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Lilian's family
Kenya Basic Income
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25th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($27 USD)
access_time 4 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
Last we spoke we spoke I had plans to buy animals, now I own those animals. I have bought 5 goats, 3 sheep and 15 chicken. This a big step for me towards that goal. I have sold a number of chicken which has allowed me and my family to eat and educate my child. I would like to do more in this direction. I want to add more animals to allow them to keep reproducing and keep growing in number for me to sell when need arises.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
As a single mother of one, I have been able to take care of my child and myself because Givedirectly has enabled me through the cash transfers. I saved up and was able to buy a goat at $60.I have paid school fees from my daughter at $8, I bought medicine for myself to help with a flu which was really taking atoll on me $10 and I also bought food for my family at $24.
22nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time 7 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I aspire to acquire land that will serve as a secure sanctuary for both my daughter and myself. To achieve this goal, I am focused on expanding my livestock holdings, anticipating their multiplication to yield significant profits upon sale. The proceeds from these sales, coupled with additional savings, will facilitate the purchase of the desired land. I am deeply grateful for the financial assistance provided through the transfers, which has not only enabled me to address my recurrent medical needs but also supported me during periods when my health prevents me from pursuing my tailoring profession.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Each month, I set aside $20 from my transfers, accumulating this sum over three months to acquire either a goat or a sheep. To date, I have amassed a total of five sheep and two goats solely through these funds. My ultimate objective is to procure land for myself, and these livestock acquisitions are integral to realizing this ambition. As they breed, I plan to sell some of them to generate the necessary funds for purchasing the land. Additionally, I've allocated $30 to a savings group, earmarking this amount for the same purpose. The remaining $12 from my transfers is allocated towards purchasing food. Despite grappling with health challenges that sometimes impede my ability to work as a single parent, the financial assistance from the transfers has been instrumental in ensuring the well-being of my daughter.
18th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($23 USD)
access_time 11 months ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I aspire to work towards purchasing a piece of land where I can establish a home for myself and my child. The separation from my husband prompted my return to my maternal home, and while it has been a supportive environment, I recognize the importance of having an independent living space. To achieve this goal, I have been diligently saving $10 every month from the cash transfers. Once the cash transfers conclude, I plan to utilize the accumulated savings to secure a piece of land based on the available funds.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
From the recent cash transfers, I allocated $60 to purchase a goat. Opting for a different breed than the ones commonly reared in our region, I believe that a larger breed could fetch a higher price when they reproduce. This strategic investment aims to generate more funds through the sale of the offspring. Currently, I have two goats acquired through the cash transfers. Additionally, I managed to save $30 through a self-help group. My goal is to steadily accumulate enough money to eventually afford my piece of land. Following my separation from my husband, I relocated to my maternal home. While there haven't been conflicts or challenges in this living arrangement, I believe that having my own home would provide greater convenience for me and my child. The remaining $12 went towards purchasing food.
13th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($25 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
I am a tailor and that is what makes me a living. I do most of this work from home since I cannot afford to rent out a place at the shopping centre. I hope to one day move my business there. My goal at the moment is saving towards acquiring a piece of land at the shopping centre and using that space to put up shops for business. I do not know how much land goes now since the price fluctuates depending on need but I have an informal savings group to which am saving to help me achieve this goal.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
In the month of April I bought a sheep worth $40 but since I did not want to spend my entire transfer on purchasing the animals I made a down payment of $20 to the sheep seller and afterwards added another $20 from my May transfers to clear the balance. The cash I was left with April I spent $4 for my child's school fees and $10 on food. In May I bought a chicken worth $4 and chicken feed worth $2 for my other 5 chicken and I also spent $8 buying food. In the month of June I got a mattress, mine was worn out and not in the best position. I got a mattress worth $25 and I also bought medicine for my goat as well at $7.5 and I got some sugar for tea even as my child goes to school to get something for breakfast.
10th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($26 USD)
access_time over 1 year ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
As I said, I have been struggling to meet my daily needs due to my lack of work. I also separated from my husband, this laid the whole burden of myself and child on me. I ave a small business selling foods such as local doughnuts, also known as 'mahamri' to try and make ends meet. I however need a source of income that can make money even when I cannot make money through working due to illness. I want to add more animals, goats sheep, chicken, which I can sell in the hopes of making some money for use.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I was a tailor who would make her earnings from making and repairing clothes, but since last year I have stopped this business. I have had chest issues that affect my eyes too, and sometimes I cannot see. I require medication monthly to manage the disease. I have been cooking food and selling to try and make ends meet, but it has been an uphill task. I spent $10 from my February transfers to by my medicine. I also have a child in school. I used $5 and $4 from my January and March transfers to pay her school fees. I also saved in January, February and March and bought a sheep. Being that the drought is still persistent, I used $10,$14, $20 from my last three months transfers to sort out food.
