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Newsfeed > Raymond's Profile
Raymond's family
Subsistence farming
Kenya Large Transfer
There will be no further updates from this completed recipient.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
53010 KES ($355 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
In the coming year, I have a clear plan to venture into a retail business within our village, with the primary purpose of serving and supporting our community. This business will not only offer essential goods and services to our neighbors but also generate income for my family of five. To embark on this endeavor, I plan to use my personal savings as a source of capital. With $250 set aside for this venture, I am determined to make it a success. This retail business represents more than just a financial opportunity; it's a way for me to give back to our community and create a sense of independence for my family. I am excited about the potential this business holds and the positive impact it can bring to our lives and the lives of those we serve.
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
The assistance provided by GiveDirectly to the community has been instrumental in improving the lives of the people here. Personally, it has allowed me to secure the capital needed for my business, resulting in financial stability and security. At present, everything is working wonderfully, and I see no need for any changes. I am grateful for the positive impact and support that GiveDirectly has provided, both to me and to our community.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Receiving the transfers was a significant moment for my family, and I made strategic choices to secure a brighter future. I spent $70 to purchase goats, recognizing their rapid multiplication as a valuable source of income for my family. Another $70 went into constructing a poultry house and a goat shed. This addition not only enhances our livestock management but also opens up new opportunities for diversification in our livelihood. For our immediate needs, I used $110 for bedding, ensuring our comfort and well-being. Additionally, I dedicated $60 to paying school fees for my children in grade 2 and preprimary 2. Education is a priority, and I am committed to providing them with the best opportunities for learning. The remaining funds were saved for a future business venture. My family of five primarily relies on maize and cassava farming, but unpredictable climatic conditions have made it challenging. Diversifying our income sources is essential for stability and progress. I am grateful to see most of my family members now developing, as these transfers have opened doors to new possibilities and a more promising future.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
55000 KES ($387 USD)
access_time 1 year ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
It was around 3 pm when I received a message on my phone while at a burial in our village. I did not take the time to check since I was not engaged in any activity at the moment. Upon checking the message, I saw the promised $550 had been sent to my account from GiveDirectly. My heart was engulfed in happiness and thanksgiving. I could not ululate since the environment could not allow it, but inwardly I ululated loudly. The weight of the financial burden that had been crushing me was lifted, and a glimmer of hope shone through the dark clouds of uncertainty knowing this transfer would transform my life. I could now provide proper meals, send my children to school, and even invest in a small business to secure our future. I felt truly blessed, and my heart brimmed with gratitude for the kindness of strangers who had touched my life most profoundly.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Before receiving the transfer, my life was full of frustrations. I had no defined source of income other than making and selling charcoal, which was unreliable. I had two children to take care of as far as education is concerned. They needed school fees, food, and clothing. Life was not easy for me. I am now happy because after I received the first transfer, I was able to fix the majority of the hurdles I was passing through. Currently, I am starting a poultry farming business which will be a source of income. The cash transfer from GiveDirectly enabled me to invest in this venture, which will generate some income to provide for my family. I am optimistic that I will no longer have to worry about my children's education or where the next meal will come from. Moreover, with a steady income, I can even dream of expanding my business further, lifting my family out of poverty's suffocating grasp.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
My children and I had been enduring restless nights on broken beds with threadbare bedding for far too long. So, the first thing I did was purchased a standard modern bed and two comfortable mattresses for $190. The joy in my children's eyes, as they settled into their new sleeping arrangements, made all the hardships we endured worthwhile. Finally, we could sleep peacefully and wake up refreshed, ready to face each day with renewed hope. With part of the remaining amount, I swiftly cleared the school fees my child owed. She had been turned away from school due to the unpaid fees, and I couldn't bear to see her dreams of education shattered. It cost $38 to reinstate her, and now she is back in the classroom, eager to learn and build a brighter future. As for my plans to secure a steady income, I decided to invest in poultry farming. With $30, I constructed a poultry house to provide shelter for the chickens I intend to raise. I have always believed in the potential of farming, and with this investment, I hope to secure a source of income for my family's future. I intend to use the rest of the money to purchase the poultry and get the business up and running.
access_time over 1 year ago
What do you plan to do with the cash transfer?
I have a family of five members three being children. My wife does domestic chores and I do casual jobs earning approximately $50 per month which caters for food only. My two children school at Kafitsoni primary and they have a collective fees balance of $60. This has made them stay at home for sometimes. I will use $700 to start shop business here at home. I already prepared the house and am now waiting for the money. The market is good since in the village there is only one shop and it is far away. I will make a profit of approximately $10 per pay. I will also use $200 to clear the school fees balance and also prepay for the other year. This will ensure my children stay at school and improve their performances. The remaining money will cater for beddings and food .
What is the happiest part of your day?
I do casual jobs for survival. Apart from this job I engage myself on subsistence farming. It has been three years now without getting any harvest. On March 2023, we received rain and caltivated 2 acres of my land. The maize is doing well and I expect to harvest seven bags of maize each 50kg. This will last for one year. I am happy for the rain because my family will have enough food for a whole year.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
Lack of reliable job is the current challenge I am currently facing. I do casual jobs earning approximately $50 per month which caters for food only and my wife has no job she does domestic chores only. I have two children at school and they have a fees balance of $60 . This has made them on and out of school sometimes. Clearing this balance has been a challenge for me die to lack of reliable job.