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We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Kadenge's family
access_time 29 days ago
Kadenge received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"When I received my most recent transfer of $90, I used it to pay my school fees. Each term, we pay a total of $150, so I used most of my transfer to ensure I wouldn't be sent home for fees. Since my parents are jobless and it's difficult for them to cover my fees, I have to manage my transfers wisely to continue my education. These transfers have been crucial in allowing me to pay my fees, relieving my parents from financial burden. With the remaining amount, I purchased the books required for school."
Maua's family
access_time 29 days ago
Maua received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"I am a mother of four children, and ensuring their education remains uninterrupted is my top priority. With the transfer, I spent $14 on their school fees. I also used $14 to buy school bags for three of my children, which made them very happy. To improve our living conditions, I invested $60 in my merry-go-round group, aiming to save enough to build a new home. Our current single-room dwelling is inadequate for my family of six and is not in good condition. I allocated $10 to buy food for my family. Currently, I own four chickens; unfortunately, I lost over fourteen due to disease. With the remaining transfer, I spent $4 on another chicken, hoping they will multiply so I can eventually exchange them for goats, which I can sell during times of need."
Gladys's family
access_time 29 days ago
Gladys received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"I am eager to start my own shop of selling colorful African fabric, aiming to ease the burden of paying my school fees. With my mom selling charcoal and my dad currently unemployed, finances have been tight. My plan is to buy African fabric in bulk, have a trusted family member sell them for a profit, and use the earnings to fund my education. Alongside this venture, I also have two goats that I am raising and I am waiting for them to multiply so that I can sell them and raise enough money to support myself in the future, after I complete my studies and plan to join college."
Kauchi's family
access_time 29 days ago
Kauchi received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"I am a mother of five children; three are currently in school, and the other two are not yet of age. To support my family, I burn and sell charcoal to my neighbors in the village. Education is incredibly important to me because I want my children to have a good life. Recently, with the transfers I received from GiveDirectly, I spent $102 to ensure my children's school fees were paid on time so they wouldn't be sent home and their education wouldn't be interrupted. When I don't have enough money, I often sell my chickens to make sure my children can stay in school."
Pennina's family
access_time 29 days ago
Pennina received a $27 twenty-second payment.
"I have four siblings currently in school. With the transfers I get from GiveDirectly, I managed to pay for two of my siblings school fees. I spent $14 to clear their fees so they would not be sent home and miss out on their classes.I also have ambitions of studying to become a laboratory technician. I am passionate about it and I am currently saving up for school. So far, I have saved $35 towards my goal. Taking care of my livestock is also important to me. I have one chicken with ten chicks, and I spent $10 on getting medication for them, to ensure they grow up healthy and strong without any issues. I have also invested in two goats, spending $25 on them. When they're fully grown, I plan to sell them to raise money for my studies. With the remaining money, I bought food for my family for $18 to keep them healthy and strong throughout the week."
Sidi's family
access_time 29 days ago
Sidi received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"As a mother of five children, with four currently attending school, I face numerous challenges and make sacrifices to ensure my children can continue their education. To prevent them from being sent home, I dedicated $54 towards their school fees to secure their places. With the remaining $48, I bought enough food to sustain my entire family for the month. Thanks to GiveDirectly for the support, it means a lot to me."
Mwanaidi's family
access_time 29 days ago
Mwanaidi received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"In the coming year and beyond, I want to invest in a goat-rearing project. This will serve as a lasting reminder of my transfers once they come to an end. Additionally, goats multiply, which is a great benefit. Once I have a good number, I will sell some to get money to support my family by paying school fees and buying food. To achieve this goal, I have already started buying goats and will continue to do so until I have acquired a good number."
Florence's family
access_time 30 days ago
Florence received a $427 initial payment.
"It was exactly 3:15 pm when I was cooking ugali at Dzikunze Primary School as I am a cook there. I then heard a message notification on my phone and I quickly checked it out of curiosity. I was overwhelmed with excitement upon seeing the message notifying me that I had received money from GiveDirectly. I walked outside to confirm the message, and indeed, it was true. I was alone at the time and didn't tell anyone, savoring the moment by myself. Immediately, my thoughts turned to my four children and how I could now pay their school fees. The sense of relief and joy was indescribable, knowing that this unconditional cash transfer would make such a significant difference in our lives."
Jumwa's family
access_time 1 month ago
Jumwa received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"My goal is to save enough funds to purchase land, freeing my family from our reliance on my grandfather's hospitality. While he has provided us with land, I fear he may ask us to buy it or leave since we don't legally own it. Securing our own land will allow us to build a stable and secure home for my family. That's why I save part of my transfer every month for this purpose. Another important goal is to ensure my children can attend school without worrying about school fees. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity that GiveDirectly transfers have provided us."
Kalume's family
access_time 1 month ago
Kalume received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"I'm committed to ensuring my children can continue their education smoothly. Since I don't have a reliable job, I rely on farming and casual work to support my family. With five kids in primary school, I used $54 from my recent payment to clear their school fees, preventing them from being sent home due to unpaid balances. I also allocated $34 to start a goat buying and selling business, aiming for it to provide financial support even after my transfers end. The remaining $14 was spent on food and soap for my family's daily needs."
school fees