GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time.
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over 2 years ago
"Currently I only have two challenges, thus, hunger and lack of furniture in my house. This year in April I only had 2 bags, weighing 50kgs each, of maize from my 2 acres farm instead of 12 or 13 which I usually get when I apply fertilizer. Yes, I didn't apply fertilizer in my field last season for it was expensive and I couldn't afford it. Those who could afford were for 15$ for bag from vendors. Me and my family ate these 2 bags until July and since then we have had to rely on charcoal selling business for survival. It has been a struggle ever since because we only get 4$ from 2 bags of charcoal which we sell a month and as you can tell this is not sufficient to carter for food and other basic household needs such as buying furniture, beds and even mattresses. Currently, we sleep on a mat the one you saw inside but we wish we slept on a bed with a mattress on it but we are unable to attain that luxury due to financial constraints that we are facing as a household."
View Mervis's
over 2 years ago
received an initial payment.
"" while sitting in front of my house one morning, I got a beep on my phone. When I checked it, I saw the amount of 35,625 LD from GiveDirectly. I was so happy because II really wanted to pay my school fees. Though, I planned to built house, but the first thought I had was school fees. I live in a small kitchen with my grandmother, the both of us decided to build a new house with our transfer. The moment I got the transfer, I brought it to her and we both made decision on how to spend it"."
View Malli's
over 2 years ago
received a $436 second payment.
"The field officers from GiveDirectlky were very kind and polite, The training and the enrollment were perfectly done without any discrimination. We are so grateful for the support because it has improved our living standard. I do not find anything that GiveDirectly did not do well."
View Caren's
over 2 years ago
received a $436 second payment.
"This will be my additional source of income. I am planning on saving some money from the sales of my farm produce and milk from my dairy cow. I wish to venture into the business of selling cereals. This will be my additional source of income to the family."
View Janet's
over 2 years ago
received an initial payment.
""This GiveDirectly money has brought a lot of relief to me. It helped me from being disgraced. As a widow, I was thinking on how to pay back debts I owed. Additionally, my children school fees was another problem. I could not resolve these problems; and GiveDirectly resolved these problems with ease. Now my children and I are happy and we thank God Almighty for GiveDirectly"."
View Annie's
over 2 years ago
received a $436 second payment.
"Using the first disbursement, I had begun building a house, but I was unable to finish it because I was out of money. I paid $280 to finish building it when I got the second transfer. Having a decent, spacious, constructed home that is more stable feels good. Additionally, I have not been able to plow a larger area of my farm, 2 acres for quite some time, which has prevented me from producing a good harvest to feed us. In order to clear the farm and pay for other farm expenses, I used $160. The crops are excellent, and we are currently weeding in the hopes of a better yield. I bought eight hens with the remaining $48 of the $88 in the hopes that they would breed and I could sell some of them. I still have $4 in savings for use around the house."
View Kahindi's
over 2 years ago
received a $436 second payment.
"I spent $300 renovating my poor structured home. The roof was old and had numerous holes in it while the wall was constructed of mud. We could not afford a new house, so we were forced to remain there. We did not feel safe living in there because it had a reed door and it frequently rained. I'm happy that it now has a new face that is more safe, reliable, and decent thanks to the support. In addition, I had no consistent source of income; the only thing I could do was burn charcoal for sale, but the money I got from that was very little. As a result, I invested $130 to launch a small-scale business selling fuel, primarily to motorbike riders. Since then, our household's income has increased, and we no longer face financial hardship. The remaining $90 I used to buy groceries for my home."
View Elizabeth's
over 2 years ago
received a $451 second payment.
"I set aside a larger percentage of the first payout when I received it, and I combined it with the entirety of my second transfer to invest in opening a mobile money store. Burning charcoal is the most prevalent economic activity we have. The trees have been exhausted and the charcoal is not marketable because almost everyone does it. The wisest decision was to invest the money in the mobile money industry, as the profits have allowed us to survive. Due to my advanced age, my daughter manages the shop while I handle the regular household duties."
View Jumwa's
over 2 years ago
received a $232 initial payment.
""As soon as I complete the construction of my house, by then, I will have a rest and not keep being worry of going to the bush to cut thatches to change roof every seasons of the year. By that time, my focus will be on establishing small business to help bring up my children and provide their needs"."
View Amelia's
over 2 years ago
received a $232 initial payment.
""I used some to pay club dues for three month, used some of the money to pay my son balance school fees and the balance is what we are using for food"."
View Carthine's