GDLive Newsfeed
We check in with people at each stage of the cash transfer process to see how things are going. Take a look at some of their stories as they appear here in real-time. Learn more about how recipients opt in to share their stories.
Karisa's family
access_time 1 month ago
Karisa received a $27 thirtieth payment.
"I am currently engaged in various activities such as fishing and selling charcoal to support my family. My primary goal is to ensure that my children stay in school without interruptions to their education. I am determined to provide them with a better life that they truly deserve, which drives me to pursue any available income-generating opportunity. In addition to my other activities, I also manage twenty chickens and three ducks, which I can sell when we face financial challenges to meet our needs. Looking ahead, I plan to expand my investments in goats; currently, I have twelve. Thanks to GiveDirectly, receiving monthly support has significantly eased the financial burden. It allows me to easily pay my children's school fees and provide them with the care they need."
Jennifer's family
access_time 1 month ago
Jennifer enrolled.
"After our house was destroyed by floods, my family of 9 is now living in a tent. We don't have the funds to build a proper structure. Our livelihood depends on fishing, but the daily income of KES 300 isn't sufficient to cover food expenses and school fees for my 2 secondary school children. The floodwaters swept away our household items, bedding, utensils, and the children's learning materials. Due to financial constraints, we're unable to replace these essential items."
Silvia's family
access_time 2 months ago
Silvia received a $140 initial payment.
"I had taken my phone to charge at my neighbor's house. When I picked it up later that evening and unlocked it, I saw a receipt of $200 from GiveDirectly. I was so happy that GiveDirectly fulfilled its promise. I immediately told my husband when he came home that evening from fishing. He was so happy too. The first thing that came to our minds was boosting my husband's fishing business, which we had yearned for a very long time."
Hussein's family
access_time 3 months ago
Hussein received a $136 initial payment.
"i there is abig difference,my happy we are divorce and left me with two kids,one is already married,i have one grand children,doing casual job,doing fishing at the river sometimes 300 per or 200.river perkerra or molo river,i can abit of improvement when i received the second transfer i will re"
Foleni's family
access_time 3 months ago
Foleni received a $26 twenty-sixth payment.
"This year, my objective is to obtain my own fishing net. Currently, I rely on borrowing one from a colleague, which has restricted my productivity and consequently reduced my earnings. I plan to utilize my upcoming transfers to achieve this goal. Acquiring my own fishing net will enable me to maximize my output, resulting in a greater catch and higher returns. I am pleased with the progress I have made thus far and look forward to a brighter future."
Kahindi's family
access_time 4 months ago
Kahindi received a $27 twenty-sixth payment.
"I allocated $68 from the cash transfers to purchase two goats, to raise them to accumulate funds for my five children's education. Rearing livestock is a reliable means of financial provision, especially considering that my primary source of income, fishing, is often insufficient to cover all their tuition fees. Aside from that, I invested $20 in acquiring a new phone, as my previous one was faulty and impeding communication. This purchase not only ensures I can stay in touch with Give Directly but also enables me to maintain contact with my loved ones. I am now relieved! The remaining $14 was used to supplement my savings and settle a school debt accrued by one of my children for that particular term."
Silvia's family
access_time 4 months ago
Silvia enrolled.
"Being a farmer in a drought prone area, I intend to buy a water pump to assist me in irrigating my land. This will cost us $450 including piping costs. By doing this, I will be able to irrigate my crops with ease and even grow crops that are very sensitive to drought. I also plan to revive my husband's fishing job by purchasing fishing nets so that he can be able to capture on large scale and sale them at higher profit margin. This will mean that all of us will be actively contributing in our family's livelihood sustainability."
Karisa's family
access_time 5 months ago
Karisa received a $24 twenty-sixth payment.
"I have 5 children in school which I primarily rely on these transfer to pay their fees and buy their school supplies. Each of the 5 is required to pay a fee of $8 per term which totals to $40 for the five of them. Due to my low income which is from casual jobs, charcoal making and sometimes fishing, I am unable to provide for their basic needs as well as their school needs. For this reason, I always ensure that I clear their fees whenever I receive the transfers, mostly setting aside approximately $24 of the transfers and spending the remaining amount on other school supplies or household requirements. Whenever possible, I also try to expand my already large herd of livestock by buying either chicken or goats as they are more affordable. An example is in the month of February when I managed to purchase a young goat at $32. The livestock are an investment I am hoping will help once my children join high school as I will easily be able to sell them and raise the required fees."
Chengo's family
access_time 5 months ago
Chengo received a $24 twenty-sixth payment.
"I am a fisherman who occasionally does motorcycle rides to make ends meet. I have two children and a wife. My wife is a stay at home mother and is a seasonal farmer. Givedrectly transfers have provided a lifeline for my family and I. I do not make much from the work I do, my income weekly is between $5 to $10 depending on how frequently I am hired to help with motorcycle rides or go fishing. my family would have had many days of sleeping hungry had it not been for transfers, I have recently spent $48 0n food from my transfers, $16 monthly, I have bought four chicken each at $5 all together costing $20. I also use my transfers to get essential toiletries such as soap and body oil at $25 cumulatively. I saved $10 to a village savings group. I always leave something unused to cater for any emergencies."
Nolaram's family
access_time 8 months ago
Nolaram received a $117 initial payment.
"Receiving money from GiveDirectly has made great difference in our lives. One of the most significant changes has been the ability to finally cultivate our neglected 2-acre land, which lay barren for six years due to a lack of resources. We had been reliant on unstable income from casual jobs and fishing, which was not sustainable in the long run. What truly amazed us was the opportunity to plow the land with machinery, something entirely new to us. In the past, when we attempted to plant crops, it was always through manual labor. This newfound blessing fills us with hope and belief that our future will be different. With this support, we're optimistic about the prospects ahead."