6th Payment
Transfer Amount
3470 KES ($28 USD)
access_time almost 2 years ago
How is your life different than it would have been if you never received the transfer?
This year, my four-year-old daughter Nuru will begin school. She is my firstborn, and I want to give her everything. I'm a single mom who currently resides with my mother. My source of income is tailoring, but because of the chest issues I have, I am unable to work at it throughout the day, and as a result, I do not earn much money from it. I plan to start raising chickens and goats in order to supplement our household income and pay for school fees. They are quick to breed, can survive the drought we are experiencing, and are simple to manage.In the future, I intend to sell some of them to generate cash for our expenses
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Providing for my son and myself has been challenging for the last two years after I contracted a chest infection that caused nasal blocks and sneezing. This affects my productivity as a tailor because operating the sewing machine for long hours makes my chest ache so much. In a month, I can make up to $20, which barely affords a month-worth of food for the two of us. This leaves me borrowing food from friends and family for most days of the month, something that usually breaks my heart. When I started receiving the transfers, I made a mission to start buying livestock like goats and chickens to rear them. As they multiply and grow, I can easily sell them to raise funds, especially for my son's school fees, given that he is still in kindergarten. So purchasing a goat and four chickens are how I mostly spent the previous three transfers. From the most recent transfer, I spent $4 on chicken feeds and $5 on precautionary drugs for the goat in case it contracts a respiratory disease that has recently killed livestock in my area. I used $10 to refill my monthly chest medication as prescribed by the doctor. I saved the rest of the money to restock food for my family for when we run out of the little left.
2nd Payment
Transfer Amount
3050 KES ($26 USD)
access_time 2 years ago
In your opinion, what does GiveDirectly do well, and what does it not do well?
I commend the GiveDirectly staff who were very kind, patient, and well-mannered throughout the enrollment process. I recommend the organization increase the monthly stipend. This will help us cope with the sharp rise in essential; commodities such as food.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
I quit my tailoring job three years ago after my health condition deteriorated. My swollen eyes affected my productivity at work. In addition, I developed severe chest pains forcing me to be admitted to the hospital. Currently, I engage in small businesses selling “Chapati and Maandazi” to earn a living. I earn very little (KES 200 per day) which is very little to cater to all my needs (buying food, paying school fees, and medication). When I received my transfer, I paid school fees KES 400 for my child who is in kindergarten. I bought two hens as an investment for the future. I spent the remaining KES 2000 on buying food and water for home use. I bought food in large amounts to ensure that I don’t lack food in the house.
Initial Payment
Transfer Amount
1200 KES ($10 USD)
access_time over 2 years ago
Describe the moment when you received your money. How did you feel?
This is why I spent KES 1,000 from the transfer to purchase the medicine. I used the remaining funds to assist my mother in providing food for the family. I had been waiting for the transfer to help secure my medicine because I had no other source of income. When I finally got it, I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders.
Describe the biggest difference in your daily life since you started receiving payments from GiveDirectly.
Thanks to Give Directly, I am gradually recovering from the chest pains. My medication would have been delayed even further if it had not been for the transfers, thereby worsening my condition. I cannot express how grateful I am for the cash transfer.
What did you spend your most recent transfer(s) on?
Following a health condition that left me with severe chest pains and coughing, I took a break from my tailoring business. So, I have been relying on my mother for provision for the past month. Her charcoal-burning business does not generate enough money to meet basic household needs like food, let alone cover my medication costs. By the time I received the transfer, I had missed two days of medication because there was no money to refill it.
access_time over 2 years ago
What does receiving this money mean to you?
I was married until three years ago when I decided to come back to my maternal home and continue with my life on this side. This happened because my ex-husband moved to Mombasa town in search of a job and disappeared there. It took a whole year without any communication from him or visiting the village. Every effort I made to contact him was futile and eventually I made up my mind to leave. I have been working here in this village as a tailor since then. When I get this money I believe it will lighten the burden of taking my one child to school as I plan to invest in raring goats that I can later resell if need be. It hurt me a lot if I'm unable to send her to school.
What is the happiest part of your day?
My business has been performing poorly for some time now and so I have been just having a hard time with it. I must say there hasn't been much to be happy about given that my child is suppose to start schooling next month and I was hopping that I would be able to make enough money to do the initial payments. The last time I can say I was happy was in December last year when the business was booming because of the festive season. Since the year begun, most of the money I have been spending is what I made within that time.
What is the biggest hardship you've faced in your life?
I have been running a tailoring business in the village which was initially averagely lucrative. But times have changed and at the moment I can't get enough customers to keep me afloat. Basically my business is in the verge of failing and I'm afraid it will if I do not get to change my physical area of operation! Most people in this village are extremely broke which affects a lot the performance of most businesses. I have thought of moving my operation to a place with mixed population where people have jobs and good purchasing power like Mariakani.