GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Geebli's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Geebli received a $235 fourth payment.
"RE In my opinion, givedirectly is doing well. My children was not in school, but because of givedirectly, i have all my children enrolled in school today. But, i want ask givedirectly to kindly add the transfer amount up by 500USD"."
Bessie's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Bessie received a third payment.
"RE " In my opinion, givedirectly is doing very well and am pleased. But I think what givedirectly is doing that is not good is their law of not excepting gifts from us, for me it doesn't look good that you can only do good for me and i can not do good for you. But besides that, Givedirectly is doing more than well here "."
Jacob's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Jacob received a $349 second payment.
"Despite the fact that I have lost my wife and my elder son in recent months, I am grateful for GiveDirectly's support and the assistance I have received from my three sons, who have been doing casual labor in a nearby shopping center. I moved from the first land I owned when my herd was raided. I was fortunate not to be hurt. I built two houses on my uncle's land and currently have 16 goats, which I hope to multiply and sell in the future to help fund other projects. Finding fresh water for my livestock has been difficult, and I have had to purchase a 25000-liter plastic tank for $180, which I refill once after three weeks for $20. So far, this has sustained my goats as well as some of the water used in household routines. I also paid $150 for my son's tuition, and I hope to clear the remaining arrears of $60 with a portion of the subsequent transfer. I am relieved that he will soon complete his studies, relieving me of the difficult task of facilitating his studies. I used some of the remaining funds to build a shed after purchasing four iron sheets for $36, two metallic poles for $18, and two bags of cement for $16. I incurred a $60 transportation cost as well as a $20 labor charge. I now have a plastic tank and am looking forward to installing gutters around the roof to collect rainwater in the future."
Kimosop's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Kimosop received a $349 second payment.
"GiveDirectly's unbiased approach when they entered the village was amazing because it brought harmony while spending both at the household level, where we were allowed to choose a recipient , and also between households because everyone was enrolled to receive the transfer. We are grateful for the transformation that has occurred in the last few months, even though I believe that our participation will be brief and that the majority of the household will revert to their pre-transfer situation. When hunger and drought were all over, most of the households received the money, and a large portion of it was spent on food and not on lasting projects."
Jumaa's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Jumaa received a $27 initial payment.
Kadzo's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Kadzo received a $27 sixth payment.
"Considering my advanced age, I cannot take on strenuous tasks to make money for my needs. Since I cannot also entirely depend on my children, who have families to raise, I believe keeping livestock is the best investment I can make to support me financially in the future. When I own a large herd of these animals, selling them to generate money will be easy. "
Dama's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Dama received a $27 sixth payment.
"My goal for the coming year and beyond is to ensure that I have enough resources to generate school fees for my children. I am confident that rearing livestock is the surest chance I have of raising money to support the education of my kids. Currently, I have four goats which I secured through previous transfers. My goal is to buy more and increase the herd to at least ten by the end of the year. "
Namakoye's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Namakoye enrolled.
"The challenge that we are facing is the constant water that comes and floods our compound and sometimes enter into the house. The water can easily flood our house when it heavily rains. We are always worried especially when it starts to rain."
Yarkpawolo's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Yarkpawolo received a $235 fourth payment.
"I spend my recent money on buying material for my house."
Junior's family
access_time almost 2 years ago
Junior received a $235 fourth payment.
"I hope to continue making my farm that will enable me to pay my children's school fees.give-directly was a great help to me and my father.I was finding it hard to even pay my children's school fees.I use to struggle to put food on the table for my family ,but now my family is eating on time."