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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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6 months ago
received a $142 initial payment.
"I am a father of three children, but my wife and I separated 11 years ago, and she left with all the children. Since then, I have been alone at home, struggling to find ways to get food. I am a charcoal burner, producing five bags of charcoal per week, and selling each for Ksh 500. This has been my only means of survival and getting food. However, whenever you visit my home, you would never find me because I leave early to the bush to burn charcoal. When I received the cash transfer, I used $75 to purchase food, ensuring I have enough stock to last for 90 days. This way, I can be sure there’s sufficient food at home. Additionally, I used $45 to purchase a goat, which will serve as my future investment since I had nothing of value as an investment in my compound. I also spent $6 to buy two chickens that will lay eggs, which I can eat with ugali if I don’t have vegetables.With the remaining $40, I bought clothes, as I had none. I was wearing the same clothes from January to December, with nothing to change into. So, I decided to remove this shame and now have three outfits."
View Evernders's
6 months ago
received a $155 initial payment.
"After returning home from church, my husband and I settled down for lunch—he had just come in from the farm. As we were eating, my phone buzzed with a message. My husband urged me to check it, and to our surprise, it was a notification of a cash transfer from GiveDirectly. Excitement filled the room as we immediately began planning how to use the money. Without hesitation, we decided to invest in goats, something we had always wanted but hadn't yet acquired."
View Belinda's
6 months ago
received a $142 initial payment.
"When I received the unconditional cash transfer, the first thing I did was pay off the school fees for my two children. They’re in a private school, one in Grade 4 and the other in Grade 2, and I had fallen behind on payments. The probability of them being sent home was high, and my husband, who works as a policeman, hadn't yet received his salary. Using $100 to clear the arrears brought me a huge relief and ensured that my kids could continue their education without interruption. With $60 of the remaining funds, I decided to buy two sheep. I’ve always wanted to own livestock, and this was the perfect opportunity to invest in something tangible. The sheep are not just a source of pride for me, but they’re also an asset I can rely on in case of emergencies. I know that if we ever face financial difficulties, I could sell them to cover urgent needs. Finally, I used the rest of the money to buy household food items, ensuring that my family had enough to eat. This has been a tremendous help for us, and I'm grateful for the chance to stabilize our household and make investments that will support us in the future."
View Morena's
6 months ago
received a $142 initial payment.
"I remember attending a prayer day for my cousin who was about to sit for his final exams, and during the event, I overheard some of my fellow villagers talking excitedly about receiving money from GiveDirectly. I hadn't checked my phone yet because it was out of charge, so I tried not to think too much about it, but the curiosity nagged at me. As soon as I got home, I immediately plugged in my phone and waited anxiously for it to charge. When I finally switched it on, to my utter surprise, the money was there! I was so overwhelmed with joy because I finally knew I could buy goats and some furniture. The relief that washed over me in that moment was indescribable; I felt like a burden had been lifted, and I could finally plan for a better future."
View Fidel's
6 months ago
received a $155 initial payment.
"It was my neighbor who first informed me about the news from GiveDirectly. Since I am older and cannot read messages on my phone, I quickly went to my son, who is also my helper. As soon as he saw me, he told me that I had received $200 from GiveDirectly. Overcome with gratitude, I knelt to thank God. When asked why, I explained that it was because of my happiness and relief, as we had been starving without food after the floods destroyed our farms. Now, I finally have enough to eat. With nothing else on my mind, I focused on buying food to end the hunger that had affected me and my husband."
View Noiliyan's
6 months ago
received a $142 initial payment.
"Upon receiving $180 from GiveDirectly, I took some time, after the excitement, to plan how to use the money wisely. At that time, I didn't have bedding and was sleeping on the floor, which was very uncomfortable. I decided to spend $95 to buy a bed and a comfortable mattress, and now I enjoy a good night's sleep.
I also spent $45 to buy new clothing for myself and my family of four. This has greatly improved our confidence, making us feel more presentable for events and welcoming visitors, as we now look like the rest of the community.
Additionally, I spent $40 on food because, at that time, we had no food and were struggling to put meals on the table. I needed to address this need, especially with the money I received, to ensure my family had enough to eat."
View Jeniffer's
6 months ago
received a $155 initial payment.
"After receiving $200 from GiveDirectly, I had already planned how to use the money. One of my biggest priorities was to transform my home from the old manyatta to a more modern one. I used $78 to buy iron sheets and am now waiting for the subsequent transfers to purchase more construction materials. This will allow me to build a bigger house that will be enough for me and my four kids.
Another challenge I faced was paying school fees, especially with the balance for my school-going children. I spent $15 to clear the fees and buy learning materials to ensure that my kids' education continues uninterrupted.
As a farmer, the floods had disrupted our normal life, so I wanted to get back to farming. I spent $50 to lease 0.5 acres of land, where I plan to plant maize. This will ensure that we have enough food at home, and I plan to sell the surplus to start a small business that will help sustain my family even after GiveDirectly's support ends.
I used the rest of the money to buy food for my family because, during this time, it was hard to find any casual job opportunities to earn money for food. This has really helped me, as I no longer have to overwork myself, and I’ve been able to take a few rest days knowing that we have enough food at home."
View Winny's
6 months ago
received a $142 initial payment.
"Upon receiving $180 from GiveDirectly, I was very thankful and took time to plan how to use the money and prioritize my needs. At that time, it was just after the recent floods that hit our village, which swept away my bedding. I had been sleeping on the floor with makeshift bedding, which was cold and made the nights feel even longer.
I decided to use $90 to buy a bed and a comfortable mattress. Now, I can’t wait for nighttime because of how comfortable my bed is. I also spent $82 on iron sheets because I plan to build a small, separate kitchen. This way, even when it rains, I can continue with my household chores without being affected.
I am so happy and grateful for GiveDirectly’s support, which has enabled me to have basic items like a bed and mattress, making my nights much more comfortable."
View Roseline's
6 months ago
received a $155 initial payment.
"The biggest differences in my life since I started receiving transfers from GiveDirectly are in education, food, and my energy to work. Before the transfers, I was constantly stressed about where to find the money to pay school fees. But now, that stress is gone because I know it’s all taken care of for this term.
Regarding food, before GiveDirectly, we had a serious food security issue. We didn’t have farms producing food, and our stores were empty, making it difficult to have meals. But now, my family has enough to eat, which has greatly improved our situation. This, in turn, has increased my productivity in what I do. I now have more energy to work on my farm and do casual jobs, unlike before when I would go to the farm on an empty stomach."
View Isabella's
6 months ago
"Every mother strives to work hard and provide the best life possible for their family. Unfortunately, this is not the case for me. I am currently struggling to put food on the table and buy my family other basic needs such as bedding and clothes. This is embarrassing and it is slowly killing my ambition as a father. I was optimistic about having a bumper harvest last season on my one acre of land. My crops were not spared by the April flash floods. I managed to harvest one bag of maize and this was the biggest loss that I had experienced."
View Caren's