've gained in electrical engineering, coupled with the proceeds from my sheep and careful savings, I envision opening an electrical shop, a venture that aligns with my passions and aspirations for the future."
Teresa's family
access_time 8 months ago
Teresa received a $340 third payment.
"I received the third transfer when I was deeply distressed and overwhelmed with thoughts about how to send my daughter back to school. She had been at home since November, unable to take her first semester exams at Machakos Teachers Training College because I could not afford to pay her college fees. It was heartbreaking to see her cry, feeling left behind while her classmates continued their studies. She was worried that she might not be able to finish her education. When I received the transfer, I immediately gave her $300: $250 for her school fees and $50 for transport and personal items. The joy and relief on her face were indescribable. Her hopes were rekindled as she prepared to go back to school, and seeing her so happy warmed my heart. I also used $30 to buy 10 hens to replace the five I had sold in January to pay part of my other daughter's secondary school fees. This poultry is crucial to supporting my family, and I plan to rear them for additional income. I spent $20 to buy clothes for myself, ensuring I have decent attire for functions and when attending my children’s education events. I used the remaining amount to buy food for my family of six, ensuring we had enough to eat. This stability allows me to concentrate on my farm without the stress of seeking casual work to buy food."
Kabibi's family
access_time 8 months ago
Kabibi received a $26 twenty-second payment.
"My dream for the coming year and beyond is to maintain a sizable herd of goats and cows. I firmly believe that this investment will play a pivotal role in securing a brighter future for my children, particularly when it comes to their education. While they're still in the lower grades at the moment, I'm acutely aware that in just a few short years, they'll be making the transition to higher levels of learning. This is where livestock becomes invaluable. By carefully tending to and growing my herd, I hope to provide a stable source of income that can be channelled towards their educational needs. My ultimate aim is to break the cycle of poverty that has gripped my family for generations. With determination and perseverance, I'm committed to creating opportunities that will change their lives for the better and ensure that they have the tools they need to thrive beyond our current circumstances."
Samwel's family
access_time 8 months ago
Samwel received a $340 third payment.
"As a farmer, I face many challenges with my temporarily fenced farm made of thorn trees and shrubs. Roaming livestock constantly threatens our crops, requiring us to guard them diligently until harvest. In our community, livestock are left to roam freely in search of pasture. My wife and I alternate this duty, but given our age, it is quite exhausting. I plan to fence my farm with a permanent structure once I have the necessary finances."
Karisa's family
access_time 8 months ago
Karisa received a $26 twenty-fifth payment.
"In the upcoming year, I'm focused on maximizing my earnings through goat rearing. I plan to invest my transfers in purchasing goats with the aim of selling them for a profit. This endeavor is crucial for me as I aim to generate enough money to support my college fees. As part of my strategy, I will consistently allocate my monthly transfers $30 towards this investment.I'm deeply grateful to GiveDirectly for their support, which has filled me with a newfound sense of optimism. Their assistance has paved the way for me to pursue my dreams, and I am now confident that I will achieve success in realizing my aspirations."
Kadzo's family
access_time 8 months ago
Kadzo received a $26 twenty-second payment.
"By December, I'm aiming to begin construction on a new house. Our current one, made of a grass-thatched roof, feels cramped with nine kids under our roof, forcing some of them to sleep at their grandmother's. My spouse and I have made a joint decision to start saving diligently for this project. We envision a spacious and comfortable home where all of us can thrive together. It's not just about having a house; it's about creating a place we can truly call our own, a sanctuary where family bonds can grow stronger. With determination and teamwork, we're committed to turning this dream into a reality, step by step."
Sidi's family
access_time 8 months ago
Sidi received a $26 twenty-second payment.
"My main goal now is to start keeping goats. I believe they can help me support my children's education. Right now, I don't have a steady income to pay for their schooling, but I think with the goats, everything will become possible. I don't want my children to grow up blaming me for not sending them to school. My dream is to ensure that, despite the challenges, they all get an education. Education is the only thing that can change their future and the future of generations to come. So, I'll work hard with these goats, knowing that they're not just animals; they're the key to my children's brighter tomorrow."
Franckline's family
access_time 8 months ago
Franckline enrolled.
"I am the sole breadwinner of my family and I do not have a stable source of income. I depend on casual jobs to earn a living which is not sustainable for us. I am living the life of a hand to mouth and this is embarrassing. I have neither savings nor investment. My wife developed a spur on her left foot making my life even difficult, this leaves her with a lot of pain and she is unable to do her family chores as before. I wish to take her for medication but I do not have money."