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Newsfeed > Zawadi's Profile
Zawadi's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
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access_time 2 months ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
Investing in a long-term and profitable project is generally what receiving this money means to me. Currently, I am rearing goats that belong to my neighbor, and in return, I get one baby goat after two cycles of breeding. I find this unprofitable and I have wished to own goats which will have direct profit to me. To ensure this comes to reality, I intend to spend $300 of my money to buy 10 goats. This will guarantee me a high profit since they multiply fast. In a year, I trust they would have doubled. On the other hand, I intend to spend the remaining amount to repair my house since its walls are not in good condition. Also, I will buy a new bed and mattress to replace the old ones. What a happy life to achieve these!
What is the happiest part of your day?
Living in a house without a door has been the case for almost half a decade. This has been a life of worry because I never had privacy at home. Also, it was hard for me to leave home for a whole day due to the feeling of insecurity. Early this month (May), my son Rodgers surprised me with a new door that he made. He fixed it and I am currently feeling to have restored my dignity. Also, I have the freedom to leave home freely. Hence, this is basically what has brought me joy.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
What a life of sorrow to lack a reliable source of income! Currently, I depend on subsistence farming and selling roofing materials made of palm tree leaves. These activities are not reliable since their incomes are low. Farming has been affected by unpredictable weather patterns and sometimes the produce is very little, usually 1 bag of 90 kilograms per acre. The other activity is also affected since people have embraced the use of iron sheets, making this job irrelevant. This has made my household financially unstable and sometimes, I am forced to seek help from my son. Since he also has a family to take care of, his support is limited. Thus, this is what has made my life harder.